Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-11


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TIJUANA FORM CHART e E., TIJUANA. MEX.. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1921. Sixty-sixth day. Lower California Jockej Clnb. M Winter Meet in- of 135 oi more anjra. Weatlicr clear: temperature 70 . Presiding Bteward. Francln Kelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Corfroth and Leon Wing. Starter. Harry Murrissey. Ruin- Secretary. Leon Wiag. to Racing starts nt 1:50 p. m. Chicago time 3:50 p. mi Indicates apprentice allowance. *, " ErOO/«£» FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong?. June 23. 1916— 1 :05%— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- OOlrvF olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlPst I* _% StrJin Joi-keys owners Kuuit. Oddi Strt 687tl*WISE JUDGE w NE V ;, S3 1- X Foden Tarn o Stonnter Stable r2*S-10» „ .-»-i7»S CROUPIER w no i ii :. gj i j* Salndln . W Fuller 736-198 5tWl*THE VAMP n las d i ::•_ ;,! i;; JJ C Gross K W Hong SSTCO*SHARP SQUIRREL v 108 7 :. t s- 7- V ll Taylor • E Lewis tPN-MO F*7BI»BONXET O" BLUE a l»i Ii - I] »sj g* . J "Tementsl E Graham 200-100 • ri,.H JAiK LED1 w« M l«- 9 S1 t : i! W Taylor Ctaekwell dripper IOB KB 6M01*P1COT « i".". 13 ! r li l 7 G yeargtn Polk .v Asfcey .-.•791 JOE BALDWIN w 101 :• •. 7- 7 9* ■- B MarelliW M Mikel 100-101 . f.2-91 DIXIE MASON vW . u 121 M4 Wl K D Powell Pattwaoi • Matlock KMO-WO f 4— 7S*HODA IRISH w 1": 1 M u» m ,]i mi .m SlghterArnot Stable 10SO-10S - 52791 MISS SPEARS W lt 8 2 .- and 4* 111- H Row. Caasity Stable r J 0t7»l5*JOHN LAKE w 110 2 12 12 13 12M2- H B Bower W Walker 2050-100 j 5: 51837 VICTORY IVON W Ml S T 10*. 12 13 13 R MeCr onOuinl.m tk Heigal B2S0-100 Si tMutuel held. Time. 24--,. 49. l:02i, 1:08. Track fast. : ■ s_ mntueis paid, Wise Judy., held, so sn straight, .30 place. .s::.si Know; Proapieri s-js.c,o pi.,, .-,- J.sii show: The FnfSP, Ii hi. .00 -how. Bqairaleal booking odd- Wis., .in, ice. geld, 340 Is 100 Ktraight, 00 t., loo ptaee, 00 to ion »boa . .-.■ Croupier. ISM to Kwi place, 540 to loo xhew; The Vamp, arid, on to KM wnow. Winner B. b, by Jadge Wright Mi- Wright, bj Maartto trained bj J. - . Byrnes; bred by Mr. I 5" Jyree Rati c I I •I i ■ . ! | : ! ] | • ; j l | l | , | ! ■. a . I ■ I * 1 I J ; : j 1 1 .1 i 1 1 1 1 J ■ - 5 Jj ■ - ! I ° ! 7 ; t , « = . i •" s: I C " up . up 3 a * i 5 ,T ." , , • •_ »! e E., M to *, " ■ . Went to post at 1:35. Al post 1 minute. Start | 1 and slow. Won easily: second and third driv lag. WISE JCDGE. away forw.irdly. motred up steadily and. passing the lender* when an eighth sat, won going away. CROUPIER dosed a big gap and tniined with a rush Till-: VAMP bail a roagh race and Bnisbed fast. SHARP SQUIRREL wan shnltled back when passing the half and made up .round afterward. JACK LED1 begaa stowhy and. beiag rushed up into forward contention, tired. P1C0T set the pace to the rtretch snd qait. JOE BALDWIN wan nerer i psosslnenl contender. Orerweight! Pi«ie Mason. 