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A. K. MAC0MBER SAILS FOR FRANCE KBW VOBK. N. Y.. January 21. A. K Ma comber sailed for Kngland on the Imperator Satin day. He goes over lo France at once to arrange I for the shipment of the noble hand of horses being ! made reatly to come to America. It is probable 1 hat Over-ight anil Sea Sick will go eaily to California to Charles Boots, who is in charge of the . Macomber breeding farm there. Before leaving Mr. : Macomber -igned a contract with Fred Burlcw to i train the horses for racing which are coming from i France. Burlew would have evaded the care of such 1 a big band and an effort was made to have part , or all of them go to Henry McDanul. who ha- not many horses in .raining for R. L. Oerry. But the latter gentleman would noi con-ent to divide Mi-Daniel- services. S