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FORM OF KENTUCKY DERB Y HORSES WHAT THEY ALL DID IN RACING WHEN TWOYEAROLDS TWOYEAROLDSAND AND WHAT A FEW OF THEM HA VE DONE DONEIN IN THIS YEARS RACING With considerable discussion of the chances of the Kentucky Derby candidates already going on Daily Racing Form here provides its readers with the past performances of all which have raced For their convenience the entries of all owners have been grouped whereby the nominations of Mr Whitney and other owners of a number of entries can b e singled out at a glance Only the performances of a part of the cligibles are presented here The remainder will be printed in Wednesdays issue Both should be preserved for reference referenceARARAT ARARAT PanTrainer br g 3 122 By Broomstick Dovelet by Peter Pan Trainer J Howe Owner H P Whitney 49503 KartORa 31112 good 75 114 6 3 2 2i 3ZJ J Rodgez 7 Pahaska Sedgefield TMeNot 4S35S Sartoga GJ f l09hvy 75 115 4 11 1 1 = E Ambrsel2 Lucky Find Toreador Nohrint NohrintBROOMSPUN BROOMSPUN SandTrainer b c 3 122 By Broomstick Spun Glass by Rock Sand Trainer J Rowo Owner H P AVhitnoy ThimbleC13IW El 404 Pimlico 1 l39fast 80 108 312 3 4s 3 J F Cltilelti 8 SportingBlood Fallacy Thimble C13IW Pimlico 1 l40fast 6 109 5 5 4 3 3J 21 L Ensor 15 IdleDell BabyGrand PollyArin 51305 WellsG12G2 Pimlico 34 l12fast V5 110 5 43 3i 2 C Kummer 8 Quecreck Muttiklns DrO Wells G12G2 Laurel 1143 good 145 111 555 5 5 G5 E Ambrse 5 ByJiminy SailingB BabyGrand 50108 Flag4SG37 Bemont 78 st l24fast 3J 107 2 13 4 4 B1 CMtlletti C Grey Lag Banksla Our Flag rTBarhum495S2 4SG37 Sartoga GJ f l05fast 125 107i 1 1 1 li I1 E Ambrse 10 Grey Lag Normal rTBarhum 495S2 Dartmoor48S03 Sartoga 61 f l03fast 1110 1091 8 7 7 71 6 3 J R6dgezl2 Serapis Hildur Dartmoor Halu45GS3 48S03 Empire Ei f l07fast 12 112 4 44 4J 41 E Ambrse li Pluribus Dark Horso Halu 45GS3 Blood4S49P Aqduct 34112 fast 85 112 5 4 5 2i 2 E Ambrse 8 Inchcape Jeg Sporting Blood 4S49P Aqduct G8 59mud 4 113 4 G 6 = 2nk E AmbrselO TMeNot Dimmesdale SBlood 48414 Aaduct 5S l00slow 95 115 S 7 51 3J E Ambrsell Inchcape SportingBlopd Ailliro CROCUS VoterTrainer b f 3 117 By Broomstick Inaugural by Voter Trainer James Rowe Owner H P Whitney E0390 Aqduct 58 59fast 45 118 2 1 11 lz 1 L Ensor 0 By Jiminy TenLcc Joan Marie Mariest 50038 Belmont 34 st l12J l12Jfcfast fast 35 11C 9 7 6J 5 = F CltilcttilS StepLighlly StarVotcr GreyLac 49709 Sartoga 51 1 f 105 fast 910 124 6 1 111 1114S711 1 lh 5J J RodgezM Prudery StepLightly NancyLeu 4S711 Aqduct 58 l00fast 115 113 1 1 11 114SG51 1s 1 E Ambrse 4 Careful Prodigy Fright 4SG51 Aqduct 58 l00ifast 1 109 1 1 11 11DARTMOOR 11 1J B Ambrso G Idle Dell Prodigy Muttiklns Muttiklnsh DARTMOOR ch h c 3 122 122Trainer By Whisk Broom II Pankhurst by Voter Trainer Jas Rowe Owner H P Whitney 49747 Sartoga 34 l12slow 1710 11G 9 13 11 9h 73 C KuthmerlS Leonardo II Prudery Oriole 4P3S2 Oriole4P3S2 Sartoga 51 f l03fast 1110 115 G 54 3 1 32 E Ambrsel2 Serapla Hildur Pagan Pan 49451 Sartoga 34 l13fast 910 115 4 3 2 11 Ink E AmbrseH Grey Lag Bermont SportBlood SportBloodEXODUS EXODUS ThrushTrainer ch c 3 122 By Peter Pan First Flight by Thrush Whitney51SCO Trainer James Rowo Owner H P Whitney 51SCO Pimlico 31 lllfast G 101 2 22 2 1 F CltilettilO Motor Cop Audacious Crank 51292 Pimlico 34 l13Vfast 145 119 5 21 1 = H C Kummer 0 Dry Moon Polythia Faunus 1142 Laurel 34 l13 fasl 175 121 3 11 41 5 ° A Johnson IdlcDeil RGrand Gen JM Gcz 4SC1S Aqduct 58 100 fast 12 113 C 3 2 = 25 C Kummerl1 Bluffer BMcLaughlin Wapiti WapitiBy PRUDERY b f 3 By Peter Pan Polly Flinders by Burgo ¬ master Trainer J Eowe Owner H P Whitney E0038 Belmont 34 4 st l12fast 35 124 3 6 SJ 8s E AmbrselS StepLightly StarVoler GrcyLac 49747 Sartoga 34 l12slow 1710 127 14 S 86 6 3 = 2 E AmbrselS LeonardoII Oriole StepLightly 49709 Sartoga 51 f 105 fast 910 127 4 7 C 3i H E AmbrseW StepLiglitly NanLee Muttlking 49539 Sartoga 34 112 fast 14 127 2 2 22 2 lh II E Ambrse 4 Oriole Normal Dimmesdale 49388 Sartoga 34 l12good 27 119 4 33 2 rster Dimmesdale Our Flag 4S097 Jamaica 58 l00fast 32 125 4 432 I2i E Ambrse 5 Intrigante CostlyColours Careful 47670 Belmont 58 st E9fast 1110 112 3 12 2 In E Ambrse C NancyLee SLightly o Colours 47565 Belmont 411 st E3fast 5 110 3 1 1 1 1 E Ambrsell CColours NancyLee SLightly SLightlyTRYSTER TRYSTER TrystTrainer blk c 3 122 By Peter Pan Tryst Trainer J Rowe Owner H P Whitney 51340 Churchl 1 l3Sfast 1 122 1 1 1 1 1 H F Cltiletti G GreyLas RehaveYself B Batch 49388 Sartoga 34 l12good 27 122 3 11 1 m J Rodgez 0 Prudery Dimmesdale Our Flag 481G3 Flag481G3 Jamaica 51 f 107 good 135 130 5 2 2 1 1 1 E Ambrse 9 Plribus StMhael Houyhnhmn 47902 Belmont Etf st l05fast 45 128 1 12 2l ID E Ambrse 4 Kirklevgton Normal NncyLee 47G90 NncyLee47G90 Belmont 58 st ESfast 12 115 2 1 1 11 H E Ambrse 5 TouchMeN Sedgefield Wireless 47619 Belmont 4Jf st E2 fast 2 115 4 1 11 1 E AmbrselO Hildur T Me Not llouyhnhnm llouyhnhnmBABY BABY McGeeTrainer GRAND b c 3 122 By Granite Babe by McGee Trainer H G Bedwell Owner J K L Ross 51332 Pimlico 1 l40fast 24 110 3 2 2 2 2 31 J GrnelsenlS Idle Dell Broomspun Polly Ann Ann512G2 512G2 Laurel 1 143 good 3S 113 2 4 4 3 31 33i G Kummer 5 ByJiminy SailingB StepLtly 51142 Laurel 34 l13fast 115 107 6 34 3l 2 J Gneisen G IdieDell GenJMGez SailgB 51101 Laurel 34 115 fast 1 115 3 3 3 IQ 1J J Gneisen 5 Desoair WTGrives TheBacge TheBacgeE091G E091G RoseateEOGS4 Kwrth 34 l13fast 35 125 4 G 3 It lh J Grune G Tharon Ikey T Roseate Frivol50G19 EOGS4 Kwrth 34 l13fast 35 120 4 21 I2 1 J Grune G Ikey T Tharon Frivol 50G19 AAdbino 1 l44hvy 12 120 1 2 2 2 1 2h J Grune 10 Our Flag Ikey T Dora Boy4C355 E0514 DoraE0514 AVdbine 34 113 fast 2910 108 5 2 2 31 5 J T Nolan 11 Kuklux Bobby Allen The Boy 4C355 Belmont 5Jf st l07fast 115109 3 7 S 8 = 3 C Kummer S Grey Lag Quecreek Star Voter 49569 MLillian4939G AVindsor 51 f lOCfast 315 115 1 1 1 1 l T Nolan 12 Polythia JSReardon MLillian 4939G FtErie 51 f lOGfast 51 122 1 22 41 4 = 1 G Walls 8 JSReardon JCorey MLillian 49340 FtErie 51 f l07slow 125 119 G 2 3 2 5 j E Sanda 