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NO OUTSTANDING FEATURE 1 » 1 Big Fair Grounds Crowd Present Despite Ordinary Card. ■ i 1 Fantoche Races in Suddenly Improved Form in Winning- the Main Contest. 1 i 1 11 NKW OBI. KANS. La.. January 21. Three -year • old- were called noon to furnish the feature ihi-afteraosa aad contest in the ,041 purse at a mile. Ii resulted in a victory for Fantoche. which had 10 overcome repeated interference from Botheration, which repeatedly carooineil into Fantoche or forced him back until he appeared soiuidlv liealen. but the Cordon recovered well anil 1 1 rough the stretch drive gained steadily anil got the be-l of Botheralion in the la-t -event v yards. The latter was a pronounced favorite aad possibly best, but the. erratic course he pursued during most of the running brought about his downfall. White Star set a fa-t pace lo the stretch and for awhile threatened lo inaki a runaway of ihe race, bat he ipiit near the ead ami fini-li.-tl third. A surprisingly large Monthly attendance was present this afternoon, it probably lieing the biggest assemblage present on a Monday for the pre-ent meeting; this. too. in spite of the ordinary card that wa- tliwn for th oi-ion ami threatening weather. Ihe beitiim waxed warm as the afternoon pre-erecaed and during the time of the la-t four races reached the volume of Saturdays. The la vers hail the better of the betting duel. The best contest developed with the --mining of the fifth rare when Pastoral Swam. Taafalns ami Be-thoff staged a furimi- drive through the stretch ami finished short margins apart. Pastoral Swain leading. P.esthoff anil Boue Dry were both in-nnileil eood things in the race and for a brief space they both flattered proini-ingly . but the awkward going Bone Dry found difficulty in lacing art d the turns and Besihoff tired in the last sixteenth. Adventure started the backers off in good style when In- accounted for the two-year old race and outstayed Bob. with Mavvrcon n in third place. Ad Tea tare had the benefit of former racing experience, a he teas his aearest pursuer- arerc first -lime starter- anil rated green. The Beef band started in Ihe -t 1 mid race were unruly and kepi the starter and his assistaata bii-y for nine minutes before they could be dispatched in alignment. Pueblo won thi- by a nose Iloiu Little Handle, with Circulate in third place. Meliora. showing her be-t foras, afored her first pur-e of the meeting when she led a good band lioine in the third race. Frederick the Croat landed in -econil place ami The Nephew third, with Jock Scot, the favoute. following. C. Buxton contemplates shipping a numlter of li is* horses to Tijuana 10 be raced there after the close of the Fair Crounds meeting. After an exhan-tivo inve-tigatioii of the contradictory performances of St. Allan in his race- here, the steward* decided that hi- improvement araa do* •■ natural causes ami ilismi—ed the matter with the injunction to trainer J. Hewitt, that having established his true form. St. Allan weald in the future be expected to race in hi- be-t style. .!. II. Baker noiifieil the stewards that jockey 11. Krnks. 11 had b-lt his employ wilhout consent ami hail the usual until nation seat 0111 to owner- am! train 1- to refrain from harboring Krickson. M.i vv icon n starting in the first race rallied the -ilks if Fred Lew ish 11. who race- under the Nnni de course of Klkvvooil Park stables. The -1 t-oiiil tlivi-ion of W. 11. Bowea horses, which have been wintering at ihe Slmvoport Fair grounds, reached here yesterday and were ipiarieretl at Jeffer-011 Park. J. C. Milam has sold privately to W. Shea the two-year-old fillies Mi— Finn anil Mis- Maxim. Crimson Rambler was mid privatelv to A. R, Dunlap. by R. P. Shannon.