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HILDRETH AND HORSES AT JOBSTOWN NKW rORK, N. Y.. .Liuuaiy !t. Samuel Mil dr. th has shaken off the illness, which confined him to his bqtel, sjuce In- has got into work among the hones at his Raacocaa Farm. Jobs tow a, N. .1. The track there i~ in fin. ndition and with the heracq and general work, of which there is a good deal goiag on at Kancocas, 1 1 t h is about himself again and eajoriag Ids activity. Th. horses in the Hil.lreth stable look and work well. Purchase is inking daily exercise and going soaadlj aad i.rey Lag. which was sore and Becky last fall. i sboWtag the .ptality he was suspected of Boaseaaing. The entire Jobstowa staff is in love with the fine chestnut son of Star Sln ol and Mi-s Minnie. Corn TBssel is wintering well and bids fair to be a cracker among the handicap division of 1!U1 Thaadfrrlap isnt. It amy be that the raciag public have mm the last of the fast Vnlcan Pan.lana gelding. Luciilliie. D mini. pi.- and Inch cape are all a! Wlk. fresh, strinx and SOUBd lllchcape isnt like the s-iiue coll of the late summer. All in all. Hil.lreth is in love with his Jobstowa job and it is extremely unlikely that lie or his horses will .. to Hot Springs. Ark., as was in tend. .1. and where quarters :ne ready for them. All the liil.lretli stable staff is at Jobstowa with its master and Ukelj to winter there.