7 IkeyT ByJiminy JSReardon 4S4S7 JSReardon4S4S7 FtErie 58103 hvy 1120 127 1 2 2 2 2 T Nolan 5 Ikey T Runquoi Silent West 48339 Hamton 58 l00fast 35 125 3 2 1 H 2h A Claver 6 AunlieMay Herendesy LaslOne 4S074 LaslOne4S074 BBonls l01fast 15 120 4 43 2J 2 A Claver 8 ByJiminy LaslOne CharlotleC 47909 BBonls S 103 fast 25 123 2 11 1 1U A Claver 3 Runquoi Coombs 47737 Dorval S l01fast 310 122 3 11 lh 11 A Claver G Panhdler Voormel MargDixon 47008 AVdbine 8102 fast 110 122 1 1 1 is H E Sande 3 Auntie May Jean Corey 47495 AVdbino 8 l01fast 45 320 2 11 1 1 J AVilllams 5 HBelle AssyrQun JeanCorcy 47038 Pimlico 12 49 fast 1720 117 3 21 = 1 = 1 J Rodgez 8 Superwoman Peerage Gimme iCSGl GimmeiCSGl HdcGco 41 53fast 910 114 1 1 1 1 = 1J J Rodgez 8 MadLillian Alcatraz Fernwoon 4GSGG Fernwoon4GSGG HdcGcc 41 f 53fast 395 111 3 2 2 2 2h J RodgezlO StarVoter MadLillian Cullinan 40003 Bowie 12 49good 3G5 118 5 3 4 = 451 J Ileupel 8 Pluribus MadneLIllian Mogens 40212 Jefson 12 48fast 35 109 5 1 li 11 J Bodgez 5 Petunia LKale HuntersPoint 40113 Jefson 12 48good 31 1081 4 2 l 1 = J Rodgez G BenValet Mkeluaine EOpener 4C012 MachGunner455S7 EOpener4C012 Jefson 31 f 42fast 185 115 5 G 3n 3 J Rodgez 9 Mogens Pluribus MachGunner 455S7 FGnds 3S 3Ghvy 40 112 4 3 = 3 J W Lllley 8 Qof Trmps Vvliippel JGdman JGdman4C518 4C518 FGnds 3S 37 mud 50 109 3 G1 G l F Smilh 8 JocTag SilSprings MargDlxon MargDlxonHARMONIQUE HARMONIQUE MeddlerTrainer ch c 3 122 By Sardanapale Melody by Meddler Trainer H G Bedwell Owner J K I Boss 51401 Pimlico 1 l39fast 47 10S 2 2 4 5 7k 7I J Grneiscn 8 SplingBlood Fallacy Brmspun 51 SOT Pimlico 34 l12fast S 105 4 345 G7i J Grneisen 8 Quecreek Broomsputi Mutllkins 51211 Laurel 34 110 good 4 10S 1 2 2 3J 45i T Nolan 7 StMichl DrCAVclls NRaider 51121 Laurel 31 l14 fast 5 105 4 4Hi 2 G 6 G J Gneisen 0 ByJiminy MANponan Bdstllle 51083 Laurel Hi f 109 fast 41 115 G 4 4 2i 21 F Keogh 11 LgliSwilly Transient Montalvo 50603 Laurel 51 f l09V good 8 112 4 11 14 I1 E Sande 9 DrCWls FRubien WTGvca 50283 HdeGce 51 f 108 fast 8 115 12 12 12 12 = 121 E Sande 13 MissRkin PTBarnum Beacon 5i90G Belmt 51 f st l01fast 10 115 12 11 14 = lt E Sando 15 Frigate Bermont Squaw Man 47190 Pimlico 58 101 hvy 910 110 3 4 53 5 E Sande 7 Quecreek Inglecrest GAVatcr GAVatcrBy ORIOLE br c 3 122 122Trainer Hawkswick1C By Assagai Hawksora by Hawkswick Trainer H G Bedwell Oxvner J J49S5G 1C 1 HOES 49S5G Belmont 34 st l10fast 3 118 4 4 41 3 T Rowan 12 Hildur Smoke Screen Grey Lnjj 49747 Sartoga 34 l127slov 12 115 1 2 2 22 31 T Rowan 15 LeohardoIL Prudery SLightly 49539 Sartoga 34112 fast 10 115 1 14t324 1 1 23 21 T Rowan 4 Prudery Normal Dimmesdato 4t324 Sartoga 51 f l07slop 45 119 1 1 1 I3 I T Rowan 8 Sedgefield Last Rose Hildur 49288 Sartoga 34 lllfast 10 115 1 14S9I3 2 2 31 5 T Rowan 0 NLce GenJMGomez BServt 4S9I3 Empire 51 f l07hvy 1120 119 3 34S7G8 1 1 1 I8 T Rowan 5 BrigGcneral Prodigy AceHigh 4S7G8 Empire Bi f l07mud 2 114 3 31S713 1 1 1 I10 T Rowan 10 Pluribus KotHeather Bodany 1S713 Aqduct 58 l01fast 4 123 2 1 lz 2n T Rowan 7 Normal Sedgefield MachlaTelll 48469 Aqduct 58 l00ifast 8 110 1 1422G 1 1 Ink T Rowan 17 Normal Advocate Tidlncs 422G Jamaica 58 l00 fcgoba 2 112 4 4SS12G 2 2 23 2 = 1 T Rowan 9 KotHeather Bluffer Tarisk SS12G Jamaica 58 l00fast 5 120 3 2 1 23 3 = 1 T Rowan 14 GenJMGz StMichael Tsient 47991 Belmont 58 st l00fast 41 121 2 T Rowan 8 Dimesdalc Tottie Houhynhnn 47511 Belmont 4if st 52fast 75 115 1 1 I1 1 = T Rowan 10 Sedgefield AVireless Our Flag 47173 Churchl 41 f 55mud 9f 117 2 1 1 2 T Rowan 13 UnVerde Easteside Sin Screen 47128 Churchl 12 48 fast 4110 11G 3 2 31 33J T Rowan 12 BServant NEIkhorn BGingcr PAMPAS BeauvoirTrainer ch c 3 122 By Short Grass Ellangowan by De Beauvoir Trainer H G Bcdwoll Owner J K L Boss 51317 Pimlico 34 114 fast 165 115 1 22 21 In C Kummerl4 Trantula Baywood Huoncc HuonccREGISTRAR REGISTRAR ch c 3 M 122 By Friar Rock Star of Danube by Star StarShoot Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer H G Bedwell Owner J K L Boss 49335 Sartoga 34 l15hvy 5 1122 556 6 T Nolan G Pluribus Serapis GenJMGoez 49288 Sartoga 34 lllfast 6 112 6 5 G 41 45J E Sande 9 NLee GenJMGomez BSerrt 49145 Sartoga 51 f l05 fast 25 107 2 11 1J 31 L ilcAtee 11 Moody Pluribus GenJMGomea GenJMGomeaSTAR STAR ShootTrainer VOTER ch c 3 122 By Ballot Starry Night by J Star Shoot Trainer H G Bedwell Owner J K L Boss 50459 Lexton F C l094fast 25 123 2 22 2 2nk E Sande 7 BIdleHour SirTKean Gangway 50038 Belmont 34 st l12fast 7 127 7 3 3 2 E Sando 18 StepLightly GreyLng Kirglton 49935 Careful19S5G Belmt 51 f st l07fast 110 125 4 1 in 31 E Sande 8 Grey Lag Quecreek Careful 19S5G Belmont 34 st l10fast 8 12G 2 2 3 53 E Sando 12 Hildur Smoke Screen Oriole 49747 Sartoga 34 l12slow 20 130 8 12 12 12 = 12 E Sando 15 Leonardo II Prudery Oriole 4S481 Oriole4S481 Latonia 34 114 mud 21 118 2 11 1 is E Sando 18 Black Servant Ace High Coyne 18331 Aqduct 58 59 fast 75 115 7 33 31 E Sando 8 GenJMGoez Intrite DHorse 4S277 DHorse4S277 Aqduct 58 59fast 910 111 1 1 1 1j E Sando 9 Jeg Moody Normal 4S163 Normal4S163 Jamaica 51 f 107 good 41 1KJ 1 4 G 5 B3J p Sando 9 Tryster Pluribus St Michael 4GSGG Michael4GSGG HdcGco 41 f 53fast 31 10S 1 1 1 1J iu E Sando 10 BabyGrand MLlliian Cullinan CullinanSAILING SAILING HastingsTrainer B b c 3 122 By Trap Rock Peccadillo by nasu9 Hastings Trainer H G Eedwell Owner J K L Boss rf f aurel VlLf00 U5 X X U 24 L Morris 5 ByJiminy BabyGrand StepLtly 51201 r raurel Laurel o1 34 l13fast E 107 1 111 = 2 1 T Nolan 5 IdleDell SmokeScrn Snperwn 51142 Laurel 34 l13fcfast 115111 1 53 2 ° k 4Tj A Schugr G IdleDell BGrand Gen JM Gez 51081 Laurel 34 l14fast 31 109 3 21 11 13 A Schugr 5 Lough Storm Muttlkins Exodus 504GG Exodus504GG IIdeGce 34 l13Vfast 2310 107 G 4 5 Ga B5J J McTagt 9 Careful Hildur The Bazcajre 50182 IIdeGce 34 l13 fast 12 108 3 11 1 l E Sande 5 MANoonan Bnywood Chevalier 50119 HdeGce 34 l14V5fast 3 104 3 22 Ink 43 E Sande 7 Serapis Jee Polly Ann 49G54 Ann49G54 Sartoga ES 59fast 41 115 2 21 1 1 AV Kelsay 10 Rancoeas SqMan ATThoughts ATThoughtsSUN SUN MartaqonTrainer