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NAME ETERNAL FOR IMPORTANT STAKES NLW IRLLANS. I.-i . March •,. I. W. hfaCIri land plans 1,, -,t ml of most of the horses thai he brought here, with the exception of Sailor, and he i- disposing of the two-year ells a- rapid ly a- he can He has plent. of horses t 1 miTJ hi-eoloi- during the coming racing seueea in the north and east, trainer Charles Hughes h.i on -, big band at Havre ih Brace. While Will tCnllace ha- another divi-ion. chiefly two itr aula, at Churchill Down-. Owner MeCMIaed and trainer Kim Patterson plan a tear of in-p. ctn ,,f |ijs thoroiiglibreil boldlngs in the near future, and Archie Zimmer will look aft.i tiie burses here. Advices received by McClelland arc t. the effect that Eternal, which was ■• sensation a- a two-year-old, and the favorite in la-t -veers Keatuekj Derby, will be able to stand har.i tr. lining again, and he has nominated him iii 111 m ,,f the mi.-t important -takes in America for next spring and summer. a