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ily Darter "Winter Kotl. Dally Except Xoaday Balaace of tie Tear. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISH1HGC0. Plymouth cotot :: chioago, ill. ni EXCHANGE STREET ;; BUFFALO,- If. Y. itered as second-class matter, April 2, 1896, at tffl fKatottice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ot March 3. 18791 NEW YORK CITY OFFICE, 157-159 East Thirty-second Street. All dealers supplied from this office. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. For sale at all hotels and news-stands. ItT-SC-IPTTONS MUST BE PAIS IN ADVANCE. Per Week ...;......;........$ 1.00 Per Month 8J00 Half Year .................. 15.00 One Year 30.00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters first-class mail. BACK NUMBERS TEN CENTS EACH. If sent by mail first-class only twelve cents: Dally Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as first-class mail in all cases. .Local subscriptions outside the down-town districtwill be declined at other than first-class mail matter rates. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. . To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form must be sent over the full name and with the address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. Editor and Proprietor, F. H. BruneU. Associate Editor, Clinton 0. Riley. Secretary, Mrs. F. H. Brunell. A Dally Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. ST. LOUIS, MO., OFFICE. PONTIAO BLDG.. 7TH AND MARKET STREETS. Win. Laser, General Agent. Bell Phone, Olive 4055. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. CINCINNATI, 0., OFFICE. 720 MAIN ST. Heverfn News Company, General Agent, successors to W. S. Manns. TelephoneCanal 1877. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. DETROIT, MICH., OFFICE, 85 CONGRESS ST. West, Corner Wayne Street. :L,Grosscupr General Agent. Telephones Main 3252; City 32520 Back numbers and monthly books supplied. LOUISVILLE, KY., OFFICE, 222 WJr GREEN ST. Heverin News Company, General Agent. Telephone. City 2077. Back numbers, monthly books, Annuals and Manuals supplied. SAN FRANCISCO, GAL. Johnson News Company, 71 Turk Street. Back numbers can be obtained; TORONTO. ONT., OFFICE, 72 BAY STREET. W. A. Hewitt, General Agents Telephones: . Adelaide 1205, Adelaide 2200, North 2829. Back- numbers, monthly books. Annuals and Manuals supplied. BUTTE, MONT.: Kecfc Bros., 27 West Park Street. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 18, 1920.