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GRANT HUGH BROWNE GETS JAIL TERM DETROIT. Mich . March 0 Irani Hugh P.row lie of n -w V. rk, who 1,1 1 1 it the Devonshire Park racing plant it Windsor, int.. wa- todnvj sentenced bj .liid.- Turtle in tin- Federal Court t serve two years ill the Feihral prison. He was convicted of defrauding the government. Raunl Waterkary. formerly a major iu the Lalted stab- army, also convicted, received a sentence of elghtee aths in prison. Browne and other*, ii wa- charged, in May. lino, conspired with Waterkary to pur cha o large quantities of army salvage material at a price which would have netted hundred- of thousands of dollar- profit to the taasntratars Browne la-t summer al-o set nrcd options on a trail of land at La Salle, mar Buffalo, N". Y.. where he had planned lo build a race track. Una erer, the deal fell through when the Jockey club refused to give him a sanction lor the proposed track