1 pound: Victory Won. :t: Bonnet o Blae, L: Miss Bpears. 1. KOC/OPT SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107.: Purse 00. 3-year-olds and *J*d JX. 4 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third. 0. _ln_deJL Hnrsen AWtPPSt % Vfc % StrT"irT~ Jockey » Owners"- Bqnlv. Odds Strt 52709 = • ED LE VAN a U Ml » i I ■■■ i ■ t* 1» B Marellill L Smith I30-I0i 52512 CR1SPIE a s no t ■■ :-l :.- :■■. ti P MartinerC It Irwin q2»-lon • 20K2 Fiuupl.Mi: wa 5 112 1 I J» V ■■■ :: W Taylor Beehe 4 Crtppen 90-106 52400 STANLEY II. w 11 112 G .". l, I* i1 ■- ; Veargia E E Major 1220-10M 5S7SO*CAPERS w S MB 1 C 2* ! ; P* f p Poloer J J ■Veaey SlOO-lec 52001 GERTRUDE B. wit 0 Ml 4 l P* fH m b1 E Taylor P Farton 730-1M 5t7SlzBLANCHIT s • 1M 3 ! S 7»I 7*1 7«3 :t Carter W Oargan . 330-M9 52517 FAIRT PRINCE a I M0 7 S 9 : s-s Tt McCrnnW Mlkel 24CO-M0 525K0 VALL1 V wsb7M7 i 7 R gj I :• !■• .1 BakerL Gibson IM90-MI Time. 234r,. 435. 1:01. Track fas*. si mutueis paid, Ed Le Van, .00 straight, .00 place. .80 show: Crispie, .20 place. .00 show; Fireplace, -20 nhow. laiuivalent booking o.bK i:,i Le Van. 130 to 100 otraight, 100 t" 100 place, 40 t" 100 show; Crisph 200 to 100 place. ;jn to 10O show: Fin-place. 110 to 1 Ml show. Winner ft. K. by Bowling Green Idlebridge. by Kingsbridge trained by R. L. Smith: bred by Mr. T. T. Jidiiisoni. Went to post at 2:21. At post 12 minutes, start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. KB LE VAN began slowly, bat sared groaad on all the turns and forged to the front when a -i teenth out. CRISPIE began slowly, but Bnished last and satstnyed FIREPLACE. The latter need well and Bnished gamely. STANLEY 11. showed the most early speed, hat tired in the tinal eighth. CAPERS ran under weak riding. BLANCH ITA bad no mishaps. Scratched :.L:;t;i W. c Booty, 100; "iL7:!! Fony Oriff, loo. 53027 Canrashaek, 107. 98i8 THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4-107. Purse 00." 3-year~olds~and *JdCjO upward. Claiming, Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt V»»4"strFin Jockeys Owners Msadr. OdSh •trt 52000= DULY FASHION a 7 112 5 S «;, I :;; l- R McCrnn Allen It Wllkerson " 52fl 100 ." i«0S LABT SMALL wa d Ml 3 I 2» 2**2| 2] M SVghterG A Lackey 190-100 52073 CHROME wa 4 1M ~ 5 V ." :. Js» II Rettlg D MeAtee aio-ioo r 02 701 CHARM ANT w .1 !." 4 I ;:; :;, t»J # B .Mai.llii. II Baxter USO-lOa 52500»MAZIE BARBER a 141 2 ; |«J l«J 1« :, t Kindle . C Lambert l.T.i; -no • i 7 I NA8LEDOVAT1 w7ll 1 2 V p i c. c TmusniiF W Harper ElM*4ht 527*1 •RINGLEADER w 5 pa s i sij ga ;■ 7- n Jones F Rlnebart io.p», .".•OKI PNCE DOUGLAS »vn 5 112 M 7 Kj | | 8S S w Minphy I N nomacb 2M0.MWI .2771 PEGGY MARTIN w "„• ,, p, 10*10* . 91 c hroan .1 Curl MpM 1W .•2570 JOSENIA WB 5 M6 S I 71 R M* M=» j Clements I. Williams IMnf-1JI ,■".270! GOLDEN FLIGHTwB . 