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SUPERIOR SUPERIORRATING RATING FORM 25 Cents Daily Mailed Two Weeks 300 One Month 95 95STJPERIOR STJPERIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY 333 South Dearborn Street Chicago IllinoU LOOK LOOK LOOKSATURDAYS SATURDAYS COMMISSION HORSES HORSESFRIZLET FRIZLET 10001 WON WONBILLIE BILLIE B 330200 3RD 3RDADVERTISED ADVERTISED GETAWAY SPECIAL SPECIALCLAQUER CLAQUER 1300500 WON WONWell Well it certainly was a great day and we also gave a number of other goodpriced winners both at Hamilton and Yonkcrs but the above were the ones that counted It was the specials that had to win for us usTOD TOD A YS YSCOMMISSION COMMISSION NORSK NORSKAgain Again looks like the real stuff ISoth are primed to the minute and out Clocker says to JO ST1IOXG Only 25 cents centsPRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL AGENTS AGENTSLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE KY EILER GOODMAN 227 Fourth Ave AveST ST LOUIS MO WILLIAM LASER Lobliy 705 Market St StST ST LOIUS MO FOSTER BOOK CO 410 Wash ¬ ington St StCINCINNATI CINCINNATI OHIO All Principal Newsstands NewsstandsDAYTON DAYTON OHIO MR EUPHRAT 129 South Jef ¬ ferson St StINDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS IND MOSLEIN 112 Illinois St