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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS By ruling five winners at Tijuana Saturday It. Marine-lli carried off the saddle hoaors e,f last week with nine winners t1 his credit, two more1 than ri l-den by L. Penman at Havana. K. Taylor, with -ix winners, and K. I-tniaster with four, were BSBoafl others that rede well last week. Marinelli has a substantia] asargia over his nearest rival aa the list of the thirty leadiag jockeys of the year, their records from Jaaaary 1 to and lacladtas the raclag of Saturday, being as follows: .loe-k-v. hits. 1st 2d. 3d. Flip. P.C.L.W. Marinelii. B S01 ."4 -SO SI Bl -7 !l Wilson. F Lf.l 30 S 24 PS .22 0 Taylor E 10S 3j s.i is lit; lit «i .larvi-. T MS 23 10 IS M .Lo 0 Slaughter. M. . ..100 Jl 18 13 til .IS :. Francis. .1 131 lit 17 14 81 .13 2 Keaaedy, it 7s is 12 !" M .22 l Lancaster. It. . . . 1J4 1!» IL 10 77 .17 4 Ieargiu. ; 141 17 10 10 •.• l- • Pickens. A 83 17 7 13 11 .LO L Baraes. E HH W 17 1". •"• 1" 0 Roberts. .1 04 10 CJ 14 :.l .17 ■ Martinez. P 1*4 13 SO M 0! 1 Moon.-v. .1. J. ...125 13 10 il B3 .12 1 Pe-nman. 1 OS 1". L2 10 #■ .O 7 Bowe, 11 in 11 D» 10 ft-" .D 1 Kelsay, W 03 II lo I .-"J :• Cross. C 84 13 12 lo lh 1" 1 Hunt, F •-• 12 I I SO .1!» 3 HcDerasott. L. . 83 12 11 Bl 44 .11 0 Barrett. N lo 12 4 2 SB SO 0 Peace, C ■ 11 lo H SO .lo 0 Kin. II 57 11 7 I S3 1!» o Podeu, N 110 10 !i .» OS os | I.vke. 1 44 M !» 7 Is .L3 1 Pool, K OS. 9 Oil 31 .1" » llilipel. -1 00 ! 0 8 13 .1 I o ,.,,,„ I. M 70 !l 9 13 13 .13 II Hiaphy. W 57 H 5 8 80 .11 0 Mi-D. rnioti. R.. 02 B r. ! 43 .13 1