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TIJUANA The which seem best in Fridays races ■ are: P Tijuana. Mexico. February 10. 1921. 1 — Apricot. Clow Steel. Captain Greet. 2— Goldie Rose. Opal Wall. Baby Faust. : i bar the Way. TUlotson, Chrome. 4— Al Wick. Audrey A.. Point to Point. rl 5— i ..ffi-i.i. War Basoke, Great Hawk n 8— BING, Top o" th Morning, Coraeatter 7 -Don lose, Miss Parnell, lie Montgomery. _ G. W. Schilling. -. N«-»v York Handicap. I Ashland, Apricot, Flotation. Crestwood Roy. .1, 2 — GohMe Base, Headman. Baby Faust, Chattan a: as Court. L I :i TH.i.oTsoN. .i. d. Bagg, ,,„. AVlv •I Chrome i 4 Al Wick. Merry Lass, our Maid. Audrey ic. " Piedra, War Smoke. Water Willow. Battle ■ Mountain. I Mag, Coraeatter, Shifty. Top ..• tic Moraiag. . r- Don los, . Little Reach. PfatartO, Woodio Montgomery. Chicago anil Buffalo Handicaps. l Apricot. Flotation. Ashland, Plow Steel. 3 -Baby Faust. Headman. Chattan Court. Cream. :•• TUlotson, Daisy .V. El Sshio, Delaaeey. 4— Petal to Point. Our Maid. Audrev A.. Merry ! I. ass ."• Great Hawk. War Smoke, Rattle Mountain.. Piedra. t BING, Corneiitter. Top » th Momlng, Shifty.; i Aunt Annie. Miss Paiacll, Little Bench, Pfnarro. OI»servcrn Ha ndlcn p. 1 Apricot, Ashland. Crcstsrood Roy. Plow Bteel. 2 Baby Faast, Goldie Rose. Lavaga, Chattan | Court. 3 — Clear the May. chrome. i:i Sabio, Tillotsoa. 1 Audit y A.. Our Maid. Pi hit to Point. Al Wick. 5 War Basoke. Piedra. CoffieM, Croat Hawk. G— BING, Coraeatter, Top o th* Morning, shitty. • Miss Pamell. Don Jose, Woodie Montgomery, little Beach. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Apricot. Ashland. Plow Steel. Flotation. 2 Goldie Rose. Baby Faust. Headman. Chattan : Court. I Clear the Way, TiBotsoa, chrome. I. D. Bagg. ! 4 Al Wick. Petal h Point, Audrev A.. Onr Maid. Merry Lass. ] :. Coffiehl. Piedra. Great Hawk, War Dmoke. | 5 BING. Coraeatter, Top o th Moraiag shifty. 7— Din .lose. Aunt Annie. Miss Darnell. Woodio • Montgomery. ;