Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-24


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TIJUANA FORM CHART !" TIJUANA. MEX.. TUESDAY, "lEBRUARY It, UBL *ertnty -ninth aad last day. Lower California c lackey Club. Winter Meeting of 7! days. Weather clear: tempeiature 70 . Presiding steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Steward.-. 1. W. Coffroth and Leon Whig, starter. 1 Harry Morriss y. Baring Secretary, Leon Wfaag. Baciag starts at 1 :-"ii» p, m. Chicago time t:20 p. m.i. •Indicates apprentice allowance. " PrQ/kyd rh FIRST RACE— I 1-2 IurIcnS. . Feb. 20. 1921— 42 -,— 2—113. j Purse 1921.sh00. 2-year-oids! " *JandJM:J Allowances. Ne: value to winner 5350: second. 00: third. 0. 1 "index iior-i - A vt pp st ; ■_ ■ ; str I in Joekeys Owners Bquir. Odds Btrt , 52257 PKPPER TEA w 115 1 1 f 1-. U H Balidin C~T" IVorUiington 50-VN CS314AHHlxAND - ill i S i l- . C Thpaon Nevada stock Farm iO-lOO 1 5S081 POLLY WALE s M6 0 I I t» ■■■■ L Gaunel Sum Dtega Btabto I lag .-; noi i.xi-c ; wet: a HI S --: I M Baxton Ueadowbrook Stable 3S0-lflB = .-.-880 IT w lb; 1 I :.- R Carter W D Millard 1340-hW | 5231 4 -JOE CAMPBELL v, MS J 1 ::h % ,, - Qargan IV C Waant 1539-100 «- Time. 12. 37. 44. Track heavy. S2 aiatuels paid. Pepper Tea, 33.00 straight, sj.m! place, sj.jii. show; Ashland, 35.00 place 3S.S0 -how: Polly Wale, 33.90 show. •" Bbntrralent hooking odd- Pepper Tea, 38 to Psi itraight. H t.. ItM place, 10 to Uhi -how: Aahlaad 158 to 103 place, 03 to HX shew; Polly Wake, 38 to 103 show. [ Winner— B. t. by Pater Quiaa Green Pepper, I :■ Baskia trafaard by C. T. Wortbington; bred by I Messrs. a. E. iiunlcy A Boa. Went t.. post at 1:55. At post ! miautes. Start good and stow. Wan eaaily; second and third drtr- ■ in?. PEPPEB TEA begaa fast, meed INCOGNANCE into defeat aad drew away after entering the J-stretch and won hard held, asui.anu caoeed a big gap aad Bnisbed with a great rush. POLLY WALE " ran a gaod race and Baiabed resolately. INCOGNANCE tired after racing close np to the last eighth. H! ." IT began slowly and rushed np to forward contention, bat Ural badly. -lui; CAMPBELL quit. Scratched— 58188 Midnight Stories, 105; 53091 Hal Wright, IPS. CQA/I "g SECOND RACE— 1 116 MiTcs. June £4.~T9ie— lAf — 3 — 1100 Purc 00. 3TyTopJb tjQUTtl and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt llSt ■ , J . ;; Str Tin .lo.-k-- - Owat l m~~ L |ui . Odds Strrt : 58844 SALGEORGE wTIS 111 7! C 5 -1 P W Taylor B Suhr f Ml ■101 T 58008 p.i.N PAYNE wsc * 1U ■ I •■ H 1-1 U 2* C Tbpaou Tksratpaon 8 Bern 3*10§ .••.•H~,« CHRI8. HOLTBItS w 6 lie in - J»* 61 fcsj SJ B» i; Tnylot 3 W Tab I lno -i ■*!»