Should Breed Own Troop Horses: New York State Constabulary Have Fifty Fine Examples at Their White Plains Station., Daily Racing Form, 1920-05-14


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SHOULD BREED OWN TROOP HORSES Kew York State Constabulary Have Fifty Fine Ex ¬ amples at Their White Plains Station The work of breeding their own mounts inaugu ¬ rated three years ago liy the New York State Con ¬ stabulary is going nn with an even greater degree success than wns hoped for liy those responsible for tin experiment Thoroughbred sires from The Jockey Clubs breeding bureau were loaned for the work at the four stations Katavia Syracuse Ailiany and White Plains and there are as a re ¬ sult of the plan upward of fifty fine yearlings nd foals at the latter point Sergeant W II Koyce an able horseman has particular charge of tho breeding and develoinnent of the troop horses of tlu future futureMr Mr Frank 1C Stnrgis chairman of the liceeding Iureaii paid a visit to the White Plains station a few days ago and was much pleased with the way in which the experiment was being carried on It vas most interesting said Mr Sturgis to note the manner iu which the thoroughbred had trans nitted his qualities Though many of Hie dams vere coarse and of purely crub origin their off ¬ spring had desirable qualities and I believe many fine horses will be at the disposal of the service when the colts have matured The yearlings and foals by Oyama are especially worthy of mention I didnt set a single one that didnt have a good shoulder and the hocks of nis colts are of the best It is a pity that he is not available for further use at the station but we shall find an ¬ other good horse to replace him as the work is too important to let lapse for even a single ssea scn scnNearly Nearly all of the State Constabulary breeding material is now assembled at White Plains It is most interesting and enlightening from a horse ¬ mans viewpoint to inspect the various types of mares that have produced to such horses as Fashion Plate Marse Henry Oyama Otis and Pharaoh The bulk of the dams are of cold blood They wrre picked up in Missouri at a low figure when the Constabulary came into being three years ago agoIt It must be said for the mares that they have stood lip to their work in tlo troop most capably and whoa put to breeding huvcv in the man proved good mothers Their produce show the re ¬ fining influence of the thoroughbred sire and in the band now at White Plains are some individuals that would do for horse show development This is particularly true of a gelding by Otis dam a bay mare which gives evidence of blood in her sleping shoulder hi h withers and finely modeled head Her foal has more quality than anything else on the place barring a couple of clean brcds and he should be a inodM trooper mount when frlly grown In every instance the foals were an improvement on their dam better shoulders longer necks and a finer quality of bone and fiber fiberOYAMA OYAMA POPULAR AS A SIRE SIREOyama Oyama one of the best stallions used iu the voik died recently at White Plains He was by Commando Pen My Chree by Galopin and a horse of good size and bone For these qualities ho had made many friends among the breeders of the district outside mares having been ac ¬ cepted by the Constabulary with a view to arous ¬ ing interest in the community for their work Oyama has been replaced by the upstanding four yearold Chief La liy by King James dam ISoss lare by Sempronius whose third dam Koseville rrodueed Ken Prush the sire of Kroomstick This solidcolored sixteenone hand horse has everything that is needed to got troop Worses His muscular development back of the saddle is fine His hind leg could not be improved upon being extremely straight with a big strong hock While not de ¬ ficient in the shoulder additional age will develop hir withers and then he is going to be a hard horse to beat in looks His cannon bones are short and there is a wellfluted tendon back of plenty of good flat bone boneIt It is the intention of Major George Fletcher Chandler head of the Constabulary to send Fashion Plate by Woolsthorpo from the Syracuse station ti White Plains as there are probably one hun ¬ dred mares to be bred th re this spring taking outside patronage into consideration considerationFashion Fashion Plate won the Metropolitan Handicap in the colors of Mr II K Knapp who presented him to the bureau His stock has been uniformly good and there are many fine horses by him in the vicinity of Derby in Erie County Many gentle ¬ men having estates in Westchester County and the adjoining county of Fairfield in Connecticut have been sending their hunter dams to White Plains in the past liiul judging from the inquiries which re coining in daily the breeding bureau will soon be called upon for a third sire in this district districtFor For the manner in whicii the horse breeding interest is developing iu and around White Plains that region will soon be second to the Jemsee Valley where most of The Jockey Clubs bureau work has been done in the past In the Valley thr Federal authorities have tendered valuable aid believing that from it will come cavalry material second to none and it is a sign of the times when the chief protective influence of the Umpire State falls in line for a trooper is just as good as his iionnt There are many fine men in the service and their horses should match them in efficiency eturage and the other qualities which have made the organization indispensable

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