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mi n the he arc ie an. n. is lias as s. n b- a- as is HARRY M0RRISSEY SON OF OLD ERIN ii Harrj Merrisaey. the starter at Tijuana, is is generally known as a Kentuckinn. but he hails h from old Ireland, having been born in Dublin in " IS71; Hi- parents settled at Gloucester. N. J.. ;; and in isss Merrisaey went to the famous "Snip" Donovan as an exercbie be] Later In- beeami a ;l full fledged jiM-k.x ami voile until the tall of Mmiii when his rapldl] tucreasiag weight put him " ,,ut of i he saddle. In 1801 he became an usshitaal " starter to Mars Pasahtj and .is with bim until II Itlll u Ie II I i be. alio a st. liter himself.