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Ip i s v fa i p t I t ; |, I WILLIAM GARTHS BIG 1921 STABLE - Trahser WUUam Garth has forty- me horses in, preparathm for tie- comiag racing season. Tbey an , thoroughbreds owned by tie- Cosden-Parr Kedgwick stabl s. am Mi.- fiat racers in Mr. Garths stable will be raced in tin- name- of .1. S. oscle-n the com- j1 ins s.-.i-on and those for cress country raciag in . that of Cast, Pal Pur. Thl w- bears on tie- partnership notice- in the current issue of the Lac- ns Calendar, which reads: "The partaerahip between Bal Parr and J. H. Coadea has been canceled in tin- follow ins horses: Biases, Paul Jones. Tiding* inline-. HallariB, Some- Baby, Smary. Kataral I "j Dridgc. Star Kcalm ami Gem." ,