! ; i DREY K a-aoOUS i i *H " 4" t- t r Martino: C B Brwia h BtM8*BARDORA wBtli.o 7 c K| sl P t; j • B aCarielll S Polk ■ o-bM B 5S3»3,*F"K SHANNON WB 6 IBs t. 4 1 « 1" :: 5" P I Pow.ll P. Marmot f. 5t870 URN FAVOIIITE w 3 IP ■ ■ , H and I* B Carl I R H Good ., .p. 88f38 *SAL*ER w 3 133 11 7 a 7 f«j 71 -■ H Pail .1 A Bareon 413*-hii C lJ30t»3iP DEXTCHXdtK vtW 1 1 3 3] ■. :•- B Uaj I Vcaigin Jc Taylor m T v j . L ! I I I I ! I j 1 i , , ! j I i j ! ! , I I. j j j i ■ . . I • . j j . ■ . . ! •" : : J | ! Ii ; t : 1 ] : I « ■ [ " • ■ • •" I , i 1 I , IT ; , ■ *j - , 1 3 [- c - -: - , [ i , ,. ,; i | j - * B •" •" ." !" c 1 " 1 , 1 = | «- •" [ I ■ " H! ." T -i h B f. C 5287.7i PT TO PCHVT w i: 7 109 5 N 11 H" M* Hi II r Wbitt ii A Pr.iu S1O-1O0 Bt8«t PERFECT l.APV as 1137 I I M* 11 n 11 11 Y Qanran D its ft Owens .Mutnei tield Time, 25, 50l4. 1:18%, 1:48%, 1:51. Track heary. 32 HBtueta paid! Salgeorge. 5eld, 311.00 atraigbt. si lu pbicc, .•s.ot. -how: Pen Payee, 35.40 place. Sa.i» feew; Christie nolter*. 34.83 show Pqtiitaletit booklM «hl- Balgennc, fteW. isn to log traigbt. 110 to 100 place, 50 M 183 shorr- P.pu Payne, 170 to 100 pl.ti.-e. 30 to Pk.i show: Christie ilolters. 130 to 100 sic a Winner B. g. by BAlratton— Georgia cirl. by Rolitaire II. trained bi p.. Bnhr: bred in Mr Adolph B. spt-ei kel-i. . . Went to po-i at IPlO. At po-t 1 ininnte. Stut % I and slew. Won MsUy; attend and third dm lag. BALGEUBGE moved up fast after ronndrag the far tarn and. challenging BRN PAYNE after entering ttie atreR-h. raced Into a long lead. BEN PAYNE sprinted to the front while pas-ins the half and showed Brncti speed; but was no mat-h for the winner when challenged. CHRISTIE HOLTEftfl Was hard ridden .nil on t stayed AUDREY K. The latter ran well. BARDORA raced dbtappointiagly. PRANK SHANNON -liow.-.i -peel, but failed to stay. BROWN FAVORITE begaa -lowly. .Scratched ."■L".i.i-j-Mouniain cirl. 100; 53300 Clara Martin, 107: .".Jii..s Iri-li Daisy, 104. KOA/IO THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59— 8— 18T. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and *J9-Pr-±**1 ;ip-.vard. Claiming. Net value to winner S350: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , . ■-, Str Pin Jockeys Owner* Kiptiv. o,b|- strt St8S8*SHERMAN A. WB B 143 3 2 P P 1» V C WhiPCn I: A Jones ! 18MM 53804 LONELY w 4 MB 7 ."i 35 l 3" l1 o Willis P Dabnken nfio-ion r.-.M-. DANCING GIRL wn 5 MB E 7 n : I : c Thppon i Brkerl H4a.HU 53882 *Y*L*KON wan 4 UO : 3 4- -p :: p p. Mnriclll crivfoni ,v Moody 170-100 53050PERC1I wi: • M0 I I ::, ::.. 1- :, ■ c Qrons /. Barrrtl 7«O-|O0 53088 -PITTI.1-: JAKE wn H MS I « ; T Cj B Taylor K M Level 2M0-M 58778 IKE Mil. Is ■ I 11:: 1; 1 P1 I w Taylor .1 E Bninboth !98f-lO J Time. 24, 48"J, 1:C2. Track heavy. sj miituei- paid. Sherman A., 34-30 atraight, 38.00 place. 32.80 -how: Lonely, si.no place, 38.83 s]iuw : Dancing Uirl, 35.30 -h-w. Eqaivaienl booking o i 1- shermaa .. Ho to 103 straight. 50 to 100 place 10 to 1 «m» -how: Loajclj 108 to 100 place. 