Third Race [Third Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-31

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THIilD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming-. Feb. 9, 1918—1:11 1-5—6—116. ANNA GALLUP, b. g. 4 102 By Ogden— Oriental Queen, by Greenan. Trainer. L. Haymaker. Owner. R. V. Haymaker. 52375 F.Gnds 3-1 1 7 BB • I B 18* 18»» T Jarvis 12 Ale.lacklL. Jock Scot. LouiseV. 6I8B6 Jefson 3-1 l:l«*ihvy 13-5 106 3 5 I 21 l1 H King IS Marinite. Wiiine.onne. Oak.I.elle | i 51824 Jef son 3 -4 1 :19V-mud 44 li4 6 2 11 lJ.I Roberts 18 Lonely. L. Mildred, Cobalt Lass 6177S Jefson 8-4 l:159fcgood 4 102 4 3 1 21 3 J Roberta 12 Yaphank. Lis idea. Bargoyae 51420 Churehl 7-8 l:26fefast 32 181 11 13 12 12 13- 13- C Buel 15 Grad Suoll. Serbian. W. Flower ;. 51000 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46%fast 7 Id S 8 8 6 7 717 C Buel ! Friz. Harry B.. Sinionite 5 i958 Latonia 8-4 l:13=Bfast 7-5 188 11 10 9 71 8« C Buel 12 Ruby. I"yx. Military Girl ; MARMITE. b. m. 5 104 By Sweep— Henpeck, by Delhi. Trainer. R. Rawson. Owner, W. W. Rawson. 1 63364 P.Gnda 3-4 l:13%faat 3i MB 1 1 ! S| 5*1 R Pool 12 laa Kay. Ubow Girl, CarliacR, 6388B Jefson 51 r" 1 :07:Sf ast 8 lo: 3 4 2 11 1" C Ponce 11 Jock Scot, Port Light, Rrtah 61388 Jefson 3-4 l:16%hvy 12 111 8 1 1 3" 21 L McAfee 13 A. Gallup. Wneeoiuio. Oak.I!elle: 4i775 Devre 3-4 l:12%Caat 7 105 2 8 8 S 7»° J McCoy 11 Sunnyland. Trusty, Pullux 49662 Windsor 2-4 l:1515good 11-5 102 3 2 3 2- 2 J Grune S First Bullet, Pyx. Clean Up 08M Windsor 5-4 1:12 fast 6 107 3 I 1 S I T Nolan » Alvord. Skeer Face. Savona i 49018 Kwrth 5-4 1:14 fast 32-70 115 1 2 2 2J oJ J Lutwell l » Lady ill I51k.. CarrieM., C.Las* I ; KIRSTIES CUB. b. h. 6 109 By Bearcatcher— Kirstie, by Frankfort. j i j Trainer, J. H. Munson. Owner, C. G. Sheldon. 33812 Jofson lm7"y l:4:i ,hvy 4 1 i6 7 .7 3 2 4- S«* J Roberts 7 Medoaa. Betay, W.Turnbow 52027 Jefson 3-4 l:14-ifast 4 ]» B 7 0 71 6"J J Roberts 11 Approval. Back Lay. 1ullux Ig 61886 Jefson 3-4 1:15 fast 12 181 2 4 4 4- 1| J Roberts B Bargoyae. Old Sinner. Vansvlvia 51664 Jefson lm70y 1 :46 fast 25 105 3 11 1 2 3J J Roberts 8 Richard V.. Jackstraw. 51620 Jefson 3-4 1:15 good 20 114 4 5 5 5J 5»J M Garner !» In.i Kag, Bv Heck, Miss Kruter - 61503 Jofson 3-4 l:12:fast 30 110 9 10 10 N 1" W Grown 1 1 Ap.laekH.. IU.ight. Clapperbill : f LANCELOT, b. h. 5 109 By Trap Rock— Merry Heart, by Sir Modred. Trainer. W. Birnie. Owner, W. Birnie. 