Fourth Race [Fourth Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-14

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• y .. i 1 r J r I i" J i • I It I e • • ;e 7 It a ;t l ly " : II ■ • J r v iv i.- -t is y 11 " by ly in1 FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. May 20, 1920—59—4—107. C. A. COMISKEY. blk. g. 6 100 By Dick Welles— Sweet Nell, by Esher. Trainer. E. Getchell. Owner, E. Getchell. F2291 Tijuana 5-8 1 :*1 :. 1"7 1L7 1. Mali. Hi 1 1 Do.leA.lams, LewisB., Pleader .-,:-i,:i Reno :-1 1:14 fast 8 io7 3*1 Perry 10 Perch, Lantern. Beatrl«ef aa*IBti 50138 Reno 57. f 1 ,fast .i 111 3*1 Ml kfthewa 7 AHaeB., Lantern. J.D.Bofg 4:»970 Reno 47 f 7.r;.fast 17". Ill 2 B linn ea/r 8 Firealace, Lantern i.s:: Bona 5-8 1 .01 :; s 5 111 6*f B Ptanegfr 7 G.BMUgh, Lant.rn. Murielslet LADY SMALL, hlk. m, 6 100 By Jack Atkin — Oriental Pearl, by Ingoldsby, Trainer, G. A. Luckey. Owner, G. A. Lnckey. 52848 Tiiuana 5-8 1 :"1 ■■ 8-5 103 I 2 2 :7 7- M Slchtei 11 Dy Fashion, Chrome, Clmrmant 52008 Tijuana 51 1 l :io-"-.s!« w 1-5 no f.i M althewslO B. Harrlaaa, M. Baretta. DotH. 52441 Tijuana 5-8 1:00. 17 97 4 7 li Slghtrr 0 Shifty. Sherman A., Lillle Jake 52362 TUuana 51 f 1 M%gooA 17-5 M 2- M STghterll Bhfachita, Piposia. Ann S. CI 984 Tijuana 6-8 148 fast 6 99 8*1 B Marielli 7 Nef, Biposta, Little Jake 61897 Tijuana 6-8 1 :il4.-f:ist 12 110 2* G Yeargin 11 Fireplace. CtrnileH., LiltleJnke 51S05 Tijuana 61 f 6 108 B* O Toargta 13 John Jr., Boh Baker, Irish Maid EL SABIO, br. g. 11 102 By Sorcerer — Schwalbe, by Sain. Trainer, J. A. Parson. Owner, J. A. Parson. _:7! Tijuana 5-8 141 fast 9 MS 2 1 :. 91 9" B MariellUO DodeAdanrs, QuidXunc, Chrasac 52827 Tijuana 57 1 1 3J 107 2 2 2 2 2h B Mar.llil2 O.Hoaaestd, Lantern, Mondaine 52386 Tijuana 5-8 80 109 9,s P Martiney.10 M.Meeli. k. Ringleader. Tillotson 51999 Tijuana 61 f 149 fast 33 M7 10" P Martin.zll Mineral.lim, Clr tlieWay, Ierch BEVELRY JAMES, ch. g, 9 105 By Star Ruby— Lady Lindsey, by Sir Modred. Trainer, C. H. Rowe. Owner, C. H. Rowel. 52809 Tijuana :: i cii fast i::f in s i i 7 7 1 P McCr*nnl2 HaoansHeir. Ap.Jack, LewisB. 52793 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 73f 114 9 :: R McCrnnll Sinil.Mag.. Mer.f/ss. HgansUr 62469 Tijuana 51 f l:09%slop 15 112 7" R McCrnn 7 Clear theWay, Biposta, Ap.Jack 522S9 Tijuana 57 f 1 ais-fast 11-5 115 T"J F Chiavtal2 C. the Way. P. Direct. Rosellis 34 Tijuana 611146 last 13 115 9*1 Pooney i Ivt.leat. Smil. Maggie. Plunger 51892 TUuana 3-4 1:14 fast 1S-5 112 24 J Pooney 0 Mex, Chandelier. Cavalcadourll. 51696 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 13-5 112 l| P McCrnnll Milda. UMIs Jake, Pilly Joe CAL CURN, ch. g. 11 107 By Stem Winder — Queencup, by King Faustui. Trainer, C. W. Officer. Owner. Trowbridge and Officer. 