80 to 100 -how: Dancing Girl, 100 to l"o* show. Winner p.. . by Pan Tramp -Genna, bj Balgowan trained i B. A. Jones: bred bj Mr George W .Pnderhill. Went t,, post Bt 2:48. -i post 1 minute, start k I and stow. Won easily; - ad and third 1 1 i s tog. SHEBMAN A. took the had qaickly and won all the way anextrnded. LONELY raced gamely, but could never gel within striking distance of the leader. DANCING GIRL closed a big gap from a slow beginning, vikiin had no mishaps, perch showed earl -peed. IKE MILL* raced poorly. Scratched 53031 LoTer** Pain 11.. itu: 52847 Capers, 32; .MM 17 Cal urn. 34: 32341sPeggj Martin. 95: 52545 Do Admit. 83; ."iLs."i!» Limerick, 101; 52328:Headman ln7: 52088:Striker W Ovi rwi jCfats- -Little .lake. 1 pound. KO|"|/|Q FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1910—1:11—3—1107 Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds *-"«-* vr~*0 and upward. C1 aiming. Net value to winner S350: second. 00: third. S50. Index Horses A WtlPSt ■, i._. -, Sir Pin -bik y- owners Ppiiv. Odd- Strt -"-!0l B. BLACKWELL m; I im 1; 7 3* 3 2»J 1J M Buxton Meadowbrook Stable I9»W»0 ,.-.300.7 JOHN JR. WBSM3 S3 l| OJ I H Baladla .Manual.- ft Cbapron 370-MO 52901 »SEI GEUKASH w 4 MB 1 1 1, Pl, :: | 1 1 Yeargln II W Barnea lSO-psi 52000* EAST INDIAN w 1103 5 14 in 81 4* h* B Mnriclll .1 G MIBer .:,ii-i... 53888 PRANKLIN wa 8 HI 7 :» M :,■ ;■ 5 k pator S Polk 510-108 52054*1ND BRIGADE u s 89 2 .: ft in s. ,,■ 1: Parke O I. Pandingatond 52480 MISS STATU KM 4 133 U t I I :• WUlis North ft Pov. HOt-MO 52348 IM I Pi: SHOOTERwb X M7 W ll II 11 MP ■** W Perry s Waring 52883*OLLlE WOOD wa I IM 9 N 7 7 I ; 9* 1» Powell W l Millard 52858-CAMFLAUE II. wsn 4 148 -1 .". i" 3* 5 HP II Rowa Clear Lake Stobto llt-luo .7300.7 •■ DE WKANHIt w 8110 3 3 p 5*1] II . Whiftn J 8 McDoniel I3tr*143 T.Mntui I held Time. 241;,. 49. 1:15V Track heavy. 32 mataela paid. Pill P.lackweii. 388.00 straight, 0.20 place. 34.00 -how: Jefcn Jr., 37.88 ptaee, 38.88 show: Kedgegrass, 33.20 show. laiuivah-nt booking odd- -Bill Blackwell, 1580 t.. 100 straight, 110 to lw ptoee, 188 to 183 -how: John Jr.. 230 to Uhi place. !»» to ItM show; Hedgegrass. fin to H«» -how. Winner— Ch. e, by Gbtdwia Nuns Veiling. I". St. Angela trained h G. W Berry; bred by Mr A Schnlts. Went to post at 8:00. At pant 2 mi - Start good and stow. Won drtriag: aoeaad and third tin- suiiic. PILL BLACKWELL ana saved close ap from the start and. challenging the leader midway of the stretch, took the had naiekly, bat had to be hard ridden at the end to withstand the belated rash of JOHN JR. The latter begaa -lowly, bat closed np groaad steadily and Bnisbed fust. 8EDGEGRA8S showed the most early speed, but rendiP gars way to the winner- rush and Bnisbed tiritiL. EAST INDIAN was away Oat footed and ran a rood race from a poor beginning. PRANKLIN also closed a big ap. CAMOI-PLAGE II. and CLAUDE WEAVER, after showing speed, qail badly. Scratched -52318 -N -b ulou-. 34; 52384 Prirate Peat. 118: 52548 Green Mint. 111. Ovonvoitflits- -lohn dr.. 1 pound: Bifle Shooter, i. 5*AA riFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11V-3—110. PurEc 00. B-year-oUs and tlvia: upward. Har.dic?u. