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I t r ;i II : ■ n HAVANA STRICTLY STABLE INFORMATION Tomorrow at Havana I will have an unusually good long shot. Commencing Wednesday I expect to be in a position to give you exceptional turf information. It looks as good p.s "in." I will have two or three plays a week. I promise you fully as good stable information at Havana as I did at New Orleans, LAST WBRK I HAD ONLY THRBE ll. AYS: ON MONDAY, EVELYN WHITE. 6 to 1, WON. ON WEDNESDAY, RUSTLER, 5 to 1, WON. On Saturday. Mythology lost. Y*ster«ln Ion l:i 1. Day Lilly, g to 5, Won. TERMS — Wire me the winnings of a 0 straight bet day after race. Send by telegraph money order only. as I do no business by mail. Ki:l MY I»L. Telegraph aae the cost of live tlav-ralc telem*:iiiiN and I will wire you five times, chargeN prepaid, the Best stable information ohlain-ahle tit Havana, reuartlles.s of prioe. KKMIIMBKR, t no o ill SINKSS 1» iil. Unless you wire me correct business or residence address I will not wire you. I have 168 telegrams from various parties whom I cannot wire information because they failed to send business or residence address. SI. 000. 00 REWARD — Paid to any one U I have not made many thousands of my patrons winners on a straight flat 0 "play for me" who have played my strictly stable information. Stick to me — Ill make you winner, as I positively wiU be the giant factor at Havana. BILL TURNER - SUITE 336 - 17 WEST 42nd STREET - NEW YORK CITY ; : T I t L [ f I S i | ; : [ 1 »| 1 f I THE Commissioner 50c DAILY For Sale at All News -Stands Everywhere SOME RECORD it SATURDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: MUSKALL0NGE .....1-1 WON FRIDAYS BIO COMMISSION HORSE: SECRETARY 15-1 WON THURSDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: TITLE 12-1 WON WEDNESDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: TIPPITY WITCHET ..3-5 WON The Commissioner is hitting em strong these days, so better get in line. The Commissioner has made excellent connections at New Orleans ar.d, no matter what you pay, in our opinion you CANNOT BEAT THE COMMISSIONER, Under ro consideration fail to get down strong on TODAYS BIG Commission Horse This one comes from the same excellent source as SECRETARY 15-1 WON Todays commission horse was sent to the Com- missioner as a real HOT ONE and for him to go the limit on this fellow. WATCH HIM WAKE UP. for this horse has been prepped under cover and should be a nice price. AGENTS DETROIT. Mich. — Triangle News Co., Griswold and Michigan. LOUISVILLE. Ky.— Eiler k Goodman. 227 4th Ave. ST. LOUIS, Mo.— Wm. Laser, Lobby 705 Market St. CINCINNATI. 0.— All news-stands. AND ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES OR MAILED TWO WEEKS . Address THE COMMISSIONER ROOM 308 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. , I I I j I WILL and TH WISP" 5-1 WON WAS YESTERDAYS "ONE BEST" Long Shot lost. Each day we give "One Best" and "Long Shot Special" — Mailed the night before. Terms: .00 FOR SIX DAYS TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Poach-18-16-40-64 The Standard Turf Guide 403-22 WEST QUINCY STREET CHICAGO ILL. | ! ~ CHIEF OBSERVER 25 West Forty-seoond St. New York City TODAY S FREE CODES: HAVANA Maine-17-12-12. NEW ORLEANS: Virginia-8-10-8. National 0. K. Racing Letter YESTERDAY S SHEET GAVE HERALD 6-1 WON MAWRCORON 7-10 WON PORT LIGHT 11-5 WON CAPITAL CITY 5-2 WON Dont Fail to Get Todays Sheet As This Is Getaway Day at New Orleans 50c— At All News-Stands— 50c AND OFFICE Mailed Direct— 1 Week— .00 National 0. K. Publishing Co. 411 Baltimore Bldg. CHICAGO. ILL. THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING RACING WEEKLY THREE MARDI GRAS SPECIALS Today is called "Fat Tuesday" in New Orleans. We hope it will be a lean Tuesday for the books. The races are on the BRINK of being discontinued. It takes a MINUTE MAN to be on the job and win a bet today. And when ROMANY gets down in front the "Gypsies" will have ended their meeting and we trust our readers will have fattened their purses. .00 per Year. 15 Cents per Copy. 101 WEST 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY THE CHIEF CLOCKER TODAYS FREE CODE: NEW ORLEANS: Texas-5-54-45-4. ONE BEST TODAY has the foot of this field and should have no troublo in winning tlus race. "CLOCKERS" SPECIAL is worth a good play. Ask for the CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS. ONLY 50 CENTS. BIG XXX OCCASIONAL TODAY Go to this one, as it is as good as WON. N horse in this race will ever come near this one. If this horse is scratched or fails to win. mail us in your sheet and you will get onr next Occasional FREE OF CHARGE. Ask for the Chief dockers Occasional, only . TURF LIGHT WEEKLY PAPER. All Ne vs Stands 15 Cents. All Cities WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Yesterdavs Free Code Horse PORT LIGHT 11-5 WON TODAYS FREE CODE: Nine-Four-Twenty-three- Willing-Intrepid-New Orleans NOW ON SALE 25 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY JACK FIELD I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY. Sold on all news-stands — Daily. YESTERDAYS I HORSE SPECIAL WON I advised everybody to have a good play on it. GETAWAY SPECIAL TODAY. Here is one that can win running backwards, so dont fail to get in on it. I expect it to be at a REAL GOOD PRICE. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form