TURRET ch c 3 M 122 By Sunstar Marian Hood by Martaqon Trainer H G Bedwell Owner JY K L Boss 51271 Pimlico 34 l13fast 13 113 2 4 4 4 3 T Nolan 0 BHomme Baywd Prin Pdora 61118 Laurel 34 l15fast 7 113 2 344 4 T Nolan 8 Bluello Voormlr MerMarlnft AJOM ch c 3 122 122Trainer By Aleppo Pollie Hill II by Polymelus Trainer F Schelke Owner J K L Boss 60492 Wdbine 34115 fast 75 115 7 74 31 on T Nolan 8 Herendesy Greybne ChfSponr 60176 BBonts 61 f l10hvy 3710f 107 7 64 7l I1 T Nolan 12 FlyingFord Uerendesy MadMay 50072 BBonts 34 118 mud 5 107 3 22 22B0025 2a 2s T Nolan 5 Ikey T Fair Lassie Little Dear B0025 BBonts 58 l02good 14 125 3 43 434S207 3s 221 R Romelli 8 ThnyWay AssyrQueen ESong 4S207 Hamtn 34 114 fast 3310 105 4 G 5 5 6 R Romelli 5 JSKeardon Sil West JCorey 49149 Hamtn 68 l02fast 1 110 6 64 3s 1 A Claver II Bertha S JohnsUmma Voormlr 48403 Hamtn 5S 102 fast 115 106 6 33 3s 2J A Claver 8 Jean Corey Frivol Zealous 48147 Conght 41 f 56slow 65 114 3 32 24 2l A Claver 5 WarTank Resarf RoyalVisitor 47933 BBonts 5S 102 fast 2310 103 9 7 GJ 33 A Claver 10 By Jimiuy Plantoon Last One 47558 Wdblne 5S l02fast C 118 1 66 4 4 i E Sande 7 CSponsor Herendesy Gbourne BASTILLE ch chTrainer c 3 122 122G By Voter Oppression by St Serf SerfL Trainer H G Bedwell Owner J K L Boss E1319 Pimllco 34 l12fast 8 113 5 7 7 42 4 1 C KummerlO PolytUia Bon Homme Twopair 51221 Laurel 34 l15slop 10 107i 3 2 3 4 22 T Nolan 0 Despair M A Noonan Twopair E112L Laurel 34 l14Mfast 5 108 3 5 2 3l 3 ° T Nolan C ByJiminy MANnan MRankin 60652 Laurel 34 l14fast 85 103 6 6 6 620 6 3 T Nolan 7 DarkHorse Muttikins FRubien C0076 HdeGce I 51 f lOS4good 126 116 1 1111 I1 FJ Sande 14 Baywood Rancocas PTBarnuni 49411 Sartoga J 51 f lOSgood 4 115 7 61 6s E Sande 15 BlBubbles Nohant Bennington 48280 Aqduct 58 l00fast 6 115 7 6l 4 E Sande 13 BrigGenl NancyLee OurBoots OurBootsBy BALANCE WHEEL b c 3 122 122Trainer By Ben Brush Whisk Broom by Cesarion CesarionB Trainer H 3 Thompson Owner E B Bradley 51213 Latonla 1 l45hvy 1 113 0 0E0912 2 1 1 lll I10 L Lyke C Merrimac TVirginian CtView E0912 Latonia 1 l41fast 12 114 12 4 G 4 11 3 L Lyke 12 Bettina BroBatch SirLawnful 60557 Latonla 5i f 108 fast 2310 115 7 74S148 9 8 7l 5 A Collins 12 Darjeeling Rama Clem Theisen 4S148 Sartoga 51 f l06Vfcfast 15 115 4 44S297 6 6 G2 C L Lyke 12 Exodus StMichael GenAverage 4S297 Latonla 61 t l07fast 1310 115 2 5 3 3 2 L Lyke 12 Coyne By Ginger McGoodwin 47650 Church 1 41 f 65 fast 18 112 8 71 6 L Lyke 11 AceHigh Easterside UncleVelo 47450 Church 1 41 f 64fast 21 1111 8 6i 54i L Lyke 10 BenValet NorElkhorn Runzaf 47173 Churchl 41 f 55mud 15 117 11 10 122 121 L Lyke 13 United Verde Oriole Easteside 47116 Churchl 12 48slow 9 112 C 5 51 4J1 L Lyke 12 Easteside Helium Bunga Buck 4695S Lex ton 5 7i 615 L Lyke 11 Uncle Velo Monsn UnitedVerde BIT OF WHITE b f 3 117 By Sunstar Dreamy II by Persimmon PersimmonTrainer Trainer H J Thompson Owner E B Bradley 47131 Churchl 12 47fast 2310 119 2 1 H 1J L Lyke C MMufflns MFontaine ApDear 47114 Churchl 12 49slow 1 112 5 1 1s I8 L Lyke 12 Tawasentha Pekoe Loveliness BELIEVE IDLE HOURchf3 117 117Trainer By Cunard Lovenot by Voter Trainer H J Thompson Owner B Bradley 61423 Churchl 78 l25fast H5 114 1 1 1 1 in 21 L Lyke 7 Kinburn Captain Mac Min Man 61312 Churchl 78 l25fast 1 118 2 1 1 1E0789 1 I1 Il L Lyke LyChainp Bettina MlssFtaine E0789 Latonla 34 l12fast 125 126 1 1 3 51 6 1 A Collins 13 Rangn Muskallonge McGdwin 60459 Lex ton F C l09fast 10 120 1 1 1 11 ink E Pool 7 StarVoter SirTKean Gangway D0038 Belmont 34 st l12fast 20 122 2 4 41 7 L Lyke 18 StepLightly StarVoter GreyLug 49798 Belmont 51 f l06fast 115 120 4 4 3 H L Lyke 9 ByJiminy LastStraw Tamarisk 49709 Sartoga 61 f 105 fast 10 127 12 12 13 133 1212 L Lyke 14 Prudery StepLightly NancyLee 49213 Sartoga 51 f l05fast 6 127 2 2 2 3l 45 L Lyke Careful Nancy Lee Charity 48158 Latonla 5S l00fast 2910 109 3 1 2 21 l k L Lyke 7 MissMuffins AphieDear Bettina 480S8 Latonia 58 102 fast 135 112 9 8 6l 21 L Lyke 12 AElizabeth MMKuy P Polly BROWN CHECK br g 3 3Trainer 122 By Black Toney Benanet by St Avonicus AvonicusE Trainer W Hurley Owner E B Bradley BradleyIOC 52539 FGnds 34 l13fast 4 IOC Refused to go E Pool 8 UnVerde BungaBuck Rancoc 2446 FGnds 78 l26fast 95 104 8 7 4 1 Illl E Pool 8 Botheration Loveliness Top 62355 FGnds 34 114 fast 16E 16EE2155 113 10 6 C 41 2 L Lyke 10 T Official JsUimna Brati E2155 Jefson 51 f l06fast 8 8E1409 113 7 G 4 3 2 1 L Lyke 7 Mavourneen TSon MadLillli E1409 Churchl 34 l14fast 7 7E1351 115 12 8 6 51 2n L Lyke 15 Planet MissFontaine Aluchve E1351 Churchl 34 l15faat 1 112 4 11 1 I2 L Lyko 8 WillowTree DarkFriar Monti BEHAVE YOURSELF br c 3 122 By Marathon MarathonTrainer Miss Ringlets by Handball Trainer H J Thompson Owner E B Bradley 51340 Churchl 1 l38fast 3110 122 3 2 31 32 L Lyke 0 Tryster GreyLag BrotherBatch 51002 Latonia 1 l38fast C5 114 3 2 14 1s L Lyke 10 McGoodwin BrotherB Rangoon 60613 Latonla 61 f l06fast 5 111 4 22 ink E Pool 12 Muskallonge Col Baker Ggvruy 60351 Lex ton 61 f l07fast 4110 1091 4 61 G L Lyke 10 Bettina Coyne Ben Valet 45750 Sartoga 51 f l07slqw 95 115 5 2h in L Lyke 11 Atala SportingBlood CThierry 49451 Sartoga 34 l13fast 6 115 5 71 6 = 3 L Lyke 14 Dartmoor Grey Lag Bermont 47846 Latonla 41 f 64fast 12 115 S SBLACK B1 4 L Lyke 10 WSlde LoughRed Muskallonse BLACK SERVANT br c 3 122 122Trainer By Black Toney Padula by Laveno LavenoB Trainer H J Thompson Owner E I I493SS B Bradley 493SS Sartoga 34 l12good 12 122 6 i Tryster Prudery Dimmesdaln 49288 Sartoga 34 lllfast 25 115 3 4 3 52 3s L Lyke 9 NLee CenJMGomez Registr 49145 Sartoga 51 f I05y5fast 41 113 4 4 6 8 7 L Lyke 11 Moody Pluribus Registrar 48481 Lutonia 34 114 mud 3110 118 5 2 2 2 25 L Lyke 18 StarVoter AceHigh Coyne 48327 Latonla 61 f l06 fast 2 110 3 2 2 in 11 L Lyke 8 Last Rose Monsoon NElkhorn 47128 Churchl 12 48 fast 1110 115 1 1 I1 Il L Lyke 12 NorthElkhorn Oriole ByGinger 47046 Lexton 12 47fast 31 117 8 8 61 62J L Lyke 12 Centter UncleVeloSmokeScreeD BLOWING BUBBLES ch c 3 122 By Cunard Macaroon by Marco MarcoTrainer Trainer H