107 1! 11 11 11 ;i 11 .1 HnntmrJ McKensie t tMutuel Held. Time. 24, 483i, 1:0135. Track fast. mutueis paid. Duly Fashion, S12.40 straight, si. 00 place. sM.io show: Lad] Small. s.i.Lo slate s.,.K show: Chrome. s:;.sti thaw. 1 :.i 111 v.i 1.-11 1 boohing odds Duly Fashion, oio to loo straight, 100 t" 100 place, 00 to loo show; Lady Smalt, 00 to 100 place, 50 to loo show; Chrome, on to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Rey del Shasta .tueeu of FashioB, bv Manic trained bv I.. II. Hub -hiii-ou ; bred by Mr. I.. I.. Alien 1. Went to post at 2:55. At post 7 minutes. Start g 1 and slow. Won easily: second ami third driving. DULY FASHION began slowly, but moved up gradaally and raced into a gaad lead in the last si teenth. LADY SMALL was in dose quartern between IHLV FASHION and MA/.Ii: BARBER when entering the stretch and could not get through, but whea clear came fust. CHROME ran well and finished gamely. CHARM ANT saved mound when eateriajj the stretch and finished fast. MAZIi: BARBER s.-t f.Tst pace and tired in the last eighth. RINGLEADER was away slov.lv. but ran poorly Scratched- ."._7.io Mary Elisabeth. 107. OTerweights Maaie Barber. 1 ponnd; Peggy Martin. 1. t OC A Q FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May £0. 1920— 59— 4— 1070 Purse 00. 3-vear-olds and aatOS-F upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. ~ Index Horses AWtPPSt i 2 Str Kin Jockeys Owners EquTr. Odds Strt 500SSHU. ANGLETON ii . loa 7 l I 1 1- C Tmpsor.S HanelUne U ~V* 52729-i:.;LISH LADY w 7 KB 1 2* 2» L". T. P .Marlie/. Cloud 4M0 Ma .v:««: TERNETTE a E II- 5 S 1, V 41 :, W Htnphy W C Carrington WiOxlOfl ."•.772-1.1 il:i:i. IA w 7 111 ".I 1 ::". :;-■_ ::■_ |!. X Fodea B A Jones 471-lOc 52000»L1TTLE JAKE v. :■. Mill 1 : F« 71 .", 6* A Zehfter E M Level 210-108 ."2792 VELVET w . IM Ii S 7-. :.i V c- E Taylor Caandty stable _jjm jsg 52804 INDIAN BRIGADE w S 101 1 :i s: r, 7 7-. 1: Mnr-lliC L Fondingsland tMOO-MD 52702 OUR LEADER wlii7 3M .. .o1 in-1. .. K aywdMoore A Henry MPP-V* .-2740 i:it. WOOD w • .: Mis i M] : ■ gj pa ; Vearrln AUen « Shums MOKprn ."2504 OLD SQUIRREL wa : M :• 7 ."., m :•- io M SlghterF Morris 87 10 KING EARL 12 MS 411 11 11 11 11 it MeCrnnUampbell .v- Richie t vMutuel ii, Id. Time. 23V «■**, 1:01%. Track fast. si: muiucis paid, Hugh Angle ton, 04.80 strabjht, s:..i place. S3. 10 show; English Lady, sis. 11 pia,e 18.20 show; Teraette, 1921.sh.00 show. Bqniralent booking odd- Bragb Angletoa. II" to kk» straight. 80 la 100 place. 70 to loo show- English Lady. 880 to loo place. 800 to loo s|,o« ; Teraette, 200 to loo show. Winner— -B. z. bj J. F. Crowley— Banoniea, b p.. ocfcbnrn trained by s. ESaaeltine: bred by Mr J. R. Heaslej 1. Went to post at 8:25. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HliiH ANGLETON s 1 took tin lead and. drawing away after entering the stretch, avou easing up. ENGLISH l.AKV raced in close pursuit ami Bnished gamely, but tiring. TERNETTE ran well and linishcd fast. LOBELIA, after showing speed, tired in the last eighth. LITTLE JAKE made up gronnd and so did VF.LVFT. Beratched — 52749 Sister Polly, 00. Overweights- Onr Leader. :i pounds; English Lady. 2; Old Squlrrer, 2. ErOCKd". FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— f:43V-6— 182. Purso~0ol tlsiOtPv 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. tmlex l.orses AWtllSt 14 Vt % Str Kin Jockeys Owners EqulTTodds Strt 52754 JOHN JR. wn S 117 7 1 l1 1-;1- 1- PJ N Foil 11 E A Jone.s no loo 2 7 05 .miki: daly Wa " IM 3 t Q P c V 2=J M SlghterLawleoa A Marphy 47"-ioo 52772 PINK TENNY wn ". 11: ? . :." V !■ Z» ::■ C Cross ; Lyon I4S0*10« SS84M* HONOLULU I Ml l 7 8 ,,» 6s ;• 4 B MarelliManale .v.- Chaproa 1129-100 52030 PILL DTCIIMANw • ICa 1 :; «k 4"..- :,. :., i; Parke .1 A i.irsoi 2340-101 SS708«PLUNUER wa 7 IM 1 4 2 l; :;L 4 6" E Taylor J W Tate £60-100 52807 COBRTTA waa 0 IM i i 7- I 7; 7- 7- .1 RobronCocor dAione Stable MM-Mt 52X08 MADRID wan 5 117 ." S •- 7"» 8 I § .1 Class Damn ft Carroll lMOt-MO Time. 2425. 484-,, 1:14%, 1:41. 1:46%. Track fast. 82 miitin Is paid. John Jr.. 04.20 straight, 82.80 place. S2. 10 show: Mike Daly, 08.40 place, 13.20 show: Pink Teiiiy. 08.00 show. Eqniralenl booking odds John Jr.. 110 to 100 straight. 10 to 100 place. 20 to loo show; Mike Daly, 70 to Kmi place, 00 to loo show: Pink Teaay, 80 to 100 show. Winner- P.. v. by Marts Santa Maude Feaiy, by Ren Str.. me trained bv P.. A. Jones: bred bv Mr Walter S. Payne 1. Went to post nt .",:I7. At |xist 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won easily: second ami third driving. JOHN .III. s,t a pod pace and always held tie race sufe. MIKE DALY raced under restraint to tee fir torn, then came fas ami finished resolutely. PINK TENNY showed speed ami made a j,nmc linish. HONOLULU made up ground under rigorotM riding. PLUNGES, hard ridden from the start tired badly. Scratched 52731 Boreas, 108; 32800 Dickie W., 110; 52081 Mighty Lever. 105. Overweights Cobrita, 1 pound. ~ CTOCe:-j SIXTH RACE— l Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— l:43l/-_6— 1220 Purse 00. ■O*-*-*- 3-year-olds, and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt « i Str jrin Joekeys Owners BqiiW. OddYstr7* 52755 SWEET APPLE w I Md 2 V S » 11 I" N Foden Tarn o" Shanter Stable tsiu-iw 52709 PHELAN W I an 7 S I, 4 J1 V 2" 1 ; Yaanrta B Daniels S10-100 OOOSSDIONE a S 11J :: I . 5*6* 2] S| E Fator W Vorkman 100-100 52774 Al. WKK ws 8 M9 4 1 .".; V ; 4; pa h Rowe C C Richnrds 1HO-M0 52808 BABY 8ISTER wa M 115 S 7 7* 7- 7 V P M;ir*i,iez B Irwin IMO-Ms 52807 WEINLAND we. 1; 117 1 -■ 2] 1 7 I c [Mnpnan G X.al M04M B87«l*HICKORYNUT wan 7 107 2 1 I] 1- |S P ; D Powell c F Hun: M8M09 ."1»!8 ELEtTTRIC si: 1: M 888S888B MarelliAV M .Mikel vMutuel field. Time. 24. 4845. 1:14%, 1:42. 