51946 .lefson 3-4 l:l7--hvy 5 111 1 11 11 2 T Jarvis B OaklawaBelle, Malvolio . 51888 JeTaoo 6t 1 1.88fcaloai 3 ill 2 1 :: 4" 5 H T Jarvis 5 Rea.Gooee, Morphy, T, the Mark v 61TB7 Jelson 51 1 LlS.inud 21 V« 3 1 2 2 3t* T .larvs S lalisinan. Ablazo. .lock Scot 51703 Jefson 3-4 l:17-..mud 6-5 115 3 11 21 4" G Stack 7 Resist, Opportaaity, CofaaltLaai -. 61674 Jefson 51 f 1:09 mud 1 110 1 11 1» ll II Stack !• 1oultmy. Approval, Cobalt j.ass • 51626 Jefson 3-4 1:14 fast 20 108 2 2 3 4- AH C, Stack 5 Groand-SweU, P.Ught Jack Seat 5 51369 Churehl 3-4 1 :14-f,B0o 127 10 MB 1 2 2 ol B*| G Stack IS Liaise, Currency, Gloria France tDisipialified fox incorrect registration of owns rsliip. I DONNA ROMA. br. f. 4 96 By Light Brigade— Oxeye, by Hastings. Trainer. G. H. Keene. Owner. Waldeck Stable. 52600 FGnds 3-4 1:13 fast 16 SB 7 6 - H 1 ■ J McCoy 8 laa Ray, CarliaeK.. PiyiagOrblu 62477 F.Gnds :: I l :i:= .fast 28 Ml 2 4 3 41 t*|J McCoy IS laa Kay, Ubow Girl, Calt Laaa 62232 F.Gnds 3-4 LIS-hvy 12 107 2 1 2 9-ll4G Stnn- IS Buroyiie. Keziah, Mbkev Moore 6J36.t Churehl 3-4 l:14*fcgOOd 13 Ml 7 5 B Bl ♦•» J McCoy IS Blaise. Cuiremy. Gloria France BB8B8 Latonia 3-4 1:1l--,fast 7 KB 2 1 1 1-1 11 G Stone 12 Doctor Jim. Sinionite. Jake Fclu _ 49921 DOT*re I I l:i:-..hvy 11". 104 5 5 4 V 2» G StOBW II ILHriuel II., Gorhain. Simomte L TEACHERS PET. b. f. 4 96 By Out of Reach— Schoolmarm, by Islington. j -: Trainer. A. L. Denny. Owner, G. C. Denny. 32681 P.Gnda ::-1 I ilT-.-.ta. t 31 MS 8 1 3 11 4 K Bio- 11 Oriora, Cobalt Laaa, old Sinner "• :2:1s F.Gnds 3-41:13%f»at 18 MB 6 7 4 r.-w :• .1 .1 MneylS CtDderella, Midian. Rasaaaa 12385 F.Gnda 3-4 IS i"s 7 r, 5 51 fj 1; !•,,, 13 H. Bargoyae. tagnimi. CticLaa* :,] -2272 F.Gnds 8-41:16 pood 12 Ml 3 2 2 21 3- H King 13 II Bargoyae, Btaiae, CohaltLaaa a 52153 Jefson 3-4 l.ll-fast 15 M 6 4 5 81 61 L McIXottll Rnhowtlirt, laa Kay, Back Bay 5 LOVERS LAN", il. ch. f. 4 96 By Yankee— Love Cliff, by Clifford. E Trainer, W. Block. Owner, W. J. Jordan. 68885 Jofson 3-41:13 fast 10 Ml 6 B 8 8 s:7 B Joalah B KstieaCnb, Bargoyae, O. Sinner , 51778 Jefaoa 3-4 l:16%good 8-6 MB I 2 4 ..= ;. • M r.uxton 12 Yaphank. AnnaGallap, Bfgldaa :,: 51663 Jefson 3-11:15 fast 18-6 107 3 1 1 : .