J Thompson Owner E B Bradley 51396 Churchl 34 l13fast 7 113 8 10 10 7i 33 L Lyke 10 Coyne RisingRock BnngaBuck 61355 Churchl 34 l26fast 95 1111 886 G 52 51 L Lyke 12 Coyne Khd Legs Sir Tlios Kean 51197 Latonia 34 l15hvy 75 10C1 4 3 3 35 21 E Pool G BroBatch Guvnor Ben Valet 51002 Latonia 1 l38fast 65 113 6 4 4 4 52 5 i T Murray 10 BYonrself McGdwin BrotherB BrotherBCGS1G CGS1G Latonia 34 l12fast 6 1131 6 6 5 2s I1 L Lyke 9 RisiiigRock DarjeeliiiK BKean 49411 Sartoga 51 f l08good 31 115 2 66 31 11 L Lyke 15 Nohant Bennington Cote dOr dOr4S358 4S358 Sartoga 61 f l09hvy 15 115 2 34 6s 6 L Lyke 12 Ararat Lucky Find Toreador 48641 Latonla 34 l14good 17 112 8 77 71 618 C VanDun 9 SirThKean Firebrand Rangoon RangoonBON BON HOMME b c 3 122 By Sweep Sue Smith by Masetto MasettoTrainer Trainer K Patterson Owner Xalapa Farm Stable 51449 Bowie 1 146 hvy 1 109 2 1 1 1 I2 1s A Schugr G SportingBlood DollyC DdeMy 51414 Bowie 34 l13fast 35 105 3 1 1 1s I5 A SchugrlO BMcLhlin Polythia HdGuess 51319 Pimllco 34 l12fast 1310 115 2 42 2 21 A SchugrlO Polythia Twopair Bastille 61271 Pimlico 34 l13fast 5 115 3 2 2 I2 Il A Schugr 9 Baywd SunTurret PrinPdora PrinPdoraDESPAIR DESPAIR b c 3 122 My McGee Mary Davis by Watercress WatercressTrainer Trainer K Patterson Owner Xalapa Farm Stable 51270 Pimlico 34 l12fast f 112 5 22 3l 3 A Schugr 9 PollyAnn Quecreek NightRaider 51221 Laurel 34 l15slop 3710 109 1 1 1 1s I2 A Schugr 0 Bastille MANoonan Twopair 61101 Laurel 34 115 fast 8 110 5 2 4 21 23 A Schugr 5 BGrand WTGrives TheBagge TheBaggeEOC98 EOC98 Laurel 34 113 fast 175 109 6 6 4 6 453 A Schugr C St Michael Banksia Antilles 60484 HdeGce 34 l14fast 2110 108 1 2 1 I2 Ink A Schugr 0 Supwomnn Due dM MLilHan 50422 HdeGce 34 l15fast 5 114 7 88 1 1s A Schugr 9 GMenocal DrCAVells Voormir VoormirE0076 E0076 HdeGco 5J f lOSgood f 116 14 13 10 91 710 A Schugrl4 Bastille Baywood Rancocas Rancocas4Sfi37 4Sfi37 Sartoga 51 f l05M fast 30 106 9 8 6 6s 6 A SchugrlO Broom Spun Grey Lag Normal 49411 Sartoga 51 f lOSgood 12 115 9 G 8 12 11 A Schugrin BlBubbles Nohant Bennington 49358 Sartoga 5i f l09hvy 20 115 7 98 81 7 ° A Schugrl2 Ararat Lucky Find Toreador ToreadorLEONARDO LEONARDO II br c 3 122 By Sweep Ethel Pace by Troubadour TroubadourTrainer Trainer K Patterson Owner Xalapa Farm Stable 49747 Sartoga 34 l12slow 85 115 2 11 I1 in A SchugrlS Prudery Oriole Step Lightly 49528 Sartoga 51 f l05fast 16 122 1 11 I2 I2 A Schugrll Muttikins PollyAnn LLillian 49271 Sartoga 58 58fast 710 108 7 2 2 2s I5 A SchugrlO Hildur Wellfinder Killala Killala4S739 4S739 Empire 58 100 fast 1 114 2 1 1 I4 1 A SchugrlS Guvnor GenAverage TenLee MULCIBER blk c 3 By Vulcain Tapiola by The Commoner Trainer C H Hughes Owner Xalapa Farm Stable 61089 Empire 51 f 106 fast 115122 5 5 3 2 21 C Robson 5 Grey Lag Curfew East View ViewEOS03 EOS03 Jamaica 34113 fast 6 111 3 34 Ill2 C Robson C Grey Lag Knobble Pluribus 60667 Jamaica 34113 fast 185114 3 3 3 4s 4si C Robson 5 Grey Lag Knobbie Care Free 50570 Jamaica 51 f I06goodl310 115 2 11 I1 1 = C Robson G CareFree Sedgefield HoneyGi 60499 Aqduct 34 l13slop 15 109 3 23 21 2s C Robson 4 Knobbie Grey Lag Quecreek 60221 Aqduct 34 l13fast 85 107 1 33 3s 312 C Robson 5 Quecreek Our Boots St Donard 60110 Belmont 34 st l13M fast 146 112 5 2 in 1J C Robson 8 Conine Scotland Yet Mavehona 49906 Belmont 51f st l04fast 30 115 7 3 31 57 C Robson 15 Frigate Bermont Squaw Man ManSMOKE SMOKE DisguiseTrainer SCREEN b c 3 122 By His Majesty Veil by Disguise Trainer J Evans Owner G A Cochran 31201 Laurel 34 l13fast 11G 113 4 43 3 3s C Kummer 5 IdleDell Sailing Superwoman 51141 Laurel 1 140 fast 16 98 6 o 3 4 6 6 J Callahan 5 Blazes The Porter Sir Barton 50781 Laurel 34 l13fast 2310 126 1 33 3l 410 W Kelsay 4 LStorm ByJiminy TBaggage 50433 Aqduct 58 59fast 41 118 2 3 4 32 W Kelsay 5 Frigate Quecreek DryMoon 50038 Belmont 34 st l12Mfast 15 119 6 11 121 II7 W Kelsay IS StepLightly StarVoter GreyLag GreyLag49S56 49S56 Belmont 34 st l10fast 6 115 3 3 21 2s W Kelsay 12 Hildur Oriole Grey Lag 49747 Sartoga 34 l12slow 15 122 10 4 3 71 11 W Kelsay 15 Leonardo II Prudery Oriole 49448 Sartoga 34 113 fast 8 112 9 7 6 3n H F Keogh 11 GenJMGmez Kbbie Palmska 47337 Churchl 41 f 56hvy 65 113 7 1 It 3 = 1 G Stack 8 Uncle Velo Ben Valet Greeland 47173 Churchl 41 f 55mud 195 122 9 4 4 k 45 D ONell 13 United Verde Oriole Easteside 47046 Lexton 12 47fast 215 122 7 7 4 ° k 354 T Murray 12 Centimeter UncleVelo Eastside 46916 Lexton 12 49hvy 31 112 3 4 2 I1 L Ensor 8 Gangway TBudrow Handsel II 46874 Lexton 12 48fast 135 112 9 G 6i 710 L Ensor 11 The Ally Gangway Uncle Velo VeloST ST MICHAEL ch c 3 122 By His Majesty Marie Odile by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer J Evans Owner G A Cochran 51332 Pimllco 1 l40fast 5if 110 12 8 6 5 6 7 W Kelsay 15 IdleDell Broomspun BabyGnd 61241 LaUrel 34 116 good 125 111 2 11 1i I2 W Kelsay 7 DrC Wells N Raider Hurmque HurmqueD1201 D1201 Laurel 34 l13fast 11G 106 2 3 5 G 5 L McAtee 5 IdleDell Stilling Smokescreen 60698 Laurel 34 113 fast 35 109 4 11 1J ink F Keogh C Banksia Antilles Despair 60021 Belmt 61 f st l07slow 10 115 2 3 4s 4 W Kelsay 5 Dry Moon Frigate Idle Dell 49856 Belmont 34 st l10fast fi 113 6 11 II1 12 L Lyke 12 Hildur Smoke Screen Oriole 49797 Belmont 51f st l07fast 35 115 2 2 21 21t W Kelsay 7 Care Free Teddy R Tout Or 49193 Sartoga H8 100 fast 7 114 7 4 3 4 fi6 T Rowan IB Excxlns RisinuRock Brunswick 49148 Sartoga 51 f l06Mfast 2 115 1 1 1 2l 2s L Ensor 12 Exodus Gen Average Irish Sea Sea4S163 4S163 Jamaica 51 f 107 good 15 112 6 11 2i 33 L Ensor 9 Tryster Iliirilms lloiiyliiilmm 48126 Jamaica 58 l00fast C 110 6 G G G4S045 4 = 2 ° L Ensor 14 GenTMGomcz Oriole Trans lit lit4S045 4S045 Jamaica 5S 100 fast 6 115 2 32 21 341 L Ensor TBlieniian Serapis llrliiiliiini 47215 Churchl 41 f 54good3310 1111 3 2 V 2 L Lyke 10 BroBateh BenBolt JgeUudrow 47116 Churchl 12 48slow 20 111 11 10 10469S6 10 10 C Bruder 12 Easteside Helium Bunga Buck 469S6 Lexton 12 48fast 125 113 2 4 3l 3 = 1 L Lyke 5 Ruiimic Monsoon S Gentleman GentlemanG 46958 Lexton 12 60 hvy 12 112 7 G 