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AMERICAN JOCKEY RECORDS FOR 1921 During the racing from January 1 1021 up to and including March 27 113 jockeys were winners of one or more races in the United States Mexico and Cuba The record of these Jockeys for the period named with their riding weights is cm braced in the following tabulation Jockey Wt Mts Int IntAron Zd 3d Unp PO Aron L 08 GO G GBabin 4 9 41 10 Babin G 100 S3 0 0Baker 0 7 34 11 Baker F J 108 11 1 1Barnes Barnes E 105 10S 17 17Itarncs 19 15 Itarncs N J 102 GO 3 3Barrett 10 7 Barrett N 108 40 12 12Borel 4 2 Borel C 110 15 3 3Boyle 3 0 Boyle S 105 HO i iBrydges Brydges II 90 1G 1 1Bryson Bryson F SIS G 1 1Bulcroft Bulcroft 105 2G 3 3Burke Burke J II 110 17 2 2Hums Hums T 9G 50 5 5Butwcll Butwcll J 112 37 II 5 15 10 Biixtoii M 108 74 10 10Calluhnn 17 10 37 13 Calluhnn J 102 10 2 2Campbell 2107 20 Campbell J 112 5 51013 1 1Carmody 21 Carmody J Ill 21 2 2Carter Carter U 110 SO G GChiavetta Chiavetta F 109 41 5 5Collins 3 29 12 Collins A 107 71 5 5Collins 9 53 07 Collins J 10G 25 1 1Collins 0 18 1G Collins N 103 19 1 1Colliletti Colliletti F 95 59 5 5Conley Conley J 110 9 2 2Connelly Connelly 1 10S 31 2 2Crump Crump W 112 57 7 7Dawson Dawson J 10G G2 5 5Uominick Uominick J 108 103 13 13Denny 21 GO 13 13G Denny E 107 20 G GDreyer G 10 23 Dreyer J 103 44 2 2Eames 4 35 05 Eames C 110 134 11 11Erickson 20 13 90 08 Erickson II 105 G4 1G 1GFa 17 8 23 25 Fa tor E 105 43 1 1Fields 13 10 29 02 Fields G 100 12G 20 20Fletcher 11 20 09 21 Fletcher I 98 44 4 4Fodeu G 5 25 0 Fodeu N 105 118 10 10Francis 9 9 90 08 Francis J 107 249 28 28Gargan 25 150 11 Gargan W 10G 35 5 5Garner 0 25 14 Garner II 103 9 2 2Garner 0 7 22 Garner M 107 70 9 9Gnugel 13 43 13 Gnugel L OS 4G 1 1Glass 5 44 02 Glass J 110 39 7 7Gordon 5 24 18 Gordon 1 93 35 5 5Graves 5 21 14 Graves E 114 25 2 2Gregory 3 19 08 Gregory II 102 50 7 7Gross 5 34 14 Gross C 105 141 19 19Heavener 21 17 84 13 Heavener F 118 2 1 1Hamilton 0 0 1 50 Hamilton H 108 20 7 5 3 rt 35 Hayward E 115 02 5 11 14 32 OS Heupel J 102 91 IS 11 10 52 20 Hinphy W 105 101 14 14Hoffler 9 12 OG 14 Hoffler J 100 2G 3 3Holloway 7 2 14 12 Holloway R 100 30 0 0Howard 3 S 13 20 Howard C 101 7 72032 2 2Hunt 29 Hunt C 114 3 1 1Hunt 1 0 1 33 Hunt F 9G 117 19 19Huntamer 15 13 70 10 Huntamer J 95 45 i 37 11 Hum 1 100 70 7 7Jarvis G 5 58 09 Jarvis T 95 109 22 22Jones 1G 13 58 Jones H 101 53 4 4Josiah 425 42 OS OSJosiah Josiah E 90 78 10 11 10 47 13 13Kelsay Kelsay W 108 230 44 41 44 101 19 19Kennedy Kennedy B 107 150 32 23 31 70 21 21Kindle Kindle T 103 40 1 1 1 37 02 02King King H 107 57 11 7 4 35 19 19Lancaster Lancaster R 102 304 43 33 48 ISO 14 14Lunsford Lunsford H 107 47 24 4 37 04 04Lowe Lowe R 110 18 3 3 2 10 17 17Lowe