- M Luxton .» BlaeJeaaa, On High, Sandy Mac 7 61684 Jefferson 5Jfl:105hvy 41 MB 1 2 1 !■ 3-1! M I.uxton B Ablaze. Hidden Ship. Midian 50945 Jamaica 3-4 l:13"5fast 10 109 1 1 2 2 3 M Buxton 7 LadsLoTO, B.ofComo, OldSinner ! y 503X7 Aiiduct 6J f 1:20 fast 10 109 1 13 3- t*l L Bnsor 7 Lnce ofc, T.NepkCW, Burgoyne ;] VALERIE WEST, br. m, 7 98 By Bannockburn— Sinfi, by Loyalist. B Trainer. J. Robertson. Owner, J. P. Lyons. S 323B6 P.Gnda 3 1 l:14%faat 12 M3 1 3 I IlKPf K Martin 1:; H.Bargoyne, Ragaasa, CUcLaaa j 52322 F.Gnda 3-4 l:14%faat 10 ] ■:, 1 11 M 7- V H Erickan IS Midiaa. Isoyu. Old Sinner 53333 F.Gnda 8-4 l:is"-,bvy 8 M 7 4 4 U 4»| W Boafaklia Bargoyae, Keaiah, Mickey Moor* - 53888 Jefson 3-4 1:17 hvy 7 M7 3 1 1 1*121 W Boa/atd • H. Bargoyae. Poaltaey, Taraacoa -, .1946 Jefson 3-4 l:17=-.hvy 38 MS 8 4 f 6 5*1 W Bog*8kl 8 l.onclv. Lancelot. Oaklawn Belle 63884 Jefson 5J f l:8f**taat 20 108 5 4 6 41 4"! I HopkinsLl J.Goebol, T 1*111 1 agaoatl. CliueS. P0ULTNEY, br. h. 5 108 * Bv Bryn Mawr— Galgrw, by St. Grla. I Trainer. D. Womeldorff. Owner. Snyder Sc Holmes. 1 :._477 P.Gnda 3-4 I:13~%faa1 15 113 8 11 M 7 7 l ConnllylS Ina Kay, Rbow Girl, "alt Lass I :.-2::i P.Gnda 3 I l:»*ihvy 6 it" 11 I 7 U* 11" H Lonsfu 13 Loan. ThdayXighter, Xraefcatai * 53868 JeTaoo 8-4 1:" hvy 3 113 I I 4 1 ■ Batrke :» 11 Itarguyae. Val.Weat, Taraaeoa 5 61786 Jefson 61 f 148%mud 6 IM 5 6 1 8" 3-1 . 1 H I.urkelo i.en. ,.,,. I.oidv Miss Kruter 51741 JeTaon 1 l:44%hvy 2 100 4 3 2 2 2 Ai T Jarvis 7 Kebraaka, Praaca, Ueat.Perkla- 51707 Jefson 1 l:44%mad 1 HI 3 12 2 21 :.*! J H Burke :» K. Stride, 1runes. ;uy Portaa* - 51671 Jefson 5J f 1 :09 mud 5 112 4 3 2 2i 2 .1 H Burke 8 Lancelot. Approval, Cobalt Iji-- PLAIN BILL. b. g, 4 118 By Ivan the Terrible — Nantura, by St. Simonian II Trainer. J. M. Brown. Owner, Hickey Brov. ;.j 7 7 P.Gnda 3-4 1 ill I 8 8 8» Bn .1 J Mne; 13 laa Kaj Rboa Girl, Call Las- 5 iCSBM JePaon ■ 1 1:13 aloa 38 ill 1 1 1 il 2" C Ponce 18 M Maaiai, Trackatar, U.tMaaei r 61795 .lefson 51 f l:0!i -iuud 13 188 7 1 7 n -J S!; H Ktag 1" General, Lonely, Houltney i 61724 Jef .on 3-4 1:18 hvy 20 107 6 6 7 72 713 J J Mney IS D.CbeU, M Kruter. ItlimW II. S 61583 Jefferaon 6] f l:M hvy 15 MB 4 6 5 41 ••■ J J Mney s Rimaaa. W.Plower, B.Brael II. 1 61368 Cbarehl 3-4 l:M%good 171 MB 8 9 10 18* 18" P smith IS Klalae, Carreacy, Gloria Praaca ST. JUST. br. e, 4 106 By St. Volma — Mirror Maze, by Masetto. Trainer. G. M. Johnscn. Owner. J. L. Gruber. B2567 p.Onda ■• t IM fast 188 117 5 •. M 12* 12 " W D*kaonl3 Poeblo, Uttle Mandle, Circulate 5 ".2114 .bt.s. !i ;, r 1 :ii; l * 113 7 S s s- s- w Bog*akil2 RaiabowGirl, InaKay, Vaaayiria ..1412 Chorea! 