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SUCCESSORS OF TWO DEAD OFFICIALS In place of Vise, .lute Ph.* us .1. Iaul and II. Maurice de Gheeat the Kuciete de* steeplechases ii.- France have elected to the committee Baron de .N.xoii and M. Anuainl-A.hille Koiihl. Rath an- snril-kaewa spertaaaea. da Nixon betas alee a asratber of the mauaittee ■ f the Societe de Siv rt de Fiaie. . He is a breeder and owner of raetaS atack, an excellent horseaMB and eutieuiaii rider. As hwg ago as UOt he radw las first winner, while- he was also teen in tin- saddle duiine, t,iie past ractag aeaaoa. At the Haras .1. Nexnii, founded b his raadfatber In 183J. many arhaaari 1jhv« beu bred. M. Kould is the youiiKesi BMarher of the Stwplo , base Society. With him. baa, sport is ii furuily trsditiou. lie. too. is a breeder of bloodstock, an owner of racers, and a gentleman rider, havtag occupied the first place on the French list in 1911. He is also- uu expert in agricultural affairs.