Lowe S 95 85 G 11 8 00 07 07Lykc Lykc L 112 44 10 9 7 18 23 23Mangan Mangan G 101 33 1 3 5 24 03 03Majestic Majestic J 95 23 1 2 1 19 04 04Marinelli Marinelli B 94 300 77 58 45 120 25 25Martin Martin E 105 30 3 3 4 20 10 10Martinez Martinez P 110 257 22 31 35 109 09 09Matthews Matthews M 107 29 14 4 2 22 04 04McAtee McAtee L 102 44 1 7 4 32 02 02McCoy McCoy J 98 91 G 10 13 50 07 07C 07McCraim McCraim R 105 70 4 G 2 58 00 00McDennott McDennott L 90 147 24 25 21 77 10 McDennott R105 112 112McGraw 10 13 72 15 McGraw S 95 23 23Melntyre 4 3 11 22 Melntyre f 108 17 17McLuughlin 1 2 13 00 McLuughlin A 519 55 55Median 5 2 40 01 Median W 109 58 58Meier 8 3 43 07 Meier R 110 21 21Mcrimee 4 1 15 05 Mcrimee F 105 90 90Miller 0 4 72 09 Miller C 103 4 4Miller 003 25 Miller C II 110 7 7Mink Mink L 110 24 24Mooney Mooney J J 102 125 125Morris 15 10 9 85 12 Morris L 108 41 41Murphy 7 4 5 25 17 Murphy F 100 45 45Murphy 4 0 S 27 09 Murphy J W110 110 I 15 ¬ 2 1 1 11 13 Murray T 108 10 10Purke 2 1 4 3 20 Purke B 91 92 75 75Parrish 9 4 S 54 12 Parrish C 97 31 31Penman 1 3 25 03 Penman L 90 219 219Perry fil 48 39 121 19 Perry AV 105 30 30Pitkens 2 U 1 25 07 Pitkens A 102 190 190Pinnegiir 38 33 31 91 19 Pinnegiir B 112 53 53Pitz G 38 OS Pitz J 104 7G 7GPollard 3 i 9 58 01 Pollard E 105 22 22Ponce 1 1 1 19 05 Ponce C 102 55 55Pool 11 10 8 20 20 Pool 17 103 GO iO iOPorretto 9 G 11 34 15 Porretto F 87 IS ISPowell 3 5 3 7 17 Powell I 101 112 112Rettig 10 7 14 4 81 09 Rettig II 110 43 43Richcreek 3 r 9 20 07 Richcreek A 100 02 02Ridenour 9 5 7 43 15 Ridenour W 99 2 2Roberts 0 1 50 Roberts J 101 91 91Robertson 10 12 14 4 52 17 Robertson J 112 10 10Robinson 1 1 0 14 00 Robinson C 109 32 32Robinson 4 2 2 24 12 Robinson II 99 38 5 42 2 27 13 Rodriguez J 112 84 S SRowan 88 9 59 09 Rowan T 110 17 5 5Rowc 3 1 8 29 Rowc II 100 222 17 17Saladin 32 21 152 Saladin II 108 39 11 11Simmons 3 G 19 Simmons J 94 28 2 2Shelcpets 1 3 22 Shelcpets J 100 42 1 1Slaughter S 20 02 Slaughter M 100 171 29 29Smith 20 21 Smith E 101 59 8 8Smith S 10 33 Smith F i 105 43 4 4Smith 3 31 09 Smith J 97 184 15 15Stack Stack G 101 02 8 8Taylor Taylor E 105 239 30 30Taylor 30 24 149 Taylor W 105 80 8 8Thompson 13 9 50 Thompson C 105 147 13 13Thurbcr 14 18 02 Thurbcr H 100 45 7 7Tiller 7 2 29 Tiller N 100 20 1 1Tryon 112 10 Tryon A 100 GO 2 2Van 0 3 49 03 Van Duscn C 105 15 4 4Whittington 1 0 10 27 Whittington C110 142 19 9 15 99 13 Wida S 103 55 10 2 9 34 IS ISWilliams Williams J 110 23 2 1 2 IS 09 09Willis Willis 105 110 S 8 17 77 07 07Wirth Wirth L 105 82208 25 25Wilson Wilson A 112 11 1037 09 09Wilson Wilson F 95 222 47 31 42 102 21 21Woodstock Woodstock F 102 33 1 3 5 24 03 03Ycargiu Ycargiu G 02 248 33 34 31 150 13 13Zeigler Zeigler A 110 70 4 9 4 59 05