1 1 2:o:-r,iast 77 M7 5 6 8 8 8 s"A Collins 8 Khapaloag, PariaMaid, J.C.Mtoae 51863 Churehl 7-si:..s fast 833 113 9 10 1O 9 :• B»4 A olllns 10 Anticipate, Larry B., l.lue Jeans ; CJ838 Churehl : I S%aat lof M7 11 13 14 14 14 14» T Murray 14 MaraeJohn, RafaaRiley. Maaata 1 , 5 50S6S Chagrin AbD-i 1:0: good 4J 117 ii-i V Dkson f Ilut.YYilklo. M.Matloti. C. Murphy ■ I 1 I j I I | 1 i i j I ; i 1 I h I I M I OAKLAWN BELLE, ch. m. 8 103 By Box— Dinah Shad, by King Eric. Trainer, C. S. Wilson. Owner. W. F. Strauss. 51886 .lefson 3-4 l:184ihvy 4] 108 5 3 2 1] 4«| W Mcincbl3 A.Gallap. Manaite, WiaaeeaaaM 51846 Jefson 2-4 l:7-livv .■. J lo 3 2 2 2 3*8 Wida B Lonely, Lancelot, Malvolio IM.; Alt. Royal 3-4 1 1 V 38 111 l1 W Taylor 10 ShortChge. Mistnke. Cal.Herrin CARL ELLWANGER. ch. g. 6 108 By Master Robert— High Degree, by His Highness. Trainer, A. Stevens. Owner. J. G. Chaney. 52134 Jef son 3-4 i:L:-.fust M IM 2 11 11 11* ll" T Bryao* IS LwLgfellotr, Salnte, M.Gghkaa 42786 Clkabg Ab..-s ;,:n.-,fast — 120 4* o Caldwell 6 Doctor D., R. Saala, Vocabulary 12737 CI* kabg Ab7-s 1 -.-.last — 118 7 ■• W Dovle 8 Bev. James. At.Mllir. MaeMrray 12738 Clkabg Ab7-S — US 2= W Doyle 5 Tit for Tat, CeMabel, Heredity 12647 Hagera. Ab7 8 1:22"-. fast — ill 2- w Doyle B lake Schaa, MoOy o.. Perseus 12832 Hagera. Ab7-8 1 — 118 :: W Doyle 8 ScyUa, Peraena, Celtabel 12881 Hagera, Ab7-8 l:21%faat — IM and" W GarganlO Lobelia. Tit for Tat. Little Boy SAN MARCUS, ch. c. 4 106 By Sweeper— Lady Nell, by Mordant. Trainer. F. C. Lucas. Owner. E. C. Lucas. M207 Empire Ab 3-4 lii.-.mud 38 112 8 6 7 71 s" C If Millers Rogaaaa, Larulietto. Amer.Boy 17188 Iimlico 11:4 hvy IS SB 8 6 2 4 44 5:2 F Lux B Edith K.. Foreclosure. Old Red : nnlico 3-4 l:16%faat 22 104 2 9 9 8 TH 6" J H Burkein NapaH, Pokey Jane, Torquato II. Lie, Havana 5ifl:07%fast 12 U5 6 I 1 I1 1 R McCrnnll Superior, Dir.. lames. Sea Prince I292S Aoduct 5Sl:01%fast 60 115 6 10 10 102 S3 T Davies 11 Hasten On. Alias. Game Chick MAGIKON, ch. h. 9 M 108 By Marathon — Sorrel Top, by Hermence. Trainer. R. Williams. Owner, J. L. Pontius. .l477 