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NOMINA TIONS TO SARA TOGA STAKES TOTAL OF 2877 ENTRIES RECEIVED FOR THE VALUABLE VALUABLEAND AND MUCH COVETED ARRAY OF HIGH CLASS CLASSFEATURE FEATURE RACES TO BE RUN NEXT AUGUST XEW YORK X Y April 9 Racing Secretary A McL Earlocker of the Saratoga Racing Associa ¬ tion has made public a list of the nominations for the stakes to be decided at the Saratoga meeting next August Entries for the leading stakes in most cases were better patronized than they were a year ago with tin exception of the Saratoga Merchants and Citizens and tin Huron Handicaps A grand total of 877 entries were received for twentyfight stakes seven of which were earlier closing events the re ¬ maining twentyone closing on March 31 The 0000 Hopeful Stakes for twoyearolds has H3t entries the largest number in any one stake The Inited States Hotel ami the Grand 1nion Hotel Stakes also received over LOO entries each However whatever the important handicaps may be lacking in numeri ¬ cal strength is offset by the high quality of the nominations for them practically all the best horses of the country having been included among the entries Commander Koss has named all his stars including Sir Karton Hilly Kelly War Pennant Koniface and others while the name of the champion twoyearold of lll Man o War appears iu nearly all of them The Hildreth and Whitney cracks as well as those of all the other big racing establishments east and west are also in the following list of the nominations to these important stakes SARATOGA HANDICAP 3000 ADDED 3yearolds and upward 1 14 Miles MilesWilliam William Kooths Gladiator GladiatorKronx Kronx Stables War God GodE E R Uradleys Py Golly GollyP P A Clarks Diiiiboyne DiiiiboyneC C W Clarks Pictor and Sway SwayClifford Clifford A Cochrans liersagliere and Fairy Wand WandW W K Coes Natural Hridge Over There Armis ¬ tice David Ilaruni Star Court and Cleopatra CleopatraThomas Thomas Cooks Jack Stuart StuartC C M Garrisons He Frank FrankS S C Ilildreths Purchase Lucullito Mad Mutter ThnndPrciap vonf Tassel andCIrnis W Jacksons War Plume PlumeMonfort Monfort Jones Kouleau KouleauFrank Frank J Kelleys Pastoureau and Krtinetto II IIWillis Willis Sliarpe Kilmers Clinrhino and Extermi ¬ nator natorJefferson Jefferson Livingstons Pcaumarais PcaumaraisGeorge George W Lofts On Watch WatchA A K Macombers Star Master and Koyce Kools KoolsW W Martins Pridesman PridesmanJerry Jerry J Mahers Tornado and The Trump TrumpC C F Marshalls Courtship CourtshipMrs Mrs C K Moores Cromwell CromwellJ J W McClellands Prince Pal PalThomas Thomas C McDowells St Augustine AugustineE E I McLeans The Porter and Siren Maid MaidNorth North Shore Stables May Roberts RobertsJ J W Parrishs Midway MidwayMrs Mrs W A Primes Trojan TrojanSamuel Samuel Koss Gnome and Sea Rock RockCommander Commander J K L Ross Sir Itarton War Pen ¬ nant Itilly Kelly Honiface King Thrush and Faisan Dore DoreMorton Morton L Schwartzs Audacious AudaciousWilliam William A Siieas Ormouda OrmoudaC C A Stonehiims The Young Cavalier CavalierThe The Peach Stables Sunny Slope SlopeW W Y Thraves Miuto II IIH H P Whitneys Damask