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KENTUCKY MARES REACH CANADA TORONTO, On.. January :.!». Four thoroaghhrcd mare- purchased in Kentucky bf -I. C. Fletcher for !.i- stud at PnaillkW, Onlario. arrived this morning from 1 1 ihsg and were laken to the farm. The mans arc a- follow-: Fine Ail. bay. by Buag Craft i-oii ot Omie -Throstle, dam Belle Vale, li 1-ingl.i — Meddles, me. sister to Meddler. bred •• PetCI Quince: Highland Mary, brown, by Charles OMallej soa ol Desaaowl. dam San- liedrin. by Satitoi. hied to Peter Quince; Hidden t row n bay or brown, bj Msgahte — Tbartaa, by Kinp-lon katheiine II.. by St. Simon, bred to I Luke Mcl.uke. M" rode. brOW, b St. Siiiionium II. aoa of SI Simon l. dam Proud Dai-ie. In Pride, bred to I. ukc Mcl.uke. F. Duns ha- taken oxer the siring belonging to George V Beardasore to handle. The horse-. which have been schooled through the field, cnsi-t of Altar Fire. Almighty Dollar. Silvery Dawn. Lively Sweeper aud Aople of Sodom.