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„ • . f - J 5: Si : ■ .-,- .-.■ 5" HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1921. Oriental Park. 8Uty-8fth day Caha-Americaa " kl 2 "" Anl" ! I1 Winter Meeting of 100 or men- days Weather clear: temperature 90 Stewards, J. Uachmeister, I 11. Lansdale and F J. Braen. Starter, James F. MiltonT Uacian Secretary, M. Nathanson. K.icin starts at 2:80 p. m. Chicags time l r.T p. mT. •Indicates sppoatire n. Sbi FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 21. 1916— 34—2— 113. Purse 00. 2-year-oTd d*-7 *-*«-* _?*:ai:ldens-_ sPe«al Weights. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % J : % Str K i i~" ~j oe koy s Ow uers O " H C P S. 52770»OPULENT w PM 4 1 l1 1 .1 Don-.-icl; Williams, Bros ] i i TTTaT j277i COL CHILL IM 3 I 2 • • w *J W J Hh. sMori.uiao Stabb- s s s 0-5 ..2710 PACIFIER w 112 s 5 :; jj A Pickens K 1. Fitxgernld IJ p. 2 ; , j.pj .itKlO-JLSTLVA i: w it 108 ; ,; pj w K,.i.;., ,. ,.; Kn,.,,„ .,. ,," , » , , .. , . .-,27 1;-c.sciiiim v no : j IJ 5 c II M.ibrw .r Dab I I c ■•■" , .-.2Hli» molly PUFF wa MS 17 .i snnth V powers 0 o at lo ; 53*10 ARTEM1SA n 112 7 : .. 7 L Penman R D..I/ ■ m m i„ 3 ...2HI!» NAOMI K a I"". S « s s F MerioweJ -; Kurt a .;n ia ; Time, Zi. 36V . Track fast. 83 inutiK I- paid, Onenaat, :: M atrakcht, .M place, .70 -how; ul Chile, HAM place, 68.88 rim; Pacifier. 88.00 sham Rajaivaleat boohing iMa Opaleat, TO t 1** straight. IS to 100 place, ::.", to mo show; Col Chile, MS t.. loo place, 190 to loo show : PactScr, !•■" to 100 shew. Winner -ch. e, by nilailosa Base I Inge, by Borgia trained by . Williams; bred bj Messrs. Willi. im- Bros, i. Weal la peat at !Jt At peal :i minutes start g,.,oii and ilcey. Won easily; second and third driving. OPIT.EXT outran the othera lrom the -tart and won under restraint, COL CHILI ran well, but eraa rMaea eat to Mislay PACIFIES. 1%t latter ran a good race. JTSTlNA E. Saiehed fast and gaining. Sera Uletd— 62600 Pinnacle. 115; Peal Weather, 112. Overweights — Justina K . 8 pounds; Oeeesrraa, 2. I 98/1 SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:0s1,,— 5— 102. Purse 00. OIOeD** 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner S550; second. 00; third. 0. ■ j ""index Horses AWtllSt , • 4 Str Im .lo. keys hnici H C P 8 " 50087 "JULIKANNE WB MS 1 I J I r R Li sterW R nnelly J-6 7-5 7-6 1-2 1-4 88?67aGK04RUE C. .lit. m 113 1 7 1*1 71 B» t* W Crump 1. Brown :. 4 4 7-.". 7-io 61884 JACOBEAN e/a i"7 E 1 I" 2 l»I L Penman 1 Hedg M l» 10 4 I 68087* EXPERIMENT « Ml t ! 21 l» 4- 4 w Kelsay E Cehrian l-SMMMl I 62780 kavjian a M I l l«* 8* 1» .,-. k Barnes W II Bchwarta 31 II M I I .v;;; BLACK PAT m HC I I 4* ■"•"- I1 I1 -I franc to H E Bwan M 12 12 E 21 61486 HARP OF THE JTTHw 7 7 ■ ."••• I* 7 7 C Parrian B Beamolt M S3 27, 1" 8 5S757*COOMBS * IM 1 I V t* V Is : Fields J 8 Baldwin • 7 7 -i B-8 .-. -»*."»*» l.ll.l. .i:v in; MG I I I I I ■ F Merimee W Feuchter M M M N Time. 2335. 48. 1:01. 1:0725. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Inlieaane, 84 and* atraight, 80 place, |2.70 skew; George P. Jr., slim place, 68.86 show: Jacobean. 88.08 show. Equivalent booking odds -Jnlieanne, 140 to lot straight, 03 to 100 place, 88 t.. 100 show: George . Jr., 14."» to too place, 7". to loo ■new; Jacebeaa, 88 to n»o ahew. Winner It. f. by i:irr.;i li.i. by Ogdl n i trained by F. A. Herold: brod by Mr. lean K. Madden I. Went to post ai 1:00. At peat •, minut,-. Start g 1 and Blow. Won easily; second and third driv- lag. JILIKANNK aegaa tlewljr, bat closed I big pap and. finishing fast on the inside, won in ■ canter. CEO ROE . JR., alee dosed t pap and made i f.isr laisk. JACOBEAN ran tret], bat Vfaa la a baaapias ■ match at the Rtxteeatb peat. EXPERIMENT raced late a brief lead, but lost •.