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HAVRE DE GRACE The horses which seem best in Mondays races are areHavre Havre do Grace Mil April 17 1 Superwoman IYruwood Lady Granite Aunt Deila Machine dinner Hepeat Hepeatt t Haok Iay Ouicu King Worth I Lady Irummel His Choice Head Over Heels Heelsr r J K L HOSS KXTHY Hoyco Hools War WarMask Mask MaskLord Lord Herbert Firing Line Siesta 7 1addy Dear Imhdence Peerless One OneT T 1C Lynch LynchXew Xew York llmiilicaii llmiilicaiiXKW XKW VOHK X Y April 17 1 Intrigante Cullinan Lady Granite Moon MoonGlow Glow Aunt Deila Morning Face Machine Gunner GunnerMary Mary Krb 3 Subahdar Marion liollius Onieo Cirenlate 1 His Choice Lady Hrnmmel Head Over Heels HeelsKubidium Kubidium SIR HAHTOV Hilly Kelly Ticklish Hovee HoveeHools Hools Herlin Dorcas Verity Antoinette AntoinetteIndolence Indolence Iaddy Dear Solid Itoek AVater proof proofKuilalos Kuilalos IIiuilicii IIiuiliciiIlFFAlO IlFFAlO X Y April 17 1 Intrigante Moon Glow Cullinan Fallacy Aunt Deda Uepeat Machine Gunner Morn ¬ ing Face 3 Subahdar Marion Hollins Charlie Siiinniv SiiinnivOnico Onico 1 His Choice Lady rrummel Head Over Heels Virginia L SIK HAUTOV Hilly Kelly Hoyce Hools HoolsTicklish Ticklish TicklishDorcas Dorcas Lord Herbert Verity Sunny Hill Waterproof Indolence Iaddy Dear Austi AustiObserver Observer Handicap HandicapSiiperwoman Siiperwoman Intrigante Fernwood Cullinan Aunt Deda Machine Gunner Morning Face FaceHepeat Hepeat HepeatOrderly Orderly Onico Subahdar Hack Hay His Choice Head Over Heels Virginia L I K L HOSS EXTKY Hoyce Hool Ticklish TicklishAVar AVar Mask MaskIjird Ijird Herbert Dorcas Verity Siesta Indolence Willdo Austral Waterproof WaterproofConsensus Consensus of Handicaps HandicapsIntrigante Intrigante Stipcrwomau Fern wood woodAunt Aunt Deda Machine Gunner Moiiing Face FaceSubahdar Subahdar Marion Hollins Onico OnicoHis His Choice Lady Hrummel Head Over Heels HeelsSIU SIU HAKTOX Hilly Kelly Koyce Hools HoolsLord Lord Herbert Dorcas Herlin HerlinIndiilence Indiilence Waterproof Iaddy Dear