31 4 ° 3 T Murray 11 UncleVflo Monsoon United Vdu 46874 Lexton 12 48fast 21 112 10 7 7 61B D ONell 11 The Ally Gangway Uncle Velo VeloBy tPlaced first through disqualification disqualificationBANKSIA BANKSIA ch f 3 122 122Trainer By His Majesty Early Rose by Star Shoot Trainer J Evans Owner G A Cochran Cochran60C9S 60C9S Laurel 34 113 fast 35 107 1 22 2 21 2 ° k w Kelsay 0 St Michael Antilles Despair 60476 Aqduct 34 l12fast 185 112 4 11 I3 1 W Kelsay 7 JoanMaric MaiilsBallet Fright E0390 Aqduct 58 69fast 7 109 3 4 51 7T W Kelsay 9 Crocus By Jiminy TenLee TenLeeC 60108 Belmont 78 st l24fast 15 1051 5 5C0038 C r 21 2 W Kelsay tt Grey Lag Our FIig Brm Spun C0038 Belmont 34 st l12fast 15 114 12 1249S54 13 13 9 A Johnson 18 StepLightly StarVoter GreyLag 49S54 Belmont 5S st 58fast 115 112 2 1 1s 1 W Kelsay 10 Scotland Yet Perfection Atalu 49798 Belmont 51 f l06fast 10 106 1 149C05 7 51 6 3 W Kelsay 9 BIdlellour ByJiniiuy LastStw 49C05 Sartoga 34 l12Wfast 12 110 2 2 2 22 25 W Kelsay 14 Fright Conine Cubanita 49182 Sartoga D8 59 fast 10 115 7 76 G 6 L Ensor 15 Rockland Pantalette Mnvrneen 4S2SQ Aqduct 58 l06fast 30 112 8 6 71 58 L Ensor 13 BrigGenl XancyLee OurBoots 48121 Jamaica 68 102 fast 20 112 8 9 8 81 9 L Ensor 10 Good Bye Present Mile Cadeau 48040 Jamaica 58 l01fast 6 113 6 10 8 8 Sto L Ensor 11 CColours Sacajawea DSaving CAflE FREE b c 3 M 122 By Colin Domino Noire by Kingston KingstonTrainer Trainer J Hastings Owner M I Schwartz SchwartzE0803 E0803 Jamaica 34 113 fast 4 107 Left at the post W Obert G Mulciber Grey Lag Knobbie 60778 Jamaica 34 l13V fast 45 114 8 63 3J 2JJ W Obert S DernierSou BlnckNight Huonec 60667 Jamaica 34 113 fast 12 109 4 11 2 313 W Obert 5 Grey Lag Knobbie Mulciber MulciberE0570 E0570 Jamaica 61 f l0figpod 10 108 1 3 2 2 22 W Obert Mulciber Sedgefield HoneyGirl 60454 Aqduct 34 l14fast 1 115 Left at the post L Ensor S CImarron Huonec MerchMarine 6 817 Aqduct 58 59 fast S 112 6 4 4 4s L Ensor 10 TheBoheinian Frigate Quecreek Quecreek4fS5r 4fS5r Belmont 34 st l10fast 20 104 11 5 6 9 ° C Ponce 12 Hildur Smoke Screen Oriolo 49797 Belmppt 51f st l07sfast 8 115 5 II2 ITi L Ensor 7 St Michael Teddy R Tout Or 49637 Sartoga 51 f l05Vfcfast 40 106 Left at the post C RpbsonlO Broom Spun Grey Lag Normal 49145 Sartoga 51 f l0uf st 30 10711 10 10 9 913 L Fator 11 Moody Pluribus Registrar tDlsquallfled for foul COTE DOR ch c 3 M 122 By Heno Aile dOr by Capt Hancock HancockTrainer Trainer J Hastings Owner M L Schwartz 49983 Belmont BJf st l05fast 12 115 4 6 3l 3T A JohnsonlO Our Boots Inslccrest C Demon 49906 Belmont 5Jf st l04fast 12 11513 12 12U12 L Ensor 15 Frigate Itcnnoiit Squaw Man 49801 Belmont 51f st l07fast 6 115 8 6 41 4 L Ensor S Wprcaguo Frigate Playfellow 49528 Sartoga 51 f l03fast 20 105 4 4 4 52 7IT L McAtee 11 Leonardo Mnttikins Polly A 49411 Sartoga 61 f lOSgood SO 115 1 11 41 42 T Rice 15 BlBubbles Nohant BenninKton BenninKtonKNOBBIE KNOBBIE b c 3 122 By Wrack Gold by Golden Garter GarterTrainer Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Quinoy Stable 1 l40fast 41 116 8 7 9 10 9s 9l ° J Mooney 15 IdleDell Broomspun BabyGnd 512C9 Pimlico 34 112 fast 11 111 2 250S03 4 4 4 4s J Mooney 4 BllIyKelly MotorCop Audacious 50S03 Jamaica 34 113 fast 135 125 2 250G67 2 2 3s 3 J Mooney C Mulciber Grey Las Pluribus 50G67 Jamaica 34 113 fast 3 122 1 44 I1 2k j Mooney 5 Grey Lag Care Free Mulciber 50575 Jamaica 34 l14good 910 123 2 3 3 3 13 J Mooney 3 Dry Moon Our Boots 50499 Aqduct 34 lasiislop 21 116 1 1EC280 1113 11 J Mooney 4 Mulciber Grey Lag Quecreek EC280 Aqduct 34 113 fast 21 106 4 4E0152 3 1 I2 Il J Mooney 5 Grey Lag Dry Moon Our Boots E0152 Belmt El f st l05fast 710 105 1 2 Ink 12 j Mooney 3 Fright Zed 419 Belmt 5 f st l07fast 10 108 1 149S27 3 5i 52 J Mooney S Grey Lag Quecreek Star Voter 49S27 Belmt 5i f st 106 fast 65 115 3 1 4 = 431 J Mooney 5 KIrklevgtoi DryMn Citnarron CitnarronG 49448 Sartoga 34 113 fast 12 112 3 G 7 C1 rJ J Mooney 11 SScreen GJMGmez Phaska 49092 Empire 51 f l07fast 41 117 1 2 4 42 3 = T Rice 5 Haiti Pluribus Moody 48965 Empire Ab 34 l10slow 165 116 4 4492S 6 4 4l 21 J Mooney 7 TenLee Eternity Haln 492S Empire 51 f l07slop 5 114 3 348S06 2 2 I1 1s J Mooney 9 Guvnor Theodosla Wapreague 48S06 Empire 51 f l07fast 30 114 3 6 6 62 5 J T Rice 13 Moody Eternity BMcLaughliu 48739 Empire 5S 1 00 fast TO 114 3 6 6 6l 6 T RIce 15 LeonardoII Guvnor G Average 48194 Jamaica 51 f 107 mud 30 106 4 4 3 3l 314 J Mooney fi Herapls Bodanzky Fernwood 48126 Jamaica 58 l00ysfast 50 110 8 5 6 71 10 J Mooney 14 GenJMGez StMichael Oriole PLAYFELLOW b c 3 M 122 By Fair Play Mahubah by Rock Sand SandTrainer Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Quincy Stable 60358 Aqduct 34 l13fast 45 115 6 73 21 2 J Mooney 8 MaidsBallet BKnighr Tuana 50193 Aqduct 34 114 fast 3 112 4 76 Ol 31 J Mooney 10 SpgBlood MaidensBal Jesava 49987 Belmt 78 3MC l26 fast 2 108 3 2 2 2 25 2i J Mooney 3 Pontypridd Sammy Jay 4856 Belmont 34 st l10fast 20 10G 8 12 12 II12 J Mooney 12 Hildur Smoke Screen Oriole Oriole4B801 4B801 Belmont 51f st l07fast 4 115 4 3 35 3 J Mooney 8 AVpreague Frigate Coti dOr 49451 Sartoga 34 l13fast 7 115 3 10 11 10 = 1012 J Mooney 14 Dartmoor GreyLag Bermont 49357 Sartoga 51 f 110 hvy 12 115 10 9 9 S1 21 J Mooney 14 OldFaithful Turnabout SqMan SqManJ9271 J9271 Sartoga 58 58fast 5 104 11 12 11 101 H16 J Mooney 15 LeonardoII Hildur Wellfinder 49128 Empire 58 l01fast 710 114 1 56 7l ° 6 T Rice 9 Frizlet Toreador Rancocas UNITED VERDE b c 3 122 122Trainer By Golden Maxim Yankee Tree by Yankee YankeeClark Trainer G V Barnes Owner C W Clark 52539 FGnds 34 l13fast 135 US 5 5524G7 5 5 21 11 N Barrett S BungaBk Rancocas TstOfficl 524G7 FGnds 34 l12fast 10 107 3 3 4 6H 61 N Barrett 8 ColTenn UltraGold TdHonr TdHonrC 47173 Churchl 41 f 55mud 8 117 5 C 51 I1 L Ensor 13 Oriole Easterside SmokeScreeii 47046 Lexton 12 47fast 12 117 10 9 8 1 7 1 S Vida 12 Centtcr UncleVeloSmokeScreen 16958 Lexton 12 60 hvy 225 112 6 6WHITE 4 42 3 i S Wida 11 UncleVelo Monsoon StMichael StMichaelBy WHITE STAR ch c 3 122 122Trainer IngoldsbyClark By McGee