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third. 0. Iiult-x Horses AWtPPSt i, i.. :■, str Pin Jockeys Owti.-r- Eqniv. Odds Btrt 52371 =JUDOK ELLSTH ivtlM i I :..::. p. S|si.ur II Sobbo! " ~ T 5287DEITLAH P - I 10C t i 7* 7- ."- n W Gnnran v C Weant tJO-100 53818 i.UH.A w- i -7 7 ". i; 41. -p::: i ; Veanrin St .Marks stable nja-ien 528S2VAR SMOKE w i 103 I 1 2= I »J :.; i I, Gaogcl O W Crippen 4S3-10B 53008 CARRIE MOORE w6 VI 3 2 l» 1* 3» ".; II Mali 111 .1 A Parson 3393-189 58008 IKEV T. w .; los :. | .. :, « . Wbittn Tain o Bhaater Stable 298-teD 53883 isAll.ou a :. 185 " 7 8 8 8 7* W Taylor Wbateona Stable 220SK T3006 SEDAN w IMd :: 1 :; ■ i; 7; I P Martiaea C I: Irwin 1520-MM Tir.-.e. 24, IS. 1:14V- Track heavy. -sj iuntin-1- paid. Jndge EBswortb, 2.00 straight, 35.20 plan-. 33.40 -how: Balah P 35.80 place .00 shea : Liota, .20 shew. l-:.iuivalent bunkiaa odd- Jadgc Ellsworth, ."..".n to 108 straight. 100 to in» ptaee 7 i to loo sic Enlah P.. lint to 100 place, so to loo -bow: Ltola, no Id 100 show. Winner p.. h. by .1. p. Crowkj P: aica, bj Itanorkbara trained by W. II. Sperling: bred hi Mr II. v.. Jenkins. Went to post at :;:".J. At pool U. minute-. Start goad and slow. Won easily: -eonud and third driving. JUDGE ELLSWORTH Bored up steadily and. forging to the front when an eighth eat, drew away decisively in the last sixteenth. KPI.AH P. was far back ill the early mnntag, but came around on tin-ont-iih- and lini-le d with a grehl in-!:. I.IOI.A raced well. CARRIE MOORE set a fa-t pace, but tired in the las! eighth. WAB BMOKE ran w-11. IKP.V T. seems t.. have staled and raced below his best form. Scratched -52800:Myrtle A.. 08; 53043 Sedgegrass. 05; " l!i71 Joe Goodaann, 100; 52830 Britaina Allv 10.7. Overweights Enlah P.. 1 pound: Sailor. I. CTQA/I K SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Third Running SAN DIEGO L»«_by-4tJ BUSINESS MEN S HANDICAP. Value SS.COO. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000: recond, 00; third, 00 : fourth. 00. I"1 x llor-es A Wt PPSt ! t ]j :i str Pin Jockeys Owners Eqnrr! odd- strt 53810s BDW1NA WB I 111 11 9 8 i;" 2J 1-J 1* V Uroas H~W~Hi.uk -~7~ir 52808 PEA E PENNANT w 1 117 8 6 5=J :. I, 2 P| E Hay rd W F Poison 3SA-M0 53005 T. S. NOT PASS a I HP 7 12 W W I- 7- 3* II Tharbvr C T Wortbhigton IZts-gaj .-,:;oo7 Mio.NKVii.pi: wn i vs I j i, p p-: :.- p ti Marleili .1 A Paraen nos-Ma 53808 : VETERAN WB 5 107 l I P 8s s- : ■ ;-. i; Taylor P Datekev W0-1W r.iito.7- p i WHACK wb ! lid l* lO lOJ ■■: S3 I I W Taylor 11 W Hoag 53805 THE DESERT wn 5 103 1: 13 13 13 13 r l- M Slphter H W Barnea HW-8M 53888aMAR. .. NOONAN B 3 MO 1. II IP II J10: K-« 8= : Vcargin C Ko-Iiler 333-108 .8388-WYNNEWOOD wa 5 M6 4 S S MP IP 103 8*1 C. Tbpeon Strife A Valentine leVi-M "•071 RIFLE w 8 Hi.". 12 1 - - 3" C HP V Mania./, c B Irwin -m ■ r.POK-KASHMli; W0113 Z s i t :i!iip i Baxton B Plrneno OHM .