52147 Tijuana 55 f 147%fast 3 197 7*1 J Callahan ft Vukon. Delancey. Cover Vp 62062 Tijuana 61 f 141 fast 21 112 2" J Glass 11 Hoerer. Clear the Way. T.Baacaa 51994 Tijuana 5-8 141 fast 8 110 4- B Haywrd 8 Clear Lake. Biposta, Milda 51701 Tijuana 6-8 1:02. 4-5 112 2"» B Pinnegr 10 Herder, Pingleader. Plunger 51600 Tijuana 6-8 142 fast 3 113 2" B Pinn-rarlO BlBOSta, Keg, Knima Weller CANVASBACK. ch. g. 4 105 By Greenback— Coronis, by Voter. Trainer. C. Irby. Owner. C. Iihy. 7 Tiiuana 7.; r i oi .-.slow .1 107 81! B McCrnnll Ap.Jack. Col. Matt. J.J.Mordock 62565 Tiiuana 1 1-16 l:53%mud 52 91 9»4 II B B*wer 8 Deckhand. Caval.a.l.nnll.. Midia 52504 Tijuana 5-8 POlr.hvy 17-5T 194 1i K Taylor 12 lnd. Hgade. M.Kurta, J.. l.Mrdk 52168 Tijuana 6-8 14! fast 21 llo 4JR McCrnnlO Mad. Hurry. Mislake, Ermitana 61968 Tijuana 5-s 1 22 110 a4. B Hayvrd12 .Hollers. T.Duncan. L.Pcess 61839 Tijuana 6-8 143 fast 55f 111 Si R McCrnn S I.D.Sugg, .t -Way, Ed Le Van NELLIE WITWER. br. f. 4 106 By Martinet— Marie T., by Ogden. Trainer, F. W. Ritsch. Owner, J. W. Tate. 52751 Tijuana lm79j 1:47 fast I 107 9» C Whit ton 10 Maywortb, Boreas, Voa Lady 52390 Tijuana 51 f l:09%good 31 119 4!G Yeargin 11 Ply Baby, Fnnnana. C. Murphy 51902 Tijuana 5 7 1 1 : 7».-,fast 47-10 110 9*| G Y.-argin !» Milda. BiBOStS. Perch 51764 Tijuana 57 f 1 :08%fast 4 99 2* O Wlllla 11 M.I.ass. May Maatsby, l.Maid 71i;s2 Tijuana 5 f l:o:"-fast 7 Ill IL C, Yeargin 12 Velvet. Irish Daisy. Welga 51642 Tijuana I I 1 :l..-.-, 78 99 tq G Yeargin !» John Jr.. Pretty Haby, MoveOn TERNETTE. ch. m. 5 110 By Barnesdale — Tern, by Black Dean. Trainer, E. F. Wright. Owner, W. C. Carrington. 52849 TUuana 5-8 l:01%fast S 112 E I i U W Hlnphy 11 H.Anyleton. Bay. Utd] Lobelis Tijuana 7.-s 1 ol-hvy 7 113 7" R Carter 11 C.theWay, Nsslerati, M.Fuklin 52402 Tijuana 5-8 l:01%fast 8-5 106 V M Slghter • Lit. Jake. H.McCarty. Ed I* Van Mist Tijuana 6-8 141 fast 12-5 110 7" A Zeigler 7 Sef, Biposta, Little Jake 1991 Tijuana 47 f :54 fast 51 111 ii A Zeigler •. PhncWard. Apropos, Corncutter 51819 Tijuana 5-8 POL". fast 10 111 lit A Zeigler T Tillotson. Anna Begins, Neg 71712 Tijuana 5 -8 1 42 13-10 111 li A Zeigler 12 Hoover, IsphSBJ. Plazer 50104 Reno 4i f 55 fast 3 101 5-J L Mills • PidySmall. Epiphanes. FayetteC. BABY GIRL, ch. m, S 103 By Textile— My Baby, by Bramble. Trainer. G. M. Murphy. Owner. G. M. Murphy. S82 Tijuana laaMy l:fi*%eIow 11 Ml S" D Poarel] s c.l.uehh b.i. ii. Plaager, Cohrita EMM Tijuana 1 l:«%OMd 9-tt M I2 D Powell 11 AudreyA.. VnnLady. CenterUUe. EMM. Tijuana 51 f l:08 .-,good M lor, tii D Powell 11 Blanehita. Led? Small. Maaata 62108 Tijuana 6J f l:07=sfast 10 1 7 9* L Gaugel 10 Riposta. Cover Up, Irish Daisy 52022 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 6-5 b»9 !• J Glass 11 Thir.Seveu, SwtTth, Naslevatl f.lfi41 Tijuana 51 t l:09M;fast 43-10 112 2» J Glass 11 Mex, .1. J. Murdoek, Crispie INDIAN BRIGADE, ch. g, 8 105 By Brigade— Wild Irish, by FontUo. Trainer. R. Campbell. Owner. O. L. Fundln-rsland. ."