Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-10


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1 I I ! | i | I • j I I I i ! 1 , I I i I 1 TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Friday. January 7. 1921.— Thirtj eighth ila.. I.mo-r California Jockey club. Winter Meeting of 125 or men- days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coffroth and Boon Wing, starter. Barry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Boon Wing. Racing -tarts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago tune 8:50. KOO77 First Race— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916— *" u 1:38—3—95. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Flu. Jockey. Straight. 52 10S*May worth 1"". 1" II Marinelll 230 ihi 52238** Maud M. 108 ! Bow I -HO 51838 Mighty Lever MS 3s W Hinph n2190-100 52 108 : Mistake IIS V J Class 3OM00 52211* Saili l !". r.1 Willis 2240-100 52128*Ardencla 105 Si T Kindle 120*8-100 52 192 Flor*ce Cliae 113 7- A Zehrler IOS3O-100 52211 Alice Carr 108 si J Clements M 52192 Liatal 113 :•- B Pinnegar 52192 -Centei ville p:s P R Carter 188-M Tuscan 11s Iui.lp. .1 Robertson ; 51978 Helnian 110 Left D Hum I28C-1O0 fMiitml field. ntutnela paid. Mayworth, seen straight, 40 place. .20 show; Maud M.. 2.00 place, 1921.sh.08 shew: Mighty Lever, .08 show. Equivalent booking odds Mayworth, 230 lo Inn straight. 120 to lot place, 110 to 108 s|,ow : Maud M . 500 to 100 place, 200 t. 108 shew: Might] Lexer. 300 to 108 show. Time. 1:434;,. Track fast. Winner San Diego Stables b. as. 5, by Brnasmel Bin-la. by l lie Card trained by W. T. Andesson; bred by Mr. U A. l.ynel. Weni to post at iro. At posi 1 minute, start good and slow for all but Helnian. Won easily; seei nd and third driving. Overweights Might] Lever, :; pounds; Sadie n 3. ViAtitv KOO70 Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Fcb x 1920—1:13—6—122. Purse S5C0. 4-ycar-clds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. S100: third. 0. Bqniv. Odds. Ind. Borne. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 52083 Steh-liff |15 |s F Chiavetta 1900-100 52239 Andre K 108 El L Hum 570 101 52240 Concha l i :;:: C Whittington NO-100 !52128.;. Muehlebhllj P « Y Hinpliy 3910-100 52242 Miss Sedaiia b r,-; R Carter 200-lOH 52210-Sau.r IM P O Willis 209-10 52214 Ev. HarriganlOe 7 A Zelgler 5920-100 S2 mntnels paid, SteWiff, 841.80 straight, is.ln place. 85.80 -how: Audrey K . .00 place. .80 show ; tonclttt, S2.Sn slio . 1 . n 1 1 -. : 1 1 . ■ 1 1 1 booking odds- Btekliff. 1800 lo 108 straight, 820 t« KMi place, ion t.. inn show: Andrej K.. :-:.n to 108 place, 140 0 100 -how: Concha, 40 to 100 sis v. . Time. 1:46 5. Track fast. Winner— W, C. Wennts b. . 12, by Clifford -I Antstel, by Potomac trained ] W. C. Wennt; bred by Mr. John Banford. Winl to post at 2:ls. At post 1 minute. Star! good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched- 52258 French Nur-e. ins; .-.i i »:i JJoa tana Belle. Ids Overweights c as. :: poaads. 5 9 9 7Q Th;rl Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. |W««f« j 1920— 1: 131 5— 6— 122. Purse S500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. B niiv. Odds. Ind. 11 is t. Pin. .Io,key. Straight. 520X6-Cav. lour II. no I2 B Marinelll 390-100 52193 Ii, .noliilii H8 P* C DUKKili 410-100 S2102BoresH IIS ".. P Martines SOOO-W 52240*Hunusu M P Rowe TSO-100 52083-B. l»r- u 118 ■• .1 Roouey 120-18 52190 Man lie |«g .; G Tearghi S-SW 52238*1. inks Lady 103 7 I Kindle WS0-10n mntnels pai-l. Cavalcadour II., .00 «trnlirht. .80 plac. .20 show; Uaaolata, .0$ place. .20 show; Barean, .00 show. Raoniralent booking »ddt Cavakadaar II.. 300 10 100 ttraight, 90 to 100 place. 60 to 100 "how; Honolulu. 17o lo 100 place. 80 to 108 "hew : ShMTaM lsij to KK.I show. Time. 1:46. Track fast. Wiaaer — /.. r. McGregors b. g, 5. by Verdant Am.i7.one in., by Ladas trained by /.. B. McGreg r: bred in France by B.non Maurice de Rothschild. Weal to po-t at 2:4.".. At post 1 minute. Start good aad slow Won easily; necoad and third driving. Scratched— 52240 Stanley S.. In.",. unauv KOOQf Fourth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1. 05 5—3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-old? and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: tiiird. 0. Hpiiv. Odd-. Ind. II me. Wt. Fia. Jockey. Straight. 