Sweet Charlotte by Ingoldsby Trainer G V Barnes Owner C W Clark ClarkIll 52692 FGnds 1 140 fast 75 107 2 1 Ill 3i S Wida G MasterJack CtttUp WillowTree 52602 FGnds 34 113 fast 5 114 1 3 3 11 3 = 1 S Wida 9 MasJack Runzaf TrstOfficial 52569 FGnds 1 l39fast 12 108 1 1 1 1 11 3SJ S Wida S Fantoclie Botheration G Fringe 52418 FGnds 1 139 fast 10 93 5 7 6 0 Ell 673 L McDott 9 Dr Carmen Louis A Tantalus 52323 FGnds 1 141 fast 165 114 2 5 7 5 31 43i S Wida 7 1arader Funtoche Petrarch 52219 FGnds 34 l16mud 41 113 3 2 3 21 1 S Wida G Thimble Rising Rock Fantocha 52176 FGnds 34 l13fast 7 104 4 4 4 4 4 4i i S Wida 8 Miisklonge Polythia RisRock 51949 Jefson 1 l43hvy 710 108 2 6 4 3 21 33 S Wida r Fantoclie BimguBuck DnyLilly 51826 Jefson 34 118 mud 21 104 4 47S 4 2 11 Il S Wida 8 BungaBuck Parader MLillian 51425 Churchl 7S l26fast 27 103 6 5 3 4 31 2i S Wida S UaiiKOon Sir T Kcan Red Legs 113S3 Churchl 34 115 good 8 107 6 2 1 HUG Stack 7 Milltrburg Merrimac Pongee 51353 Churchl 78 l26fast 29 103 4 4 3 3 7l 9 E Martin 12 Coyne RedLegs Sir Tlios Kean 51313 Churchl 78 l26i fast 2910 109 1 4 3 1 li 21 G Stack 7 RedLegs linen CharlesA Byrne 51217 Latonia 34 l15 hvy 9f 104 3 2 2 I1 S Wida 11 Julia X Rama Dimples DimplesII 51137 Latonia 1 l39fast 51 113 12 12 II II II1 112D J Roberts 12 McGoodwin Coyne SirTKean 50816 Latonla 34 l12fast 29 110 S S3S 7 7 71 G9 II Lunsfd 9 BBubbles RislIJoek Darjeeling 45978Jefson 3S f 42good 3J 111 1 3 31 4 = i S Wida 8 JSUeardon Cntrwm Brniished 4n911 FGnds 38 36mud 10 116 2 32 21 S Wida 8 SSprings LnndsKnd Cointreau 457S9 FGnds 38 36 fast 95 116 3 in ink F Cltlletti 8 Ben Valet Jetsam Be Sure Sure3J 45741 FGnds 38 35fast 7 112 1 3J CJ R Troxler 11 Champagne A Dedti L Leven 45651 FGnds 38 37hvy 135 116 2 2a 01 n Troxler 0 Alcatraz Handsel II NoFooling NoFoolingBy IDLE DELL ch c 3 122 122Trainer By Delhi Idle Tale by Superman Supermanrbury Trainer S P Harlan Owner L Waterbury rbury 51332 Pimlico 1 l40fast 112 1 1 1 1 lk iij j Callahan lr Broonspun BabyGnd PollyAnn 51201 Laurel 34 l13fast 85 103 3 2 22 2 2 Il J Callahan 5 Sailing SmokeScrn Superwn 51142 Laurel 34 l1345fast 165 98 4 2 22 2 I1 I4 J Callahan G BGrand GeuJMGez SailgB 50601 Jamaica 58 1 00fast 720 120 3 2 22 2 2 2s C Kummer 4 Jesava Pansy Shortys First 50063 Belmont 58 st 101 fast 12 111 2 1 I2 1 L Ensor 7 DouphGirl LlghtRose Playcany 30021 Belmt 61 f st l07slow 710 112 4 4 34 3 E Arobrse 5 Dry Moon Frigate St Michael 19933 Belmt 61 f st 106 fast 31 106 2 1 I1 Il L Ensor G Mutkins StepLightly Mavneen 18651 Aqduct 5S l00fast 12 109 4 5 G ° 2J C Turner 6 Crocus Prodigy Muttlkinp 48018 Belmont 58 st 59fast S 112 9 4 G C2 F Moore 12 OurFlag DoughRIrl SammyJoy 47885 Belmt 41 f st 52fast 15 113 2 2 247S03 21 3J A Johnsonl2 Muttikins GoodlSye DoughGirl 47S03 Belmt 4i f st 51fast 20 103 9 G 7l 713 F Moore 11 Jacobina Mvourneen Runatrir AILLIRO ch g 3 M 122 By Cicero Orillia by Lochryan LochryanTrainer Trainer T J Harmon Owner L Waterbury WaterburyE0901 E0901 Jamaica 34 115 fast 31 115 8 76 41 4 J W Obert 8 BlackKht Sport iboy LuckyFind 19148 Sartoga 51 f l e fast 10 115 2 49 S1 6tu T Murray 12 Exodus StMichael GenAvaratu GenAvaratu4S618 4S618 Aqduct 58 100 fast 4 115 2 7 71 812 C Turner 14 Bluffer Exodus BMcLaughlln 48414 Aqduct 58 l00slow 10 lla 3 5 31 421 E Sande 11 Inchcape SportBlood BrSpun 18331 Aqduct 68 59 fast 15 112 8 88 6 J A Johnson 8 GenJMGoez Intrite St Voter ADVOCATE ch c 3 M 122 By Ballot Inspiration by Ayrshire AyrshireTrainer Trainer A J Goldsborough Owner H H Hewitt 49288 Sartoga 34 lllfast 10 112 5 66 62 6J J Mooney 9 NLee GenJMGomez BServt 48469 Aqduct 68 l00fast 7 10 5 6 6s 31 J Mooney 17 Oriole Normal Tidings SLIPALONG ch c 3 M 122 122Trainer By Ballot Hazzaza by Cunard Trainer J I Smith Owner H H Hewitt 51380 Churchl 34 l14good 7 112 4 11 3h 6 L Lyke 8 AllRtSir Castlergh Crk oDn 31337 Churchl 78 127 fast 8 112 3 2 2 6 7 = 7 H J Burke 10 BMcLhlin BygoneDays Tbuno 51233 Latonia 34 l15slov 2710 112 7 44 21 21 L Lyke 11 Spugs Clgale Big Sou 51173 Latonia 34 l16mud 1910 113 6 53 32 3 L Lyke 12 Has Philanderer Dan Jackson 19471 Sartoga 51 f l07fast 185 115 4 21 2 33 T Rice 9 Vista SunnyDays KateFraley 19198 Sartoga 5S 100 fast 60 109 12 12 12 131 14 T Rice 15 Exodus RisingRock Brunswick BrunswickBy GUVNOR ch c 3 122 122Trainer By Superman Verdict by Tyrant Trainer G Land Owner F J Kelley 51236 Latonia 51 f l07slow E 109 1 1 5 5 E Pool 5 MissMuffins BDudley Pongee 51197 Latonia 34 l15hvy 11 103 2 1 1 3s H King G BroBatch BlowBbles BValet 51057 Latonia 34 l12fast 19 10S 1 2 91 12 C Turner 12 Muskallonge Coyne RisingHock 50816 Latonia 34 l12fast U 110 2 2 Eh 8 N Barrett 9 BBubbles RisRock Darjeeling 50789 Latonia 34 l12fast 10 112 9 11 1149S08 13 13 8 x Barrett 13 Rangoon Musknge McGoodwin 49S08 Sartoga 51 f l05fast 75 112 1 1 1s 321 J Pierce 8 Tody Our Flag Frizlet 19179 Sartoga 51 f l06Vfcfast 135 103 1 1 1s I4 J Pierce 7 Chevalier Baywood Toreador 19012 Empire Ab 34 I10fa3t 2 115 1 1 11S92S li ink N Barrett 4 Gipsy Lad Toreador EyeOpener 1S92S Empire 51 f l07slop 125 114 5 1 14SS06 22 2s N Barrett 9 Knobble Theodosia Wprenirue 4SS06 Empire 51 f l07fast 5 114 2 1 21 4 i N Barrett 13 Moody Eternity BMcLaughlin 48739 Empire 5S 100 fast 41 114 1 2 24S554 22 2s N Barrett 15 LeonardoII G Average TenLee 4S554 Aqduct 58 l0iysfast 3 103 1 14S3S5 Ik 2 N Barrett 7 Dry Moon Eye Opener Alcatraz 4S3S5 Aqduct 58 l01fast 41 108 1 11 3 = 1 N Barrett 5 LLillian EOponer CRambler 48280 Aqduct 5S l00fast 20 113 4 4GANGWAY 6 S18 N Barrett 13 BrigGenl NancyLee OurBoots OurBootsBy GANGWAY b c 3 122 122Trainer By Luke McLuke Little Oasis by Belvidere Belvidere3i Trainer G Land Owner F J Kelley 51396 Churchl 34 l13fast 6 109 9 9 3i 5s li J BurkelO Coyne RisRock BlowBubbles 51355 Churchl 78 l26fast 10 105 12 12 9 42 4 = 1 C Buel 12 Coyne Red Legs Sir Thos Kean 51002 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 12 110 5 9 9 Sl S N Barrett 10 BYoarself McGdwin BrotherB 50979 Latonia 34 113 fast 3310 112 7 1 12 I8 N Barrett 12 Botheration Merrimac Nonskid 50312 Latonla 1 l41 fast 6 106 G 3 3 