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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 486 NEW ORLEANS. La.. December.. IS. Saturdays training gnlloiis at tlie local courses included the following: JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. lS4-Botheration ...3S G. King 41 4S5-Brown Check ..3! 484-Sweet Libert v .38 473-Enos 373. 483-Tony ....37 483- Jngo :!. 4S1-War Club 30 Half Mile. 454- Claquer .-473 473-Harvey Smarr r.t 171-Douglass S. ...54 470-Nebraska TAVr, lS2-Dancer r,2 Sea Board 51 i 4S0-Frank Wilson 53. 4S3-Thtirs. Nighter 04 Five -Eighths. Mile. 453- Secretary ...1:07 4S3-Tipiw Sahib .1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 485-Domingo 1:18 4S1-Pansy Dlosml:20 481-Gonoral 1:18 181-Retreat 1:10 207-1 Am First.. 1:18 IS5-S:iuto 1:18 457-Mad. Lillian lMSth 4S4-Yaphank l:is 4S0-N. K. Deal..l:lSiii One Mile. 473-Capital City 1:". 4S4-Indolence ...1:40 480- Dr. Shafer ..1:415 4S4-Lowell l:.-.3 412-Flibrtygbet 1 :.-, 484-Master Fox .1:40 455- Glen Well ..1:13 Glen Well was under restraint. Retreat worked well. Indolence is iu good condition. Jago lias his speed. Tippo Sahib should show well iu the near future. Yaphank could have worked faster. FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy; track fust Threo-Eighths Mile. 407-British Liner .371i ISI-Marie Maxim .37 478-Hidden Ship ..41 4S4-Selma G 30 484- Lucy Kate ID 4S4-Tenite 30 471- I.onely 38 Half Mile. 477-Anticipate ."4 221-Hazel W Til 4lii-Apple Jack ...51 485-Lusmore ."3 48-1 -Bobby Allen ...". 4S4-Magikon 4S 481- Crystal Ford . .511, .-. 4S4-Malva 50 and 454- Capt. Hershler ". 484-Polythia 50 312-Dominicau . . . .?, 4St-Parader 55 484-Episode .". 484-RoseeIiff .". 481-Finger P.owl ..51 If. .pHI-The Decision ..".3 484-lIadrian 4! 47SI-Wedgwood 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 150- Approval 1:0.". Paul Connollyl :07 48.-Captain Mac l:053 4S4-Rancoeas ...1:05 4S2-Lottery 1:0.". 482-Tipford 1:03 233-L. Longfelw 1:H ir.ii-Turf 1:05 484-Midian 1:00 4M-Cnited Verdel:07 480- Magic Castle 1:11 484-Yung Ching..l:0rif, Three-Quarters Mile. lS2-Amern Maid 1:21 481-Plato 1:17 151- Assuine 1:1! 482-Pirate Mc;ecl:21 " 48t-I!enevolent ..1:25 47!-Rainbow Girl 1:17 4S2-Chief 1:10 483-Rufus Riley 1:17 481- Iaydue 1:17 4S2-Romany l:H;;-. 452- David Craig .1:1S 4S0-Spcelar Girl 1:18 47!l-Elizabeth M. 1:18 4Sr.-Saminy Kellyl:22 48t-;rouse 1:17 484-St. Isidore ..1:1! 4S4-lIeioisme 1:17 47.".-Tst Official 1:22 453- .Terry 1:1 ll-Thunderbird .1:1! 4S0-.IoIin Arbor A:r,- 2C:!-Trackstar ...1:18 4S3-KelH 1:21 Tactless 1:21 4S3-Louis A 1:1!!-. 4S1-Teach.s Pet IMS 4SO-Mark West .1:1! 484-Veteran 1:22 484-Mavourneen .1:17;-. 478-Veiity 1:21 4S3-pportunity .1:2.5 185-Wad. s Last 1:18 472- Ohl P.rwiin ..1:24 One Mile. 481- Brickley 1:47 4S-I-L. Emniline 1:52. ISi-Challenger ...l:-ll!f. 45-Mau-uet Land 1:48 484-CIieer Leader 1:14 485-Pliaiaris 1:45 . 20l-Col. Lit 1:47 484-Pictof 1:14V- 483-Dr. Cmpbe.ll l:4!l 4C.1-Spearlene ...1:4! 477-Gu le Cuusel:l!i 4i;7-Sea Irchin ..1:17 482- Grove A 1:47 484-Veto 1 :45 ; 480-Jack Reeves 1:51 480-Wliite Star .1:45 St. Germain worked well. Hadrian is in good condition. Tenite showed good speed. Herolsme and Daydue went together on even terms. apt. Hershler is doing well. White Star did useful work. Lucky D. is in goud condition for racing. Rufus Riley was under restraint all the way. Honolulu Boy seems good and fit. Cuited Verde is Hearing racing condition, lictor gives promise of returning to bis best form. Veto seems at bis best. Cheer Leader could have worked faster, ihariaris was in band all the way.