P.Gnda 3-4 l:13%faat 26 116 7 N 11 N ■ W Wraght IS laa Kay. Rbow Girl, Call Lis 53372 F.Gnda 3-4 1:15 good 188 111 2 4 t 41 8*1 W Wright IS H.Bargoyne, Liaise. TheisPet 18638 Windsor 3-4 l:12%taat 34f 110 6 S S 9 108J W Wright 12 M. the Time, Iullux, Pop Eyes 8863 Kwrth 3-4 1 :13 -fast 131 113 11 11 11 hH B»l W Wright 12 TiveMcGeo, Uunnyven. ElMahdl 17127 Churehl 3-4 1:11 fast 133 116 S 6 7 8J g; r, MoleatblO Converse. Sqaeeler, Blaise NIBS Jefson 5-S l:00%fast 30 112 10 IT 12 12 L16 G Molesthll Toe the Mark. Stepson, Tattle 12754 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 24f 115 10 9 9 71 7»3 O Molesthl2 Alint Cat, Stevenson. Serv.Flag OS74 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15%mud 4 107 2 3 3 31 21 W Wright 10 Gay, Alf Veniza. Revolution 11682 Oaklwn 3-4 1:15 fast 10 118 2 8 9 9» 8-1 G Molesth ft Plenty. Rayonnant. Verna B. C*989 Church 1 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 29 114 6 6 9 9 81 812 G Moles thlO Glasstoi. H.Lreivogel, Kihorter FINANCIAL ROOSTER, b. g. 4 M 106 By Little Dutch — Cloisteress, by Carlton Grange. Trainer. F. Wright. Owner. R. Warfield. £2180 F.Gnda 1 1-16 1 50 109 3 5 7 9 9 9" H Lunsfd ft Ilarv.Kinu. Madrono. Gd Swell 52113 Jefson 3-1 l:ll-r,fast 58 MS I 7 10 10: 10"i J J Mnyll Lt. Perkins. Hden.Tewel, Murray 19921 Devre 3-4 1:17%hvy 10 113 3 3 3 41 641 J Heopel 11 li.Briimtnel II., D.Roaaa, Gorhnm I9V49 Devre 3-4 1 :13?5fast 7 110 8 4 7 94 981 H Lunsfd 11 MkWest. PaaayBlaom. Murray 19790 Devre 3-4 1 :13:5fast 12f 112 7 6 5 4t 2:i J Heupel 11 Alf Vezina. Ava It.. Pnrol JEWELER, ch. g. 6 103 By Jim Gaffney — Lenora Pearl, by Star Shoot. Trainer, H. Randolph. Owner. Farnum and Fizer. 52BB8 P.Gnda 3-4 1:13 fast 15 186 6 9 9 8"S,T G Rabin !l InaKay. CailineS.. Donna Roma 17828 Belmont 1 l:43%mod 4 115 4 3 4 5 5 5:; N Barrett 5 Princeps. F. Waters. JackMount 17267 Pimlico 3-4 1 B-6 ios 4 11 1- 1- X Barrett !» Lspolel te. Peclosare Nebraska 17198 Fimlico 3-4 1 :171-.hvy B 103 6 5 3 Z 2"" J Zoeller 10 A.ofAces. R.Meleaa, W.Bdette 13202 Empire Ab 3-4 l:ll%alo« 13-5 117 2 5 4 4- 3% L Fator 16 Vancouver, S.Kelly. J. P. Murphy 1X006 Ai|duct 3-4 l:13!/3fast 6 115 6 8 S 3.J 3» F AmbrseL". Lead. Star. Diff.Lyes. Pr.oflndia ,2749 Belmont 3-4 st l:12%mud 30 98 6 6 3 2J 51 H Ericksn 9 K. Plaadlt, Woodtrap, J. Scot

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