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I i I ONLY HOTEL IN WORLD FOR HORSES i What is beUeved to be the worlds only betel 1, for horses is in Cbarlottenbiirg. near Berlin. Il ,| not only provides I ni ericas aaartera for the Iwnes of the Rerlin Riis omany but rents niau.i ••rooms- -for horses brought into the city. It is four st,,|j.s high in back and three in front, with a baaeasrat. - Oa each floor there is a rooaiy "porch" raaniitc s the full length of the boildiag. These "pi r.-li" t. an- iis.d with an inclined runway for entering or ~ leaving the ••hotel." A regular hotel service is pro- - rided for the "gacsts." B — e