1 52174 Van. Welles 101 r F Chiavetta i -i 52174 B. U. Owen Hi J M Matthews SSO-lOl 52171 Walter Mack "• C Whittington BO-Pd 52195 Rlposta B I P Martlnea 0S0*M 5196l*.li.lia 181 :•, B Marinelll 1210-108 51583 Cicely Kay ME I C Gro 6330-180 45920 Foxy Grifl i"v 7 W Hinph N80-10 mntnels paid, Vanessa Welles, s..i.n straight. .80 place, s.. m show: Robert I.. Owen, .00 piace, S2.su show: Walter Mack, .O0 show. iliiiiahni 1m ,, kin- odds— Vanessa Wellcn, lsn 100 straight, io to Km place, in to Id show: Robert B. Owen, sii to 100 place. 40 lo IM show ; Walter Mack. 50 to 108 show. Time. 1:07. Track fast. Winner— W. C WeanCs eh. in, 8, by Dick Welles Vanessa, by Belvidere i trained by W. c. Weaat; bred by Mr. Than. Biatt I. Went to post at 3:07. At post 1 minute. Btarl good and Slow Won easily: BCCOBd and third driving. Overweights -Foxy Griff. 1 pound: Cicely Kay. $. ciu-l 9981 Flfth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. 5100; third. 0. Bnuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52100 Baby Cal IM 1- B MarlneUI 120-MW 522 It Examiner 11. 2 M Slaughter 3850-1©"* 52263 Cork 1 HI " Willis 5S9-K0 52195 Tilb.tsoii 117 1 N Foden 8S28-10S 52240 Baby Sister Is ."- P Martin I IS 52240 Shenandoah ! • :i 6 C Duggan 200-10 mntuem paid. Baby Cal. si.m straight, -20 place. .80 si,..w: Examiner, 1.40 place. .00 show; Cork. .80 show. Equivalent booking adda Baby Cal, ISO la HJ0 straight. 00 to 100 place, OS to 108 -hew: Examiner. 47o to IW place. 150 lo MO -how: Cork. On bo Ki ■baa . Time. 1:47. Track fast. Winner w. c. Weaats b. ;.-. B, b. Doraate— Bepita. b Hanover trained by W. c Weaat; bred by Mr. F. A. Porsytbe. Went to pool at 3:32. Al post 1 minute. Btarl ood and slow. Won easily; sect nd and third dri in::. Scratched 52100 lass a.. 105. 9989 Sisth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— u a to on jhllft, $ HQ. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ?420: second. 20: third, 0. Btrnhr. Odds. Ind. Hone. Wt. lin. Jockey. Straight. 52216 Bturdee lbi 1 R McCraaa BhVlOs 32024 »M. MaulbylOS 2* X Foden 88 -M» 52216 Ik- Mills US B i-aloi BSSO-1O0 52t 37 Freedom ib: M B Pinnegar r 52151 Lady in BlklOS -" Rov 2 » 10 i 51716 Cieat Hawk "7 C= BMarinelll H42O-101 52152 . i 7 M Siluuht--r SMO-K I 52216 Myrtle A. Ill v" P Martines 1200-1 l 50768 Sedgegrass l«6 9 O Willis 51900 Reveh-r MW HI Whittington 52036 Chou MS l U Veargln 52M 10 tMntnel Held. su mntnels paid. Bturdee, 3.80 straight, 87.011 place. .80 show; May Maulsby, L00 place. .00 show: Ike Mills. 1.80 show. Equivalent booking odds Stnrdee. 580 to ion straight. 250 !•• 100 place, i in to 100 show Ms] Maulsby. ISO to Kmi place 150 to 100 show; Ike Mills. 490. to 100 show. Time. lilS1. Track fast. Winner c Irbys b. g, 7. by Havoc Kate Ki i hi ,ii-.. •-, ,-ra-u- trained by C. Irhjr; bred by Mr. Joseph K. Seagram. Wen I to post at 3:50. Al p I l mhaate. Btarl good and -bos. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched .1011- Bet-inda. 108 Overweights— May Manbtby. 1 pound. KOOQQ Seven* li Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jim-UtotoUD 2g i91C_i:05i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Hquir. Idled ll i- . Wt. Flu. Jockey. Btrahtht. 521 7 I Bob Bak i ■ ; r. Rowe 33 i-l 0 520K5 Dancing Girl iOi - C Gross I 0-1* i 52105Cldi We avei : : I 9 i Willis 2M8-Ma 52152 Clear Lake MB II A Zeigler -,:. -. 52151 Mion .lose 112 " r Main.. Ill 140-10 52216 K. Cheatham 1- 61 R Carter 810-lon 51 745 Bees Wing 1-. : N Foden IXOMOq 52705 Tom Coos. 112 X .1 Bob rtson .;yxi-b" mntnels paid. Bob Baki r, .00 straight, $.900 place, S3. on -how: Baneing Girl, .00 place. .20 -I iw; Claude Weaver. .00 show. Bqaivaleal booking ...Ids Bob Baker. 890 to 108 straight I5n to 100 place, v" to kmi show; Dancing Girt, 2.".n to 108 place. 100 t.. 100 shew: Claud-Weaver. 250 t.. inn show. Time, 1:0723. Track fast. Winner C. B. Havis.,i,- eh. g, ... by Modoc Brace Coininomr. by Th.- Commoner trained by C. A. Iiavison; bred by Messrs. J. D. Carr Si Bros 1 . tent to post at 4:2S. At pest 1 minute. Stait good and slow. Won driving; second and third tie same. Overweights T bm 1 pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011001/drf1921011001_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1921011001_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800