9 92 N Barrett 12 Bettina BroBatch BalAVheel 50789 Latonia 34 l12fast 10 104 6 6 6E0513 42 41 S Wida 13 Rangn Muskalionge McGdwin McGdwin4l E0513 Latonia 51 f l06fast 8 107 5 S 4l 4 J N Barrett 12 Behave Yself Muskge CBaker 50459 Lexton F C l09Mfast 12 113 6 6 4 4i M Garner 7 BIdlellour SrVoter SirTKean SirTKean10l 47173 Churchl 41 f 55mud 14 117 12 10l 10 1 C RobsonlS United Verde Oriole Easteside Easteside9l 47046 Lexton 12 47fast 16 117 6 9l lOJ G Stack 12 Centter UncleVelo SmokeScrn SmokeScrnin 46975 Lexton 41 f SS islow 115 108 2 in zn C Robson 7 Centimeter Ben Valet Snare SnareIS 46916 Lexton 12 49hvy 1 112 2 246S74 IS 21 C Robson S SScreen JBudrow Handsel II 46S74 Lexton 12 48fast 7 112 4 21 2l C Robsonll The Ally Uncle Velo Be Sure MAGIC SILENCE ch c 3 M 122 By Magic II Mum by Freemason FreemasonTrainer Trainer J S Healy Owner W S Kilmer 49148 Sartoga 51 f lC6V fast 20 113 12 10 10 9l S12 C Robsonl2 Exodus StMichael GenAverage GenAverage4S61S 4S61S Aqduct 58 100 fast GO 113 14 10 102 9 T Davles 14 Bluffer Exodus BMcLaughlin 48530 Aqduct 34 llSV fast 20 115 7 4 4 4J 412 T Davles 10 KirUlevington Bluffer Eternity 48280 Aqduct 58 l00fast 20 115 12 10 II1 11IB T Rowan 13 BrigGenl NaneyLee OurBoots OUR FLAG ch c 3 122 By Cock o th Walk Private Flag by Ham ¬ burg burgTrainer Trainer J S Healv Owner W S Kilmer 51332 Pimlico 1 l40fast 12114 61414 14 14 ° 11 C Robson 15 IdleDell Broomspun RabyGnd RabyGndE0619 E0619 Wdbine 1 l44hvy 1 113 6 6 5 3 3s iu C Fbther 10 Baby Grand Ikev T Dora 50108 Belmont 78 st l24fast 4 115 3 34 r5 3 C Robson C Grey Lag Baiiksia Broom Spun SpunE0038 E0038 Belmont 34 st l12V fast 15 117 S 9 91 6s J Mooney IS StepLightly SturVoter Greylag 19732 Sai toga 51 f 1 06good 111 115 5 33 22 1J C Robson 5 Ilildur Sedgefield SportBlooU 4S634 Sartoga 34 l12fast 95 110 2 21 1s I2 C Rob1 son 9 Mavourneen LghStonu Tidings Tidings493SS 493SS Sartoga 34 l12good 20 122 1 G 4 41 4 ° 1 F Keogh G Tryster Prudery Dhnuiesdule Dhnuiesdule1930S 1930S Sartoga 6J r l05fast 10 113 3 3 3 42 22 G Ponce S Tody Guvnor Frizlet FrizletIS810 IS810 Windsor 51 f l08fast 7 110 C 10 9 9 6 1 T Davies 11 Last One Auntie May MOCPIIH MOCPIIH4S226 4S226 Jamaica 38 l03 ood 7 112 C 7 S 7 r i T Davies 9 Kof thelluthur Oriole Bluffer Bluffer4S018 4S018 Belmont 58 st 59fast 21 113 4 5 4l I1 T Davies 12 Dough Girl SuinJay MCadeail MCadeail4YSx 4YSx Belmont 58 st l01mud 115 113 2 2s 2 = T Davies 7 Normal Moody Fair Lassie 47511 Belmt 4i f st 52fast 4 11G 7 4 42 4 i T Davies 10 Oriole Sedgefield Wireless WirelessMONTALVO MONTALVO b c 3 122 By Friar Rock Catherine Carson by Ben BenStrome Strome StromeTrainer Trainer G H Strate Owner J H Hosseter Hosseter510S3 510S3 I aurel 51 f 109 fast 5 115 1 2 3 3nk 4J A Tohnsonll LghKwilly Harmquo Transnt 0953 Laurel 34114fast 35 100 3 11 1 11 J Callahan 13 Pit Pat tor LIoydGeorge Galiot GaliotMERCHANT MERCHANT MARINE br c 3 122 By Friar Rock Dorothy Gray by Hamburq HamburqM M Trainer G H Strate Owner J H Hosseter 51119 Laurel 34 l15fast 95 955CS75 2 2 2 3 A Johnson S Blue Belle Voormir Sun Turret 5CS75 Laurel 51 f 108 fast 115 6 4 31 2s A Johnsonl2 LSwilly Loughland Traiitulu 50454 Aqduct 34 l14fast 8 4 3 42 33 A Johnson 8 Cimarron Huonec Rep 50317 Aqduct 34 59 fast 12 12PLANET 6 6 611 A JohnsonlO TheBohemian Frieate Quecreek QuecreekBy PLANET blk c 3 3Trainer By Zeus Black Silk by Ornament Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Headley 51409 Churchl 34 l14fast 19f 2 2 2l In E Pollard 15 BChcck MIssFtaine Machvelll 51313 Churchl 7S l26fast 96 105 5 3 4 4 53 5 2 H King 7 Red Legs White Star Huen 51255 Latonla 34 l13fast 63 106 7 8 8 71 7 II King 9 Miss Fontaine Red Legs Doric 51233 Latonia 34 l15fcfast 59 107 10 10 10 10 10I5W Jnrrell 11 SPURS Slipalong Clgale 51097 Latonia 34 l13fast 75 104 6 65 74 84 H King 10 Social Star Artisan Acclaim 50962 Latonla 34 l14V fast 47 105 5 6 6 6b 6 1 H King 12 Pongee Natural Peppery Polly 50419 Lexton 51 f l08fast 22 115 2 3 3 3i 3 W W Tlor 8 Social Star Ring Rose Plato 50300 Lexton 61 f l07fast 28 102 6 656 618 R Lee 7 MGaffney Mayflower QVlew 47878 Latonla 41 f 55V fa3t 34 107 9 9 9 9 F Merlmee 9 Ruumic Winchester ToraNorria 47002 Lexton 41 f 66fast 16 164C933 112 S 2 31 lh H Lunsfd 8 EteanorSWin orQult BrownBllI 4C933 Lexton 12 51hvy 53 109 7 7 5l GT H Lunsfd 7 Blemished Jetsam Miss Dora 46874 Lexton 12 48fast 67 112 S 10 10 1051 J Hanoverll The Ally Gangway Uncle Velo ROMANCE ROMANCETrainer b f 3 117 By Luke McLuke Tranid by Voter VoterW Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Hoadley GISTS Church 1 34 lM fcKood2910 HO 1 1 II Kins G Loveliness Gold Dreams Cozcltc M17C Latoiiia 34 lliVfeinud 14 103 2 11 Ill H King 11 Frivol Slum o Mini MGiilTncy 61113 Latonia 51 f 1OS fast 29 112 3 1111 1U H King 12 Lhamp KleanorS KathlwuU 5C999 Latonia 34 l13 ifast 10 112 6 335 G H King 11 DUniottc 5 Quince L Wynne E0734 Latonia 34 l14 ifast 91 105 3 35S 2 2 61 7s W Jarrell 10 LueyKate Loveliness 1eplolly 479S4 Latonia 5S l01fast 30 109 6 7 71 710 H Lunsfd 9 Loch Leven Frivol Miss Dora 47316 Church 1 41 f 56mud 20 115 2 4 6h 8 D Connllyl2 Pekoe MFontaine M J Baker 47172 Church 1 12 50mud 6 115 10 9 8ll 811 E Graves 10 Frivol MaryJaneBuker Natural NaturalBy CAREFUL br f 3 117 117Trainer By Wrack Mindful by Star Shoot ShootSalmon Trainer E Wayland Owner W J Salmon 00993 Laurel 34 l13 fast 35 123 1 1GOCOG 1 1 11 Il F Kecgh 4 IJvJiminy Muttikins DoughGirl GOCOG Laurel 34 l14good 1 122 3 3504GG 2 3 21 li F Keogh 5 ByJIminy Muttikins LoilghStni 504GG HdeGce 34 l13Hfast 5 124 1 1C003S 3 3 3 = 11 F Keogh 9 Ilildur TBgage GJMGomez C003S Belmont 34 st l12V6fast 12 117 1 2 2 13 1 R Simpson 18 StepLightly StarVoter GrcyLng 49955 Belmt Gl t st l07vifast 41 12C C 2 4i 41 C Ponce S Grey I ig Quecreek Star Voter 49709 Sartoga 61 f 105 fast 7 127 2 2 3 Gl C41 J CallahanW Prudery StepLiehtly NancyLee 49213 Sartoga 51 f l05fast 2 Ii7 1 14S711 1113 I W Kelsay G NanryLee Cliirity BelIdlellour 4S711 AqMuct 5S l00 fast 12 127 3 2 21 2 W Kelsay 4 Crocus Prodigy Fright 48127 AqMuct 58 59 fast 115 127 3 34S097 1 I1 Il W