-•7«i WAR MASK m 0 PI I 3 7; 7 7: I. 12= I. Uaagel .1 Hun.!.-. 5 58813POLYTHIA w 3 104 .". 7 ::: 3| .". 13 13 O Willis P Dabnken Coupled iii betting aa IP W. Hoag entry: JP, Dahnken entry; |J. Itnndrr and B. Phrneno entry Time, 243.-,. 490. l:14»i, l:404b, 1:47. Track heavy. sl mutuel- paid. 11 W. Hoag entry, 828.40 straight, .80 place, 38.00 -how: Peace Pennant, sij.ixt ploe. 85.20 -how: Tbej Sliall Not Pa — . 85.00 show. Equivalent bookhag odds II. W. Hoag entry. lu7n to 100 straight, 288 to 100 place. i00 to ioo show: Pine Pennant, 200 to 100 plan-. 108 to 108 shew: Tbej shall Not Pass, 1m to 100 show. Winner- B. f. by Celt -Lady Godiva. by Hanover trained by II. W. Hoag; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock i. Went to post at 1:04. At post 1 minute, start goad and -low for all but THE BESEKT. Won easily; second and third driving. BDW1NA, after racing far back sa the oatshfe. moved ap with a great rash after rounding the far turn and. racing Into a long lead, wen eaaed ap. PEACE PENNANT moved up -tcadily and Was a fa-t going second. TI1PY SHALL NOT PASS was far back in the early running, but came Bast through tin p-t qaarter and Bnhdked with a rash. BOONEVILLB made the pace fa-t but tirci after rntcihsg the -ti-ctch. VETERAN Bnisbed tost. PADDY WHACK was in close quarters on the tir-t turn and never fully recovered. THE DESERT was all but left and closed a bi gap MARTIN A. NOONAN wa- In repeated trouble and lost all chance. BIFLE Miiit. KASHMIR and WAP MASK were probabij in aeed of this race. POLYTHIA ran well for a half aaite only. Overweights Wynne wood. 5 pound-: Poiythia. 2: ItfaV. l: The Desert. I. K j OAiC SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. June 24. 1916— 1 :4£— 3lTo~ Furse 01P 3-year- tguVTJU old- and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. S50. Index Hones AWtPPSt i_-_! ~ Str Pin Jockeys owners EqnivTbdds Strt 53873*MIDIA a- 4 36 4 3 S IJ 41 I 1=J B Parke ~~i~Tie ,v fliapioTi 55ft.* I 53881 GREAT HAWK w I IM G 1 2=1 2» 3] :: P M Slghter Btackwell dc Crippen 310-10H 53585 COMMANDER wn i 105 17 7 7 7 :.-v ;; c Tbpaon Matthews tt Danlap 52881 CAVALDOUR ii. wn 6 113 3 i 3 ■■- l«a 1* p E Taylor C Irby 870-toa C3035 BAT. MOlNTN wsa I I . 1 i -. 8s " M Baxton P Btoknell KPVM0 53818 SHORT STOP w 8 IB 7 3 is* Ij 2» 2J foi. p Martines C : • Irwin 2S0-PM 52843»V1VA CUBA v I Ml 5 " I S=J 81 7 7 C Wbltton I: A Jon..- p-pm vMutin-l tield. Time, 25. 49*3, 1:14V 1:430. 1:50V. Track heavy. 32 inutiiel- paid. Midia. held. 3.00 straight, 86.30 place, 35.40 -how: Great Hawk, 34.83 place, 35.00 -how: Commander, field. 35.40 show. Equivalent booking ...M- Midia. Betd, 850 t . 10b straight. Jlo to 103 ptoce, I7u to lito -how: Great Hawk. 1 K» to 100 place. 