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?! - ~ - - t ! f f = - L , , , • . i j J I i j* . i ! J . . I i • J. i .. i | [ J J. J. I . . „ ., . I . • V ., •I. y J J. •■ J. " H. " g T. _• !» E. Y W. , , .1. ; j i i: t Kl N. W W. "1 •" Bl - .K P M .. w ki J .1 M M. vi NECROLOGY OF THE TURF : Prominent Racing Figures Here and Abroad j . on Death List of 1920. Mea •■min ej.t ;,i ike affairs of the larf here sad ■ : abroud d parted on the la t and sr *u i jenrucj i iii 1! lii. Kane .i . more widely kaowa in bis - days tii. in the reteraa Greea li. ktenfe, who sac- cnmbed i layariea received in aa autnaaobile acci- dent :,i Baratoga Aagaal IS. His tarf career r *paaned from the revival following I be elose of the rivii to ike present tine. Otnera win. at t I MM time ami anotlier flgnred haportaatly a own Ma i t good racers were Col. Job a P. Chiaa. Col. K/.ekiei p. Clay. George Smith. Frederick Foster, , who campaigned speedy horses from Kea fork to li California; Otto Btifel, who. in a moatenl of abarra- - tii.n. took his min life; William .1. Toaag, Michael I T. Daaaher, Wilfrid Vian, owner of Mm fine horse e Omar Klia. yam : .lames Blute; William K. Vander Wit. president of the Coney lalaad Jockey Clab a when that great orgnninatioa led la American rac- iag, and May Ovcrlon. long at the head of Nashville raciag; Capt. .lames n. Rees, than whaai ao more callable and uprigbl racing official eve,- lived; "Dick" Dwyer, who long wan i starter af skill ami 1 popularity oa leading tracks or the middle West I and far West: Chris Smith, who in his prosperous , days own. A and raced the famous nunc l*a Tam- I-eii. BS well as ,,t;,er racers nf great speed and 1 note, and N. g. Hand, author «,f staadard works l ! on figare handicapping, wen- aaMag the others who , arc |o be known no ncre aliens the tiring. gaining figarea were shrouded abroad. Chevalier - • , Ciin-tr.lli. th centric but highly popular Dalian , i j owner, whose beloved filly Blgaoriaetta won the • I ; Eptsorn Derby ami o.iks ,,f i«is: the leading French , owner and breeder. Rdmond lilanc. and Sir John i O. s. Thursby, breeder and owaer of the Two Thou- . sand Guineas winner Keanyaaore, were notable hisses. Waller Winans. American born, but loag I .citizen of England ami ■ man of great wealth ami I varied accomplishments, di.-d Maidenly while drir-I j iiik on.- 0f 1 1 i — - many trotters in a race. The death I" list of the year embraced the foliawiag: OWNERS AND BREEDERS. JAMES BLUTE— Owner and trainer. Jamaica L I " i S Y.. July a». ! , COL. JACK C11I.VV Owner and breeder. Lexfaag- ton. Ky.. January :il : heart disease i ■ col. EZEKIEL F. CLAT— Breeder, Carls. Ky July L7. MRS. JOSEPHINE RCSSKLL LAV Former breeder. Ashland. Ky.. March L".». MBS. ANNIE PETERSON COLE Breeder, Grace-wad ; J Farm, Lexington. K . Ipril 17 li : MICHAEL DANAHEB Fonaer ewner, Daltimore. Mil.. Jane :i. , it. klwkll — Owner, Bench stable. New Tack, N. V.. June ]i: murdered II. 11. DE COCBCEY FOBBE8 -Former owner. Paris France. July 