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: CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF T. J. has a haj yearling fill by Mint Greea dor. by Bowling Green, which is said to be ah re the a-., rage. Lewis Garth, who will train the Oak Ridge Stable of .Mr. Cleiiiienin Ityan this year is a recent arrival in New York and is with his charge* at Belmont Park. Lord II. Vane Tensneat, one of the most active of Fnglish lacing peers, was killed in a Welsh railway accident early this month. lie wna •"• years of ag • and a brother of the Maripiis of Londonderry. Lord Tempest owned many horses in his time, but none of any great distinction. Al a special meeting of the Baciete des Curse-de Tallies, held recently to elect a president to sue, eed the late Rdmond P.lauc U:i n de Palamtny was successful over Harou .Maurice ,!,. Rntbachild by a vote ,f n;i ti II. Rama Guaanei also wen aver P.aioii de Rothschild for the vice-presldeacj lo 2IS Voles. and