Wildair John P Grier tpset Leviathan Amaze Vexatious Cobwebs Afternoon and Dr Clark ClarkGeorge George I Widencrs Iinus IinusK K T Wilsons Hannibal HannibalSARATOGA SARATOGA CUP 83000 ADDED Weight for Age 1 34 Miles MilesE E Alvarezs Ilerron IlerronX X K Reals Sandy Peal PealWilliam William Pooths Gladiator GladiatorGeorge George II Hulls Kilearn KilearnP P A Clarks Diiiiboyne and Sarmalion SarmalionG G A Cochrans Hersagliere HersagliereW W K Coes Natural Kridge Over There David Ilarnm and Cleopatra CleopatraA A II Diazs Hlne Wrack WrackC C M Garrisons He Frank FrankGlen Glen Kiddle Farms Man o War WarII II II Hewitts Travesty TravestyS S C Ilildreths Purchase LueulUle Mad llaller Thunderclap and Cirrus CirrusMonfort Monfort Jones Rouleau and Ethel Gray GrayFrank Frank H Kelleys Pastonreau and Irnnette II IIWillis Willis Sliarpe Kilmers Exterminator ExterminatorGeorge George W Lofts On Watch and Doiinacona DoiinaconaJ J J Mahers Xolawu and Tin Trump TrumpThomas Thomas Monahans Henry G GMrs Mrs C K Moores Cromwell CromwellJ J W McClellands Prince Pal PalNorth North Shore Stables St Allan and May Roberts RobertsKal Kal Parrs Plaes PlaesJ J W Parrishs Midway MidwayMrs Mrs W A Primes Trojan TrojanSamuel Samuel Ross Gnome GnomeCommander Commander J K L Ross King Thrush Faisan Dore Royal Jester Hilly Kelly Sir Harlon and War Pennant PennantMorton Morton L Schwartzs Audacious AudaciousWilliam William A Sheas Ormouda OrmoudaC C A Stonehams The Young Cavalier and Piff Hang HangThe The Heach Stables Sunny Slope SlopeJ J S Tyrees The Maenab MaenabEdward Edward M Welds Carpet Sweeper SweeperH H P Whitneys Damask Wildair John P Grier Ipset Leviathan Amaze and Vexatious VexatiousR R T Wilsons Hannibal HannibalMERCHANTS MERCHANTS AND CITIZENS HANDICAP 3000 3000ADDED ADDED 3yearolds and upward 1 31C Miles MilesA A L Astes Double Eye EyeWilliam William Hooths Gladiator GladiatorHronv Hronv Stables War Sod SodE E R Hradleys Ky Golly GollyCharles Charles W Clarks Pictor and Sway SwayGifford Gifford A Cochrans Hersagliere HersagliereW W R Coes Natural Kridge Over There David Ilaruni Armistice and Cleopatra CleopatraThomas Thomas Cooks Jack Stuart StuartA A II Diazs Hints Wrack WrackC C M Garrisons He Frank FrankGlon Glon Riddle Farms Man o War Diuna Care Dream of the Valley aiid Spinaway SpinawayS S C Ilildreths Purchase Lucullite Mad Hatter Thunderclap Corn Tassel and Cirrus CirrusFrank Frank J Kelleys Pastoureau and Hrunette II IIWillis Willis Sliarpe Kilmers Exterminator ExterminatorA A K Macombers Star Master and Royce Rools William ilaitins Bridesman Jerry J Mahers Old Kocuijr Nolawn and The Trump TrumpC C F Marshalls Courtship CourtshipMrs Mrs C K Moores Cromwell CromwellThomas Thomas C McDowells SI Augustine AugustineE E P McLeans The Purler and Siren Maid MaidNorth North Shore Stables May Roberts RobertsJ J W Parrishs Midway MidwaySamuel Samuel Ross Gnome and Sea Rock RockCommander Commander J 1C L Ross Sir Itarton War Pen ¬ nant Honiface Hilly Kelly King Thrush and Faisan Dore DoreJohn John Sanfords Pontypridd and Cordelier CordelierMi Mi lpuL Schwartz Vudauioiis William A Sheas Ormonila OrmonilaC C A Stonehams