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SHREVEPORT IN BAD LUCKJ*! Rain Again Arrives and Puts the Track at Its Worst. « Favorites Meet Reverses for a I i ii iii Day — Ablaze an Exception and • an Easy Winner. — „ : ■ of il-.V .1. L DLMISF.Y. I SlIULYF.lOKT. La.. February 28.— -Another heavy I] i l.iin .stnnu. which visited those parts last aiahl l ;in l continued unabated iiuti! midnight, [ml the I ! track in bad i-oadittea again and in:nl the racing , . l ordinary . To eliminate the path racing that lias I | 1 «.-ii ■ feature for the lasi two days, t lie outer ; firm atrip ana* plowed, but at that the Bearcat |] rail to the linish wa- the longest nay around the I M track ami thaae starters arltk an oatet paaitioa ! j i ami early speed had an advantage. j : There waa more ciuality aaaoag the starters Ihla 1 i afternoon, resulting in the ruling price* being ; more liberal and tin-re was ajK an absence . f odd- ■ I on chatoea. 1 Pec ear of the aevere track conditions there is ■ 1 aeacral disinclination a* the liart of owners to i -end their Itetter horses here into the raees. and | ! , secretary Campbell is finding it a difficult task . to fill his well arranged curds. Be is making bla program from day to day. instead of the ens. loinary seven or eight-day .arrangement. Bright ■aaokkar araa the rule during tin* after liiK.n. bringing aat the full quota of regulars. aug- i nienteil by OBitc a lamilior of local pcaple. There araa a falling aff la the number of layers from ■ ■i--i. rda.v . only eighteen quoting prices. They y fared in better fashion than at any pievi.u- lime during the meeting. The opener found the favorites, ltcp.-nt and Plain. 1. suffering defeat, the winner tinning up la Sir .lohn ■ erg tie. Repeal landing in second [dare. The rare 0 1 I ia always between the pair, with Sir John Virgin-proving e guincst at the finish. St. .lust, which scored his last victory at Chagrin ■ Kails uack. pro reel best la the second race, win 1- ■Jag from Philippic, with Iv.ininist. a fast reeed-ing 1 favorite, in third place. Mickey Moore was benefitted by the send off in 11 ■ tile third rare and led all the way. enabling Hollo- - ! way. Iiis rider. In score his initial victory. Beacoe "■ Oooae, favorite here, showed a peer race and Mar-mou. paper led to hi a contender, was nor per-servered with after getting away slowly. Ablaze proved much the lies! in the fourth r -mil won eoiniuandingly from Ettaite and Anti. ipale. ■■ Hand Sweep ami Boy a I Blood atajred a spirited ■ 1 battle in the stretch and landed beads apart, with h Tony in third place. The latter would hae been ■n BMire dangerous bul for betas;. il back in the •e 1 asi , ciily J aids. The rloatac race fell to Boteterer. which led for * i he eatire wax. PairMi landed in second place e and Thaaderbird third. There was toaaWiTahle betting activity about Dr. !■ Campbell, but lie was Ilea a* bad ride and hit* i* rkeiM-ea went glimmering when he waa raced in the " worst part of the track. Acting for T. .1 . Peadergaat, f.. Paha has sold 1,1 Peppery Ioily 10 John Lehtaamaa.