1. FRED FOSTER Former owner, St. Pant, Minn.. August -I: brain fever. CHRISTOPHER F. GRADT- ForaMr Jaekey, trainee and tarf writer. Jamaica. N. v.. January SI; pneumonia, it. If. ilENNESSV— Firmer owner, Morton Dark III.. March in EDWABD J. Mc1:lmi:i:l Former owner, raakers ■ . ., January ic. GREEN B. MOKKIS Former owner. Baratoga, . V.. Aagnst IS; injuries receired from aato .. ■ accideat. .iamks Mi niiiv Fonaer owner and baaknaakct New York. N. V.. Januarv is. DOMINICK OMALLF.Y Former owaer, New Or », leans. I.:l.. November 27. MAY OVERTON Former owner. Nashrille, Teaa March: result of fall. DB. M. J. POTTEB owner. New York. N. V.. December 1 : perished |B fi,-,. Le j A. BECKINGTON Owaer. New Orleans. La.. I Febtuary 1-1; heart disease. ,-, J. SHANNON Owner. New Orleans. La.. January B: heart disease. 1:01:1.1: smith owner af the Brighton stable. Kew York. N. Y.. March 5; heart disease. oiro BTEIFB Owaer, St. Loaia, Mo., Augnst IS; suicide. . _ WILLIAM K. VANDEBBILT Owner. Paris E France, July 221 WILFRID VIAL Owner. Paris. France. March 1 • HENRY WKIIMIIOFF- Former ouiur. Louisville. • ■ al K. .. August 17. a -| JEREMIAH II. WHEELWRIGHT Breeder and I : is owner, Paris. Fraaca, January ltl. ai W. 1: Williams owner. Lexlagtoa, Ky., Janu- al ary 13; appendicitis. t| the WILLIAM J. YOlNi; Owner ami trainer. Lexfaag- b: ton, Ky., December :ii ; heart dtoaaae. t t TRAINERS. ~XJ Mr. T. COMBS— New Orleans. La., November St; Fi epileptic fit. : ai MIKE DALY Baltimore, Mil., November li: typhoid i ; hi and pneumonia. IL DIXON Hamilton. Out.. September 1 I B. "TEX" FITZGERALD— Former Jockey and H trainer. El Paso. Te.. October LS; asthma bs "KELLV" PHILLIPS Former Jockey and ■ » trainer. San Diego, Cal.. March 22; loimd dead I in bed from ballet wonads. the ti LARRY J. BE1NHEIMBB November -J7; taber- * miosis. w HARR1 SHANNON— Montreal, Que.. Aagaai 17 :l1 and heart disease. the til CHARLES "ENGLISH" TIM MS- Train, r and1 former Jockey, Edmoaton, Caaada, Jane; killed la to in auto accident. L JOCKEYS. DEALT Former joi-kcy. Tijuana. Mex.. Febtu- a ary 22. I THOMAS GARGAN- Former Jockey, Cleveland.! Ohio, Ocb her s. . NATHAN A. HILL Former Jockey, Omaha. Neh., I «| on Felmiaiy 22; Stomach trouble. one BENJAMIN Koppi. i:man Jockey, Tijuana. Max , ■ s- May 7: result of fall. M" 1 McEWEN Jockey. Walla Walla. Was,.. June; I w result of fall. I aad F. MEEHAN Jockey, Battle reek. Mich.. | r„ lord October 27; killed la accideat. tact »- JCLIIS SCHANN Former jo, key. St. Loais, Mo.. I || July •_: : asphyxiated. and __ JAMFS SI T.LIXAN New Orleans, La., February fl; ,., killed by fall. GROVER WARREN Jockey, Tijuana. Mex.. April -IS; result of fall. OTHERS CONNECTED WITH TURF. I y M. ARTHUR BELMONT— Tanner ralet, II. t Bprings, Ark.. October 21. W MHYFIt COHEN Denver. Col.. July; tuberculosis. I THOMAS CURRAN— Maaager of short Grass Farm. •- Lexington. Ky., February 21; pneumonia. RICHARD DWYER- Firmer starter, San Francisco W Cal.. May IS. John i:as Agent for Jos p. Beagram