■round when eelUdiag with JA OBEAN. KAVMAN led aaeal el the wajf and is improving. Keratrued *iL7."w Baaajr Days, los; 53841 Oar Jack, los: 52840 s.otty. 10.".. dvcrweiuhts .lulieanne. L poMads; K.vperiiueut. .": Lullaby. 2; Black Tat. 1. jrQQPrCr THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OOoO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. "index Horses AWtllSt U - t Str Kin .Io keys Owners O H C P S 52000 OSGOOD w S 11, 2 :: 4 4 ::« 1«* I. Penman I Doyle 7-8 7-5 7-5 1-2 1-4 j .VJ73! STEPSON wsu 5 113 1 1 - -- -1 - « H MlllerC Middleion 41 :, ." 1-6 7-10 5 1000* CURRENCY em 0 Ml I E 1- 1- 1- -I Francis 1, .1 Sullivan 1 1 1 1-:. l-l ~1~,:iU HUSH a 4 1"" I 1 51 1*15* 4 E Barnea t7 Holmes 4 4L 41 7-6 7-10 EtSltORLEANS QIRL w 4 loo :, •; S»l 0* 41 5" B LcasterJ 1 Miilin IS 1". IS ■ I 527S71H eraa I MO :: 4 I : I •; J Smith J C Majrea 15 1* M I 4 Time, 2235, 463i. 1:123. Track fast. |S ■atada paid, Oapjead, 05.40 tralajkt, 12.80 place sj.ho akear; stepson. .70 place. . •_. ." show: turrencv. IT 10 abaar. laiuivalent booking odds Oegaad. 170 to OKI tralgkC, 40 to 1 H [dace. IT, to KM show: Stepson, s.". to OK place. -J7 to 1H sliow: tlirrency, IIO to HHt show. Winner- Ck. «. by tiarry lierrmann Oetra, bj Hanover Itrainod by It. It. Rice; bred by Mr. jeorse I». Widenerl. Weni to ]iost at 3:Lo. At post 2 minutes. Start pood and alow. Wea diivin: second and third the same. OSGOOD was outrun to the stretch turn, watte lie came to the outside and. linisliinji fast, wea in the last stride. STEPSON, suddenly improved, was much 11 — l la forcing a fast early pace and tiled in the laal drive. CURRENCY set a peed pace, but tired ami probably was short. HUSH ran a good race. ORLEANS OIBL showed apeed and improvement. Overweights — Currency. 1 pound. i X9fifft FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and UMOdO upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Iiabx Horses AWt IMSt % *4 Str Pin Jockeys ""owners Q~ H C P H 1 5tSOS * ROUNDEL wa 5 110 1 1 i1 r U I R LcaaterH Shielde 3 :: 3 1 1-- | 52721* LITHOLICK v. f. f. 107 I 1 ■■- VI i- -1 J Francis A 1. Davidson 4 4 4 NT. 4-5 , .••534 LANGHORNE wa 1 112 7 2 14 H l«l F Hunt W O CaaapheU 2 I : 7-M1-3 5tdO0 HOCNIR w 10 III 1 i 6] 5*1 4- 4- B McIFattW B Flaaegaa - - - I-M4-I 60780LITTLE DEAB m i M S 7 7 f. C- V L Penman s Nash 16 M IS « " ..•JWI.T FICKLE FANCY a : IM .• ■: 2* 31 B* I W Kdaay I" Dayle s H 1 4 . 52S5Z JACK HILL w i: I 112 4 •; I1 7 7 7 c Eaaaea .1 L Wade s 10 b 4 _• Time. 23. 46«0. l:13Vi. Track fast. sj mutuels paid. Ib.undcl. .s!».M.i straight. .v4.t 0 place, 01.10 -how: l.itholbk. 05.00 place. 00,40 show: Laaatkerae, 02.00 ahoa . laiuivalcnt 1mm. king odds ltoniuiel. 37,0 to KM straight. 108 to loo place, .".."• to 1 M» ahaw; l.iiholick. to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: I.anghorne. 4" to 100 show . Winner Ch. . by Peter Qaiace— Halkis. by Orlando trained by 11. ShiehN: bred by Mr. Johnson X. Camd-ni. Meat to post at H:." 0. At post 2 ■1—0 1 Start good and alaar. Won handily: second and third ; tlriving. BOUNDBL -aved giound ea all the turns and. setting a last pace from the atari, won going away. LtTHOUOK ran a goad race, but tired after making a threatening challenge in the stretch. LANGHORNE ran areil and Oniaked close up. riCKI.i: PANCl ran a good half. HOCNIB raced gamely, but could aeeer get up. I.ITII.I-: DRAB was tunning teal at the end. ilvcrwcis-hts Little Dear, 4 pounds. prOQgri"/ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3,, 1913— 1 :441i— 3— 92. PurseT0Ch 3orear-olds ; OmUU I and upward. Claiming: Handicap. Net value to winner 00; second, 25: third, 5. ! , Horses AWtllSt 4 a a4 St.