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of „ in pink nk • -at e-el " i j.1 j I His j i "J: j , I V- I 1,085 •88 3.788 ,.• ! 5.880 188 4.580 ™| S .7 [ , |MiI :,s | "~ | ■** | TE RACING BILL FOR ILLINOIS Measure Introduced at Springfield Yesterday Would Legalize Pari-Mutuel Betting. siKiNOFiKLi. in. Pebcaary 3S, Horse raciaa in Illim i- uader the saacrviaioB and recalatioa of a state racing c ommis-ion j,- legalized in a bill introiiuceci in the senate- today by Senator J. !u Deavir of Chicago. The bUI permits the use of |iari-niiiluel registering inaehines at tin- race tracks. ll11 lii cent eef the gate receipts and a percentage ,,| t|„. winnings wmld be paid int.. the rtate ireasurv . Three commissioners appointed by the goveraoi w aid supervise racing in all pail- of the stale. They would receive- salaries of .sJ.r.lMl cab witb an bppropriatioB of 12.000 far the salary r ■ see retary. Ueeaaed racing aaaociatioaa would be per milled to hold meetings of thirty liaya cl-.iralion between May 1 and October l each year. Baeea . ■ Baailaj are prohibited. The states share of the proceeds from the tracks would go late the high- ways and loads fund. a