■2M* Tijuana B-8 SM M ■ S ti 7 Til: Mnr.-llill H.AuKletoii. Bub .Lady, Ternette i EMM Tijuana 11:4: fas: a Mi •*• J i-tnfnts 8 MieaParaell, Barton, Chaatreaa 526*2 Tijuana 11:43 slow 7-5 114 B*| C Thpson S K. Harriiran. Ap. lack, Ctross ! EMM Tijuana 3-1 1 :15=-,slow 2 If 114 C; C Tmpsonll Mannchen. John -Jr.. Heg 62546 Tijuana 5i f 1:11. -.mud 1-2 11C, 3J C Thpson 10 Mex. Pastime. Mildred Kuretta SAD SAM. b. g, 7 110 By John F.— Kate Rogers, by Bob Carter. Trainer, C. G. Sutton. Owner, C. G. Sutton. EM74 Tijuana S-l 1 :01 fast 37-10 114 1 1 1 #1! 9,n J Robtsnlo BadeAdaaM, QaidNnnc, KlS.ibio 5266!* Tijuana 5-s l:*t%hvy 9 H" 5»j P Martinez 11 C.theWay . Naslevati. M.Fnkliu EMM Tijuana 5-8 1:02%mud 1G-5 111 a0 J Robtsn S Riposta. Tillotson, Clirome EMU Tijuana 5-8 l:00.-,fast and 1« 4 712 E Taylor 9 Shifty. Sherman A.. Little Jake EMM Tijuana 41 f EMfcfaat 13 109 4 "J W Yarl-y 10 JooBlair. JnitaFdriek. Cornctr GERTRUDE B , b. m, 9 110 By Golden Maxim — Notasulga, by The Commoner. Trainer, J. L. Crawford. Owner, K. Barton. 52847 Tijuana :-si:i fast 7 PC 1 1 I M S*l ■ Taylor 9 Kd Le Van, Cringle, Fireplace EMa Tijuana " f 107. -fast U M9 6 7 7 71 ti l Marttaes • Walter Mack, Little Beach, Nee 52646 Tijuana Eft f 1:11 ■oaS-NlN 1" H Taylor 12 Ann S.. Viva. Maud M. EMM Tijuana r.-8 l:01?ifast 70 M4 1" ■ Taylor 9 Brpoata, Thirty Seven. Rehincey EHMTtjanaa E-8 lMttfcfaat 83 Ml 7° H Jones M M.MeeUek, Blagleader, TBlataaa MASTER FRANKLIN, blk. g. 9 107 By Modrid— Zirl, by Sain. Trainer, L. Anderson. Owner, L. Andenon. E2ttS Tijuana r,v f i : s--..f;-st 13 II*. v "" t 1" 7-, A Eelgler 12 CeLMarpliy, Voliaui, Maakinll EMM Tijuana Eft f IMS fast II H7I1 M 7 71 I A Eeigler IS Baoreaeree, Bea Beach, KoaellU EMM Tijuana 5-8 1 : . -,livy 29 IN l*ft E 1ator 11 »Tr thoWay. Nasi vail, Dais.x.V 525M Tijuana S-8 1 :0.".i-k1ov 52 1 Hi 2- A Eeigler ■ Miss Iarnoll. Mex. Crispie B2457 Tijuana Eft t l.M*4»lQp 27 V V* T Kindle 8 D.Kashion. Pastime. H.MeCarty EMM Tijuana 51 X 27 1 1 » 4" ■ Fator ISC. I In-Way. V Hirprt, Kosellis EMM Tijuana E-S l:01%fast 9f 110 4» E Eator 11 Little Jake. I. Brigade, Daisy N. STANLEY H.. b. g. 11 110 By Planudes— Variant, by Disguise. Trainer. E. E. Major. Owner. E. E. Major. 12847 Tijuana r. ,si:M fasi II ii.- E i 1 1 4ft Q Teargria ■ H l* an. Crispie, Plreplace EMM Tijuana 5-S 1 :01" I 11" 7A J Class 9 Cerlrudel.., Kiposta. ThtySeven EStt Tijuana E-S 1:01 :-2 1 6i; C Whiftonll C.A.Ckey. 1. Adams, l.ewisl!. 51978 Tijuana 5-S 1 :01. 27-10 1"S 1" C Whiftonl2 Mistake. Maud M.. Helnia EMMTUaaUMI 5-8 1:02 fast 53 115 ll,s C Whitonll itevelry.Iames. Milda, Little.Take

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Local Identifier: drf1921021401_5_4
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