stable L« Waterloo. Int., January 11. FRANK FOWLER Race track building ona tractor, C" C. Lockport, N. V.. April IS. s. HAND Bystem kaadlcapper, San Francis. ... |J Cal.. December 4. II. JASPER Aadiater of The Jockey Chd , New M M. •■ik. N. Y., March :to: apoplexy Al FRANK MORROW McGINTY- starter. Key West Fla.. Norember 22; suddenly. "• JOHN T. PENDER Former president of New- Or- leans Business Mens Racing Aasociatioa, New " Orleans, La.. December is. BERNARD J. jl INN Turf follower. New York. " N. Y . Febraarj --: fractured skull APT. JAMFS II. REEH Turf official, Pittahnrgh. " Pa.. August 17. CHRI8 smith Fonaer ewner and I kmaker, New " P. 1 . rk, N Y.. August ... JOHN WHITE Turf follower, New York. N. v., " Jaanary IC M. hi. FOREIGN OWNERS. BREEDERS. TRAINERS. J. J. JOCKEYS AND OTHERS. PI THOMA8 ALDR1DGE -Former Eaglish jockey, Lp- som. Eag, June J: accident. ; LI LI HINT ANTOINE APPONY1 Aastriaa owner. Austria. [; GEORGE ARNAUD— French ..unci- and breeder, Pari-. Pram e October. si silt WILLIAM BEVILL- Former EaglUh |eek*j Bedford Bag., Max. DDMOND BLANI French owaer and breeder. M Pans France, December Ll. G. BCLTEEL English owner. Rnglaad, May IT JAOOTEM Pi: BRRMOND Preach owner I ranee. w VICOMTE DKSPOl s DE PA1 1. French breedei y M. W •- W L« C" C. |J M M. Al "• " " " " P. " M. hi. J. J. PI LI LI [; si silt M IT w aud owner, Paria, France. October IL M MAURICE DE GHEBBT French owner and M breeder. Paris. France. October SI -Vi WEST F. DE WEND-FENTON -Eagttsh owaer Loa u don. Eng., April s. •iamfs DOKCYBBN— French trainer, Daaarilte I-ranee. Auffnst 1." ph William ESCtrTT— English ttee] base Jockey 1: r ranee. April: result ,,f fall. LOBD FABEB Former Eaglish owner. England %tl September. 7! 7K» FEBBRS French Jockey. Levallois. France Feb- " I. ruary: paralysis. CHEVALIER ; IN ISTKFLLI Italian breeder and owner. Naples, Italy. September. FELIX fiODARD French owner January :" ARTHCR GOLDINH English bookmaker. Loudon Eng., November pi. go good MAJOR K. LOGAN KIDSTON— English owner ,il ill Maacbester, Ran., April I. ; WILLIAM LANE Former Eagliafa Jockey Lin- *» " field. Dug.. July. SI: THOMAS LFAIH.P Former Eaglish trainer. Lag. laud, February ." . — JOHN MADGE Former French ktcker, Paris K France. April. ■ * MONKS Irish breeder and owner. Dublin. Ire am and land. August. scc RICHARD ORB Rngliah haadicapper, Fnglaml. LOI is PICHON French raciag official. Frame . Ir Septeinb. i . -,- .- PICKEB8GILL Eaglish bookmaker. London, i .V Bag . Septcnil.i r. -,• PRINCE 1NSIANTIN KADZIWII.L French M owaer, France. September 11. .-,- . CIEN ROBERTS French trainer. MaieOBS. ." . Lafitte, France, November BARON i.isiwi: RPRIXGER— Aastriaa owner place. pia Austria kIm sa..w JOHN o. B. THURSBY English own..- aad 1 breeder. Kiikham Abbey, Yorkshire. Lug. n, sir eemU | JO, , ..,, MMF. VARAPAT1 Eaglish owner, The t feed. Fug to la land. Norember I I: killed In accident. THOMAS WADLOW For,,,,,- English trainer. Bat ] M.i Norember. p WALTBR Owner, Landoa, Fug., Aagnst F I 12. i