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MANY ENTRIES TO PIMLICO STAKES PALTIMOKE Md April r The Pimlko stakes have closed with an exceptionally long list of nomi ¬ nations In the six features including the cVecn Spring Valley Steeplechase there are one thousand and eleven entries with more than eighty different interests represented representedThe The Pimlico Nursery received tin largest number of nominations a total of 37S The Spring Juvenile is next on the lit with 215 and then comes the Preakness with 118 The presence of Man o War in Pimlicos big threeyearold race probably kept down the number of entries to the figures named above Fiftynine entries were made for the Pim ¬ lico Oaks while the Creen Spring Valley Stecplo ohase received sixtyeight sixtyeightThe The order of the running of the Pimlico stakes lias been announced as follows followsPimlico Pimlico Nursery Saturday May 1 1Pimlico Pimlico Spring Handicap Wednesday Hay 5 5Jreen Jreen Spring Aalley Steeplechase Saturday May S SSpring Spring Juvenile Stakes Wednesday May ll llrimlico rimlico Oaks Saturday May 15 15Preakuess Preakuess Stakes Tuesday May IS