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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY Hostilities betwi was the first subject to occupy the attention yes ¬ terday of the new administration President Hard ¬ ing had a long conference with his new secretary of state Charles Evans Hughes regarding the situation and they called in John W Weeks the new secretary of war who had with him the latest dispatches as to the conflict between the Central American republics republicsSenator Senator Lodge of Massachusetts the Republican senate leader and Representative Mondoll of Wy ¬ oming the Republican house leader called at the white house early yesterday afternoon to discuss with President Harding the calling of a special session of Congress Xo dnte for the special Pen ¬ sion had been settled Senator Lodge and Mr Mondell eaid after the conference conferenceFormer Former senator Charles I Henderson of Xevada was shot through the wrist yesterday in his office in the senate building al Washington by Charles A Crock a former resident of Xevada The sena ¬ tor was taken for medical treatment and his assail ¬ ant was locked up by the police