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i ■ I | i j i v , j SPECIAL TRAIN FOR KENTUCKY DERBY* . NEW lORK. N. Y., February 17.- The Kratacky Jockey Club is an eaterprising orgaaixatioa. lis i men go after big thinss in a buaiaess as well as a racing way. Col. Matt YViun. general manager of the Kentucky Jockey Club, ami Colonel Vennie had : bee n in Nc-w York for some days before Taeaday, Wbea They li it for home. j While here CoeVmel Wiaa arraasjed for ■ Kentucky lie ih.v specfad liain. li "ill a hnrsriooa affair of tea slsepers, la j addition tee observation and dining ears. The *|h-- i rial win leave New York about aooa Friday. May i C. anl run lo Lceiiisville with none- but the- aeees- • -. iry stofM f- r mechanical cbaages, arrivals in •, e,iii. jib- about noon Saturday. May 7. The i S.-,ii.miii Kentucky Derby i tun about 5 oclock in - the afternoon of that day. ■ This vill give ample tunc- to see the race- and ; h [sure after it to gel aboard the special abet i ; 8 oclock Saturday eresiag. The train will then make its return trip, reaching New York early Sunday evening. This schedule will virtually use ap less than one business da . j The- Irain will ■finmmwUtl ahiut 3." or 40 pe rsons. At lc-ii-.t half the- accommodations have ] alri-ael been verbally eagaged. In eonnecticn with the trip by the Kentucky j Derby special train reserved quarters in Ma- grand- , Ktaad at inn ciiiii Doaras will also be arraaged so . that the- way will be entirely smooth fen- the New ] York delegation, hi-h will go to sea the race for the Kentucky lie il. of lit-1.