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BRUCE LOWE NO. 17 FAMILY ■ «. Pantaloon and Regalia Stars of; This Important Division. . — + — Sovereign, Sir Modred, Yattendon and Grand Flaneur Seven-teeners of Quality. ♦ [BY FXILF. Family No. 17. while not ■ huge IMM M families [ p . was, in iverthelese, made ap nf niiicii-t n Marc* •When Volume ." of the Ccncral Slu.] Boat was lasaed. This number IkwiwI to forty-six by the time Volume 18 made it- appearance. Itut few ; No. 17 horses or mares liave lieen imported into lllis country. Tile best of the former were Sovereign and Sir Modred. Sovereign eame over in tile ! tsag ago to sire a number of good winners ami j prolific brood mares, bat left no s n strong enough j to cany on liis line. Sir Modred-. importat ion j into California is .f far more recent date and lie. j too. beca the -ire of many notable turf performers. He once, in ls »4. topped lie American j winning sire list, but lie. too. as Sovereign. : Jias left no son to carry on the line. Yattendon j was famous for his accomplishments ai ■ -ire in j Australia. So was his son Graad Flaneur, the -ire of the Ascot liold up and Ce—rf witch winner | Merman. lint 1 am of the opinion that the Yai-tenilon line has about played itself oat in the land of the Southern Cross. The Mil Res, as a sire, of Don Carlos were at one much -. in _.]ir after In Fr..ii.r. M.f--in,-i--a- name figures in the pedigree of Comedy King and Wiklfowler. Saucebox won the Si. I.eger. The Crime Warden sired Itassishaw. ancestress of I«on iiny and the recent importation. Negofol. won the Prix ilu .lockey Club and is the -in- i f ■winners in France. These are the htsl of the No 17 horses other than those which trace in the feaaale Uae to Paataioaaa dam Malhi hj Peruvian. PANTALOON AND REGALIA FAMILY STARS. Pantaloon is the one bright shining sire light for the No. 17 family. It is through Pantaloon that Herod la best carried on. Pantaloon, besides the St. I.eger winner Satirist, the Oaks winner Chuzuee and many good broad mans, was alaa the she of Windhound. which became the sire of the Derby and Ascot Bold Cup w inner Thormauhy. sire of the Two Thousand Uuiuca- winner Atlantic, which, on being sent to Franco, became the sire of one of the most influential of all the flerods, L- Baacy. It is to I.e Sano.v that the turf is indebted for such as The Titratch. Raj Her.. do. DosfalB, Main-tenon. Pnlmi-te. I.e Samaritain. .rev Fo and I.e Sagittal**. From the Matchem sire P.ran. ldalia. herself of Herod de-cent, bred The l.iddy and The Biddy, the dam of Trio-toss and The Oem. two of the best foundation marcs Ja all the No. 17 family. To Prie-te— trace Sir Modred. Child of the Mist, ltu-li-cus. P.eau P.rummel and that good sire m France Macdonald II.. and to The Com. Slockw.-lls only filly .lassie winner Regalia. The Com also tired l.atakia. whose de-. -i mlant - have won many raee-in France. It i- to Regalia that our tboaght* at once turn win n nienlioii is made of the No. 17 family. Regalia won the Oaks in UK and. brad to Morte nier. piodiioel Vereuil. tlie winner in the short -pace of f • .lavs of three of Ascots best race-. the Vase. up and Alexandra Plate. Besides, Regalia also foaled Cat, winner of Poale dK*aai, Prix du .lockey Crab and Prix Royal Dak in France. and as a br I mare Regalia altained to as milch suoce-- as any Oaks winner ever foaled. Callis irate and Laauajr also trace in the female line to Regalia and this, therefore, is the best and most enduring braach of the No. 17 family.