150 to 100 -how: Coaaaaaader. in Id. 17" to loo show. Winner— B. f. by Rock View Galaxy, by star Bhoot trained by J. Ifaaaale; bred by Mr. Edward Il.izi ri. Wenl to post ii 1:28 At pool l minute. Start i I and slow. ..n eaaily: seeoad and third driv lag. MIDIA, after racing forwardly. came fa-t through the Bnal eighth and won going away. GREA1 HAWK raced proaiiaeBtij and made a game hni-h. oMMANliPK waa Car back for the in-t three-quarters, then i -lo-ed a big yap and Baished with a rash. CAVALCADOUB II. and 8HOBT stop raced each other Into defeat in alternately -.-ttitu the pace and tired. Scratched 53004 IJ. .1. Mi.rdock. 185; 53027 -Piiarru, 102: 52811 Bab] Cal, 110: .73007 Peerteas One 113; 53025*Reydo, 115. Overweights Commander, 1 pound: ia Cuba. 1. 50r| -i WJ EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. ZMG—Ur-b— 3LuIT PurseTwoo! 3-year-oltU lll/l 4 and unward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; -econd. CC: third. S50. Index Hois.--, A WtlPSt . -.- ~k Str Pin .lock-y- Owaera Eqniv! odd- Strt 53548 sVANSA WELLES wn 8 113 0 i P ~ i- 1-. w ~ u -iri an WC~Weaat 2W-100 58881 ORCIHD KING aa o 108 -; I s; 1. i, .,.: rlay.vrd Trowbridge and Officer SWWn 52028 IKE HARVEY * 3 101 8 1 2? •«! 31 J* H Jon - A loneo 838 38S 53831 DECKHAND wn 7 188 7 9 :" 6" 6" P C Wbltton B A Jon,.- sTO-MO o.ioo; v. MONTGOMERY v sib, i 5 ■"■ V V :■ P Martinet C B Irwin IU8-106 C2886: FANNIE NAIL w 5 MM 2 i 6» 8* 8s - T Kindle -I Odell .- ■-.;.._ i,*,t .".■:!»-.!• MY MAZ1E wr. t ioi ! 8 P"- l . 2J JJ m slghter Btackwell * Crippen MO-MO ."•PJ9I GLEN WELL M ill! 1 I 3» .- 7-1 v O Willis F Dahnki-n ShVlM 2858 MISS ORB w 5 103 8 . 7* 3 8* 9* B Marelll .1 A Parson BSO-iaf! £388 TOREADOR wn 3 108 8 10 H M M 1" L Gannrel J F Ki.-hiirclson tMatael field. Time. 24;,. 48i. 1:18H. Track heavy. 33 inutiiels paid. Vanessa WeUes. 87.08 straight. s3.oo place, 85.30 show; Orchid King 83.28 place 840 show : ii,.- Harvey. 816.88 show. Equlvatant booking odd- -Vanessa Weltas, 390 to 108 straight. .".0 la loo Mace 183 to loo shea On-hid King. 00 to 180 ptoce, 110 to 100 -how; ike Harvey, 730 to loo shew. Winner— Ch. at, by im.-k Welles Vanessa, by Berridere trained by w p. Weant; bred lw Mr Thomas Piatt . Went to po-t at 1:33. At pest 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won driving: second and third the name. VANESSA WELLES was sudor restraint for the first half, then quickly passed MY MAZIE but bad to i. drive it to tht la at nonet. • imtsuj oitCHID Ki . 1 1„- latter waa in trouble early but finished wah a rush and abnoat not up. IKE BARVE1 waa ■ forward and game contendet throngb ,. IiKi KHAND made np round. MY MAZIE aet a fa-t early pace and quit in the stretch Scratch, .1 - i.-.-jtn;, ., ;,. -i Begina 103; 40040,tbnrlestoni:in llo :■«,;. u„r, .,,-. ii..,.. ,nt v i-t ChaudeUer, no. Overweights Ike Harvey, 2 pound-: Paanrije Nail, i,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921022401/drf1921022401_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1921022401_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800