1:46*;,. Track fast. mutueis paid, Sweet Apple, field, Sn.mi straight, 84.40 place. .su.oo show: Phehin. 88.00 place 03.20 show : Wane. 82.00 show. BajaivaieBl booking odds Bweet Apple, field. 840 to loo straight, 120 to 100 place, 50 to loo show • Phobia. :iIO to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; llione. :,! to 100 show Winner P.. f. by Sweep — Sweet charlotte, by Ingohfcby trained bv j. w. Byrnes; bred hi Mr Charles V. M el. Went to post .it 4:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won drivfcsg; second and third the same. BWEET APPLE, alter being a contender .lose up from the start, raced to the front when and eighth out and. when challenged in the stretch drive, gamely lasted long enoagh. PHELAN moved fast on the far turn and fongbf it out gamely nilh the winner in a close finish. IMONK made gronnd AL WICK ran a good race HICKORY NUT set a goad pace to the stretch and anil WEINLAND showed speed. Scratched 52751 Red William. 105; 52805 Pol nl to Point. 108; 52828 Too Rr.ckeiiriiLe. 100. Ovorwoi-hts Sweet Apple. 1 pound: Phelan. 1. CrOCKO SEVENTH RACE— I l-8 Miles. Jan. 8. 1921—1:53—6—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds K»+dCj%J*d and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners KquiT. itddi. Htrt 52807 *»LE DIN08AURE w 7 112 t 4 li 1; l. lm |i. h Rowe i Koamey JW-108 52772 BERNICE E. w 0 IM :. 7 I I I ! l-.r McCrnn A Lund M40-MO ri774*CORK w S MO l 8] I» 3j :; I; Mar*eUU A Parson COO-109 52751 .MAY WORTH w i: .. 107 7 1 C-i : • I* 4- KTavlor San DlegO Stable 180-100 52808 AUDREY K wan iC US I S 2| »* Js» || :■ p MarUnexC i: Irwin 1810-MS 52774»CHRI8. HOLTERS w 7 107 1 5 V » 0* .- H Joins .j W Tate .W-loo 52011»PERFECT LADY w.4 MS - : 7 7 7 7 7 M SPghterDieti ft Owens s7u-lu0 Time. 25. 50-3. 1:14, 1:42, 1:55. Track fast. 02 mutiiei- paid. Le Diaosaate, 87.20 straight, .s4.so place .80 show: Bernice E. 828.00 Place . lo show : Cork. si. 20 show. Eqalvaleat booking odds Le Bhsosaare, 200 to Kmi straight, 140 I" 100 place, oo to 100 show Bernke 1880 n ion place. :i7o to Kmi sbew; Cork, lln to loo shpw. Winner B. h. by Maximum— Dogmatic, by St. Simon trained by II. Kearney; bred in France bv Mr. M. II. Corbsere. Went to post at 4:3:. At post 1 minute. Start | I and slow. W It iv in-.-: second ami third the same. LE BIN08AURE sel a | I pace to the stretch under slight restraint and. being hard ridden through the Onal eighth, with- 1 the closing challenge of BERNICE E. The latter was under restraint the stretch ami seemed the winner, but tired in the linal strides. CORK raced forwardlv and Bnished guniely. MAYWORTH made up gronnd with a belated rush. AUDREY K. tired badly CHRISTIE HOLTERS was always outpaced.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021101/drf1921021101_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1921021101_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800