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rm ■■ M _j id , _ ~ I I -, ID 1 5 a, Mr. r | the he :ig , ,i ! A - V- _ 1~~ - ■4 ! ■6 I ,1 g- the he ed *■ his » lue j- - ., - „ FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Jan. 15, 1921—34 4-5—2—117. Index Course Dist TimcTckOdds Wt St , ■_. % Str Fin Jo keys Started Order of Finish TOM HARE JR.. br. c, 2 CM 115 By Vulcain— Moonet, by Donald A. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Clark. MAWRCORON. ch. c, 2 M 115 By Bryn Mawr— Coronis. by Voter. Trainer. S. A. Clopton. Owner. Elwood Park Stable. 52566 P.Gnda 3 I :36%faat 3 115 7 6] S* 1 CoaaaBy 9 Adventure. Rob. Red Winsfield EVELYN WHITE, b. f, 2 M 112 By Zeus— Miss Oertel, by Handsel. Trainer. W. Block. Owner, J. Dundee. "2474 P.Gnda s last 4 11.7 I J* 2a M T.uxton 11 Fly.Beautr. M. Elnoru. R. Lee 52264 F.Gnda 6-8 i M hvy 2] 115 I 4- :" M Buxton 6 Oentilly, Oraea E.. Ogarite 62187 F.Gnda 6-8 M hvy M 117 1 4 I* M Buxton 7 MyReverie. OraceE.. K. Warmer MARYLAND BELLE, br. f. 2 M 112 By Zeus— Dorothy X., by Kilmarnock. Trainer, W. J. Burke. Owner. Maryland Sta ble. •■ ; P.Gnda S-S :35*4fast 26 112 2 7 V V Wd*stk 9 Adventure, shah, Mawrcoron WHO CAN TELL. ch. f. 2 M 112 By Dick Finnell— Bright Start, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner, J. McPherson . 62819 F.Gnda 6-8 38%faat s-,7 11. :: i ] ; :. | n Coauaellyl3 D.VaraVa, Lit.Ammie. Rosalia BULLY BUTTONS, br. c, 2 M 115 By King James— Farie Augusta, by Fariman, Trainer, J. H. Baker. Owner, J. H. Baker. 62448 F.Gnda J-8 18-5 114 1 4- 4R E Pool 6 Cornstalk. HuppvBuxton. Stamp 62414 F.Gnda 6-8 M%taat 20 110 7 9 9" T Jarvis 9 LordAlleu. Adventure. Stai-Time 62878 F.Gnda 6-8 M fast 91 117 2 1| Z V W flor ti Jose. Wiedel, Rosu Lee, Bashful BELLE WRACK, b. f, 2 M 112 By Wrack— Trojan Belle, by Hamburg. Trainer, R. Ketzel. Owner, Ketzel and Hernandez. 52618 F.Gnda 3-8 66%fa*t t !67 I 71 S* j 8 Wkla 19 D.Varden. Lit.Ammie. Baaafli 62463 F.Gnds 3-8 :38%faat 18-5 105 4 7*1 7»* C Ponce B SUrTime, MiaaPiaa, Lit. Patsy 62678 F.Gnda 6-8 M fast 1 IU 4 6 6*1 C Ponce 6 J. Wiedel. B. Buttons, RosaLee KITTIE WARMER, ch. f. 2 M 112 By Yankee— Kitty Warfield, by Plaudit. Trainer. J. Johnston. Owner. C. Van Slioick. : P.Gnda S Bftfast IS 115 7 x Barrett 11 Fly. Beauty. K. White. M.Elnora 52393 P.Gnda 3-8 :36%fast 8 Mt 9 7* 7s J Heagel 10 War Relief. One Bin. Loveliest 62269 F.Gnda J-8 :38 livy 12 IK 4 6* 6*4 L McAtee 6 tlentilly. F.velvnWhite. GraceE. CARRIE BAKER, b. f, 2 M 112 By Horron— Bay of Pleasure, by Kingston. Trainer. D. Nicol. Owner. R. Goose. "-!! P.Gnda J-8 86%faat 15 IU 9 12* 12* P Murphy 1:; D.Varden. Lit.Ammie. RosaLee 62476 P.Gnda J-8 :38%fast 4V 116 3 6* 6l« I Conn1 Uv 11 Fly.Beautv. K.White. M.Elnora 62966 F.Gnda 3-8 :96%faat 1 111 8 9" J6 II J Burke Ki War Relief, one Pin. Loveliest MILES S.. ch. c. 2 M 115 By Brummell— La Mode, by Peep oDay. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. Bauer Stable. 628M F.Gnda 3-8 38%faat 40 116 I T Rowan 7 My Reverie. B.lAllen. II.BuxUin H7.7 F.Gnda 3-8 36%fast 27, lit; 6 M| 6" T Rowan 11 IordAUen. J.Dtuidee, TeddyB. SUNDO. b. g, 2 M 115 By Waldo— Hester Zorra. by Cesarion. Trainer. J. A. Hall. Owner, Hall Bros.. 59596 F.Gnda 3-8 :35%faat :;0 IM 1 , I V Mby s Flv. Beauty. WarBelief, OnePin 52443 F.Gnda 1-8 36%faat 20 114 5 6 " M darner 6 Cornstalk. HappvBuxton. Stamp 52383 F.Gnda 3-8 :35%faat N 196 7 6J 67J K Pool 10 War Relief. One Pin. I oveliest 52217 F.Gnds 3 8 ;::7.-,niud 26 67 3 7 72 T Jarvis 7 Little Fatsy. Loveliest. One Pin RED TOM, eh. c. 2 M 115 By .His Majesty— Burlesque, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. G. Blakeley. Owner. W. Daniel. 52688 P.Gnda J-8 I -t M 135 1 8* s-T Nolan 9 Adventure. Rob. Mawrcoron DEVONITE. br. c. 2 M 115 By Granite— Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. Trainer, C. F. Clark. Owner, J. H. Loucheim. i" P.Gnda 8 :37%mad 8 114 I a* 5*| J Williams 7 Little Patsy, Loveliest. oUe Pin 52176 F.Gnds 3-8 36%faat 15 116 11 8* 7" .1 Williamsii LatdAUea. l.Daadea, TeddyB. DISSOLUTE, ch. c. 2 M 115 By Theo. Cook— Marian Gay. by Celt. Trainer. J. G. Wagnon. Owner. Pelican Stable. 52586 F.Gnda J-8 :35%taat IS 111 - I 8 " .1 Reaftel 6 Fly .Beauty. W.n Relief. OaeaHa First start for the following: RADICAL, b. c. 2 M 115 Bv Wrack— Russian Sable, by Order. Trainer. R. N. Vestal. Owner. G. L. Blackford. BLACK TRACK, br. f. 3 M 112 By Ogdcn— Shallow Water, bv Rapid Water. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner. W. R. Tolmie. ADOPTED DAUGHTER, b. f. 2 at 112 By Ballot— Ormuiu. by Fair Play, i Trainer. H. Oots. Owner. J. H. Thompson .