- Kin Jockeys Owners O~H~0 V S r.-iH-f. im i.i: LIGHT w 5.M4 - 1 4*1 4 :i:: ::4« i; L, 1,-nman I. P , : i"; t; f | l :.-!H01 EXHORTER wa 7 1*1 t; :, ::: 2 ■-"■ -i- t ] B McDottJ Walt is B-6 s-:» »-: 1-2 1-4 .-.2801 FAUX-COL a « SOI E 1 1* 1- lsTl1 l« .1 Francis Williiim.s Broa S-5 0-6 0-6 2-5 1 : itr.i IMHOD w 5 Ml l :: 7 r. V ■■■ :■ V. Kenndyll ;ol !blatL :: :: 31 1-5 3-6 ."2801 WAR PLUME araa 5 Ml 1 ■ ",l 7 7 7": x .1 BrnesF Dolharrio 20 25 S ii 5 520tt BEDSTART w 0 Ml 7 7 q " V P I it LcaaterJ .1 McCafferty s p M i 2 :»780 HARAN wit 4 M 4 2 9 3" 4 l | 7 I Gordon E C Griffith 15 16 16 • :: Time. 25, 4835, 1:10*4, 1:39. 1:45V Track fast. sl- mutuels paM, Candle Light. 010.00 straigbt, 05.88 place, -.sit taaie; Bxkortor. 00.50 piaee, .70 ahaer; Faux-Col. 02.08 ahaw. K|uialent booking odd- Candle Light. .",sii f, 100 Rtraigkt, 100 to Umi place, 40 t.« HHI s|„,« : . keeter, 7." to 100 place. 83 to loo ikow; Faax-Cel, 20 ■• ion nfcow. Winner Br. h. b. Light Brigade Calandria. by St. Serf trained l,v It. B. Allen: bred by Mr. Ld- arard It. McLean. W ut t., post ,,t 4:10. At neat 4 minute-, start good and slow. Men driTiag; aeeead and third the same. CANDLE LIGHT was gored behind the pifiaiak«r until straightened out a the atretch, tkea raaK laal la the last eighth and was drawing clear at the pad. EXHORTER ran .veil and easily disposed of FAUX-COL. The latter set .1 teat pace, but tired in the laal sixteenth. DOCOD closed;, big ga*. Overweights- Redstart. 2 pound-: War Plume, 1: Docod, 2. rraJ QJTO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 19I8lT41— 5— 1170 Purse 00. f3lOt30 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PP SI ■ str I- in Jockeyg Owactl Q H 1 p g .-»2803;.MATHKlj" w S 112 2 2 l .• 3 11 1 F Hunt J D Bartoloraeo •-and 0-6 «-5 1-2 1-4 52701* ATTORNEY MUIR u i 101 5 7 t 1*11 - 1 - 1 1 A Pickens A G Robertson 2] 2. 2 1 1-2 52701UB BALAFRE *•» 5 M4 I t 7 3«1 21 S1 ::■• B L* carter C Mock 10 10 in 4 2 P2700 JELLISON w •; 107 3 :; 2* 6" 4" •" 4- V Jarrel] 1. Faater s s :: s-j CtBMSlNN PEINER a .".107 7 C I 1 e* l 6" ;. i. Penman w L Oliver 10 M M t 2 52020 *TTM. .1. HOGAN I 1"4 1 1 I* r, 7 *t|G Plekhi • Warwick S .". .". 2 1 52741ZBIERMAN am 7 MO ■; • 4J 7 r,-r, 7 7 j Francia j; Alearea :: :: :; ] 1-2 Time. 24. 473. 1:13. 1:3835 1:42"5. Track fast. S2 nnitueK paid. Mather. 84.00 -liaight. 02.00 place. 02.50 s|,,, ; Attorney alalr, S2.00 place, .88 show; I - Ha la Ire. 17.00 show. ■ajaleah-al baakiag edda — Mather, US to loo straight. 4:, to 108 place, i-". to 100 show; Attorney Muir. 4.", to 100 place, 10 t., Hki show: be Balafre, 250 to Iiki kIiow. Winner It. y. by Martinet La,iy Esther, by Lord Bstrriiaa trained by c. H. Neal: bred by kTeaara William- Broa. k HoUaad. Went to post at 1:41. At post :! ininnt.-. Start g i and -low. Won ea-il.N : -ec.nd and third driving. MATHER, after setting tke early pace and dropping back, stored up when entering the stretch and. racing into the lead, drew away la tke la-t eighth. ATTORNEY MIIK kegaa slowly and made bis way up on the entahie into the had. bat tired in the last qaarter. Li: BALAFRE ran well and finished gamely. JELLISON ran aaoderately wcii. Scratched--r,270l -Jack llealey. 102: :.27i:i iiuke KuiT. lo7: 52781 Foster Oknhry, 107; 7J27U1 Lenara P., !l7: 52820 Kavensea. 104.