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11 RACING DATES FOR 1920 Cuba-American Jockey nnd Auto Club. Havana, Cuba: November 27. IB It, to .March SB, 1020 U07 days. Mutiiels and books. Lower California Jockey Club, Tijuana. Mex.: Resinning Jauu.iry 24 and coutiuuing for 100 or more days. Mutuels. Jefferson Parish Fair Association, Jefferson Park, New Orleans, La. : February IS to March 17 25 days. Oral. Southern Alaryland Agricultural Association, Prince Oeorge Parh, Bowie. Aid.: April I to April lit 13 days. Mutuels. li.irfoni Agricultural ami Breeder* Association. H.ivr.- ite Grace. Aid.: April 16 l» April oO II days. Mu;uchs. Mai viand Jockey Club. Pimlieo. Md. : .May I to Alay IS, 15 days. MulueK Metropolitan Jockey Club, Jamaica. L. L: Alay 18 b. May S 7 days. Oral. OatariB Jockey Club. Woodbine Park. Tnroato, Oot.: May 22 to Alay 29 7 daysl. .Mutuels. Montreal Driving Club, Delorimier Park, Moutiral. Que.: May S3 to May LQ 7 days. Mutuels. AAesfehester Racins Association, Belmont Park, Queeus. L. I. : May 24 to June 12 18 days. Oral. Oorvay Jockey Club. Dorval Park. Montreal, Que.: June 1 to June S 7 days. Mu»Uels. U out real Jockey Club, Rlue nonnets. Montreal. [ Juu 10 to June IT 7 dajs. Mutuels.