The Young Cavalier CavalierThe The Heach Stables Sunny Slope SlopeW W Y Thraves Miuto II IIJ J S Tyrees The Maenab MaenabEdward Edward M Welds Carpet Sweeper SweeperII II P Whitneys Damask Wildair John P Grier Ipset Leviathan Amaze Vexatious CobwYbs Afternoon and Dr Clark ClarkGeorge George D Widcncrs Lanius LaniusIt It T Wilsons Thunderclap Wyoming and Han ¬ nibal nibalMILLER MILLER STAKES Formerly Kenner Stakes 2500 ADDED 3yearolds 1 316 Miles MilesN N K Peals Sandy Heal HealAVilliam AVilliam Hooths Gladiator and Neddam NeddamRobert Robert Howers Grand Slam SlamE E R Hradleys Ky Golly GollyGeorge George II Hulls Kilearn KilearnP P A Clarks Sanitation SanitationG G A Cochrans Kersaglicre KersaglicreW W R Coes Armistice David llarum and Oleo patra patraDosoris Dosoris Stables Lovely LovelyGlen Glen Kiddle Stables Man o War WarE E X K Harrimans Feodor FeodorS S C Ilildreths Domiuiiuc and Krewer KrewerMrs Mrs Walter M Jeffords Golden Hroom HroomMonfort Monfort Jones Rouleau and Ethel Gray GrayFrank Frank J Kelleys Frank W and Drumfire DrumfireKilraue Kilraue Stables Irish Dream DreamGeorge George W Lofts On Watch and Doiinacona DoiinaconaJames James MaiManns Padriac PadriacJ J W Mays ViceChairman ViceChairmanThomas Thomas Monahans King Albert 1 W McClellands Prince Pal Hasten On The Trout and Richelieu RichelieuThomas Thomas C McDowells High Command and Dis ¬ tinction tinctionEdward Edward H McLeans Siren Maid MaidNorth North Shore Stables May Roberts RobertsOak Oak Ridge Stables Sea Mint MintRal Ral Parrs Hlazcs and Paul Jones JonesQnincy Qnincy Stables Anniversary and Captain Alcock AlcockSamuel Samuel Ross Herd Girl and Toueanot ToueanotCommander Commander J K L Ross King Thrush Irish Dancer Faisan Dore Royal Jester Trench Mortar and Constancy ConstancyWalter Walter 1 Salmons Hobey Kaker KakerJohn John Sanfords Pontypridd and Cordelier CordelierC C A Stonehams Hiff Hang HangH H P Whitneys Damask Wildair John P Grier Leviathan Amaze and Dr Clark ClarkGeorge George I Wideuers White Socks SocksK K T Wilsons Round Robin RobinW W J Youngs Captain Mac A compare list of sta for Saratoga for the yean lit and PtlO Saratoga Handicap Sl 70 70Sa Sa ra toga Cup CO COChamplain Champlain Handicap so 7ii 7iiMerchants Merchants and Citizens Handicap S3 71 71Delaware Delaware Ilandicai 103 Amsterdam selling I3 SI SICalskill Calskill selling lit 78 78Miller Miller formerly the Kenner 7 H Expectation new stake i1 i1Huron Huron Handicap 73 IM IMSaraitac Saraitac Handicap S S9 S9Mohawk Mohawk selling Ii3 17 17Seneca Seneca selling it 12 12Travels Travels iOS 1 1Alabama Alabama for mares 1 4 4rnited rnited States Hotel HH 2M Grand Union Hotel Jti Spinaway for fillies 113 113Grab Grab Hag Handicap subscriptions 10 ii iiHopeful Hopeful Saratoga Special subscriptions Adirondack Handicap 1 1Sanford Sanford Memorial 1 1Flash Flash 130 li Albany Handicap KM liS liSSchuylerville Schuylerville for fillies 94 134 134Troy Troy selling 00 7 Kentucky selling for fillies 7i i Total number of entries to 28 stakes stakeslOlO lOlO 1SI19 Gain in 1920 1ltt 1lttIn In 1919 geldings were eligible for the Traversi In 1920 geldings are barred V