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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY The Supreme Court yesterday held that federal tcKstitutional amendments can not be submitted f r ratifieation to a referendum vote iu the states having referendum provisions in their constitutions The court declared inoperative the Ohio stave con ¬ stitutional referendum amendment in so far as it affects ratifications of federal amendment The court failed again to decide the validity of the prohibition amendment and portions of the enfoice nunt act ami recessed until next Monday when the present term will close closeTlie Tlie first day of June augured a busy month for tlii lawyers and judges in the Criminal Court where forty persons are now on tlie docket charged with murder Yesterday morning seventeen alleged slayers faced the judges in the various branches o the court and prosecuting attorneys declared tlist the deatli penalty will be demanded ill nearly every case caseTlie Tlie name of Wood row Wilson will not be pre ¬ sented to the Democratic national convention at San Francisco for his third nomination for the piesideney This much lias been agreed upon between the President and Homer Cumminss chair ¬ man of tlie Democratic national committee who left Washington jesterday for the Golden Gate GateHerman Herman J Blumsoii i years old who came to the United States a rug peddler and fled Chicago for South Africa after lie had swindled local banks out of 200000 as head of the Star Cereal ami Milling Company pleaded guilty before Judge Kcr stcn in the Criminal Court and was sentenced to from one to ten years in the penitentiary penitentiaryTlie Tlie Amerieaii speed record for a sixpiissenser airplane is claimed by Let Moiis wh 5 yesterday piloted a Lirsen allmetal monoplane in i mill stop flight to Philadelphia and back as the final outdoor event of the third PanAmerican Aero iiivticai congress He covered the 120 miles i 59 minutes 34 seconds secondsPresident President Wilson has offered to send hospital ships nurses doctors and medical supplies to Vera Cruz immediately to assist in combating tlie bu ¬ bonic plague which lias made its appearance there eleven authenticated casts having developed to date and five deaths resulting resultingFederal Federal control of wheat and wheat products ended yesterday the wheat director ceasing to function under the limitation of the law creating hi rffiei and the food administration control end in by proclamation of President Wilson WilsonKlihti Klihti Boot Amerieaii member of the organising committee of the permanent court of International justice of the league of nations sailed yesterday to attend the first meeting of the committee in Lon Oou two weeks hence