Kelsay 4 XanovTee Prodigy Jacobina JacobinaI 4S097 Jamaica 5S l00fast 910123 1 I 1 31 4 W Kelsay Prudery Intrigante OostColrs 47454 Jamaica 5S 102 slow 13 127 1 1471G3Pimllco 11 11 W Kelsay 4 Kiist View llunatrix Our Hoots HootsII 471G3Pimllco 41 f 54fast 110 113 1 II 1s I5 W Kelsay Night Uuider Jeg Painter 47087 Pimlico 12 4Sfast 110 117 1 14GS81 1 1 I5 W Kelsay 3 Dough Girl Our Kate 4GS81 Pimlico 41 f 5G slow 35 114 1 11 I3 I3 W Kelsay Intrigante Fallacy Quccnlsnhcl 40911 HdeGce 41 f 54mud 12 119 1 1 1 I2 I2 W Kelsay 7 Intrigante Snpwoman Alcatraz 40837 HdeGce 12 4S slow 45 112 1 14G759 1 I4 131 W Kelsay G Culliunn Fernwood MadLillian 4G759 HdeGce 12 4SV fast 195 113 1 1STEP 1 1 I5 W KelsaylO Intrigante Gimme Oil Yes YesBy STEP LIGHTLY ch f 3 I7 I7Trainer By Ultimus Tripping by Delhi DelhiSalmon Trainer E Wayland Owner W J J512G2 Salmon 512G2 Laurel 1 143 good 1 122 1 1511C2 23 4 4 44 F Keogh 5 ISyJiiriiny SallinjrB BabyGrand 511C2 Laurel 34 l13 fast 45 115 1 1 1 I3 1 = F Keogh G Twopair GenJMGez Antilles 50038 Belmont 34 st l12i fast 12 116 10 8 51 I1 F Keogh IS StarVoter JreyLag Kirklevton 49933 Belmt 51 f st 106 fast 21 115 o 3 3s 3 1 R Ball G IdleDell Muttikins Mavourneeu 49747 Sartoga 34 1 12slow 20 112 3 344 451 R Ball 15 Leonardo II Prudery Oriol 49702 Sartoga 51 f 105 fast 7 112 7 74M82 4 4 41 2 R Ball 14 Prudery Nancy Loo Muttikins MuttikinsG 4M82 Sartoga 5i f lC3fast 31 112 11 G G 5 5 = 5 R Ball 12 Serapis Ilildur Dartmoor toga 58 100 slow 7 110 3 1 1 1 I1 R Ball 12 Pantalette HnneyGirl LStorm LStormf 49311 Sartoga 5S 5S4Lfast 4 110 7 f 5 3l 43 W Kelsay 20 DoughGirl RocKIand PollyAnn 47070 Belmont 58 st 59fast G 112 2 2475G5 3 3 31 3 = W Kelsay G Prudery NcyLce CostlyColours 475G5 Belmont 4Jf st 53fast G5 113 5 3 2 4 = W Kclsaj 11 Prudery CostCoIours Nancylee 470SG Pimlico 45 f 55 fast 1710 109 4 1 1 lc Il W Kelsay 7 Twopair Sacajawea Tan Son SonBy COLONEL BAKER b c 3 122 By Ben Brush Pleasant Puss by Orlando OrlandoJ Trainer B J Brannon Owner B J Brannon 5119 Latonia 34 l15hvy 21 103 2 2507S9 4 4 21 1 S Wida G SirTKean RisRock UDudlcy 507S9 Latonia 34 l12fast 25 10S u u50G13 5 10 10 10 J H J BurkelS Rangn Muskallonge McGdwin 50G13 Latonia 51 f l06fast 40 111 1 3 3 31 3si J H Burkel2 BeliaveYself Muskiige Ggway 50458 Lexton F C l10fast 2310 115 2 2fX347 1 1 I5 I4 J II Burke 7 Dark Friar Nonskid Humphrey fX347 Lexton F C l10fast 51 115 3 35029S 4 3 45 4 i N Barrett 7 Rangoon BuddiuKeari DarkBeo 5029S Lexton 51 f 107 fast 9 112 3 2 1 23 3 = i N Barrett 12 RillyBarton Rangoon LWidrig 4810 Windsor 51 f lOSfast 11 109 10 9 G Si S J H Burke 11 Last One Auntie May Mogens 484S1 Latonia 34 114 mud 10 112 10 5 G 51 5 E Pool 18 StarVoter BiServant Acelligh 48297 Latonia 51 f l07fast 11 113 G G 5 5ii C3 E Pool 12 Coyne BalanceWhcel ByGinger 48215 Latonia 51 f l10 6hvy 1C 112 10 10NIGHT 10 S C C E Pool 12 GoldDigger SirTKean Greend NIGHT WATCH br g 3 M 122 By Ben Brush Sweetheart Sue by Peter Quince Trainer B J Brannon Owner B J Brannon Never started in a race GREY LAG LAGTniimi ch c 3 122 By Star Shoot Miss Minnie by Meddler MeddlerS Tniimi S C Hildreth Owner Rancocas Stable 51340 ChurchI 1 l3Sfast 5310 122 G G 3 3 2 21 2 E Sande Tryster PclinveYself 15 liIiatcli C10S9 Empire 5 f 105 fast U20 125 3 4 44 4 31 11 L Ensor 5 Muleiher Curfew Eist View DOS03 Jamaica 34 113 fast 95 128 1 1 1 23 22 L Fator G Miilcilicr Knobble Pluribus COGG7 Jamaica 34 113 fast 710 123 2 2 22 2 31 Ink L Ensor 5 Knobble Care Free Miilcibei B0499 Aduct 34 l13slop 710 126 4 4 4 3 Ss L Ensor 4 Knobliie Mulciber Quecrcek G02SO Aqduct 34113 fast 1 126 1 122 21 L Fator 5 Knolbie Dry Moon Our Ioo IJoots 0108 Belmont 78 st l24fast 7 1111 11114 4 4 2 1i Ill 1 L Ensor C Itiinksia Our Flair Itroom Spun nOiSS Belmont 34 st l12fast 15 119 15 10 J01 3 i J Pierce IS StepLiglitly StarVoter Kirkton 4t955 Bel in t 31 f st l07fast ii 114 S r 3 i L Ensor S Qtierreek StarVoter Oarful OarfulG 4P85G Itelmont 34 st l10fast 4 112 7 G G 44J A Johnsonl2 Ilildur Smoko Screen Oriole 34 l12sow 0 113 12 125i 14 13 H1102 L McAteel5 J onardo II Prudery Oriole 5i f l05fast 2 10S 3 2 2 2s 21 W KelsaylO IJroomSpun Normal PTBarm 34 l13fast 50 115 C 4 5 51 2nt C Ponce 14 Dartmoor licrniont SportlUood INCHCAPE GallantTrairpr ch c 3 122 By Friar Rock Rose of Gold by Top Gallant Trairpr S C Hildreth Owner Eancocas Stable Stable48GS3 48GS3 Aiiduct 34 112 fast 3 115 2 1 1 I2 1T A Johnson 8 ISroom Spun Jeg SportingUlood 4S414 Aqduct 58 l00slow 1310 115 1 1 11 I1 A Johnsonll Sport Blood Br Spun Ailliro AilliroALL AilliroALL ALL ErrantTrainer RIGHT SIR br c 3 122 By Vulcain Topsy Belle by Knight Errant Trainer TJ J Hak Owner A Keith Keith5C430 5C430 Havana 1 18 157 mud G 112 G G 3 4 43 3 = W Kelsay G Hilly Barton GMenocal Aikon AikonKOTO KOTO Havana 1 11G l45fast 31 lOSi 1 1111 2 = 1 W Kelsay 5 GMenocal DrC Wells Hiionec Vhippetfi997 53228 Havana 34 l13Mfast 21 100 G C G G GU G Fields C asfOiieVtHr C Wtlls Vhippet fi997 Hayuna 34 lllfost 15 10G 6 C G G C 3 T Pitz G0BBton LOno GeiiIMGniez GeiiIMGniezCliikO CliikO CtViewE1337 ChurchI 34 l14good 195 112 G 4 2 I2 1 D ConnIly S tastlereli GrkoDawn CtView E1337 ChurchI 78127 fast Gl 112 2 5 5 4 4 4 1 II Lunsfd 10 BMeLhlin BygoneDays Tbune 51295 ChurchI 34 l14slow 2110 112 8 C 7 71 67j H Lunsrd 11 Merrimac BygoneDays Tribune TribuneC1133 C1133 Latonia 34 l13fast 2110 112 5 42 21 2n H Lunsfd 8 Ivernian LouWidrig CourtView 51093 Latonia 34 l13fast 6 112 10 99 Si 5 H Lunsf d W TptOfficial CrtViciv Bothntn 50910 Latonia 34 l13fast 185112 7 4 5 1 2i H Lunsf d 12 Dark lien Tribune CourtView 50818 Latonia 5 f l07fast 14 112 9 97 C3 4 H Lunstd 12 ScotChief SocialStar IClngRose 48G07 IClngRose48G07 Latonia 51 f 110 slow G 110 11 11 12 9s 9 = ° C Bueli 12 WGMCock Tentlia ISBton 4S54G ISBton4S54G Latonia 51 f 108 fast 4 110 11 S 7 Gl o9 H J BurkelL TBdroxv STKean TVginian 48399 Latonia 51 f l07fast 29 115 4 G 4 34 3 = J L Mink if Greenland McGdwin SgtYork 48351 Latonia 32 3l 43i L Mink 12 ScotCliief Doric PepperyPolly 4S135 Latonia 51 f l07fast 9 110 12 10 9 81 81 = J Roberts 12 Muskallonge Old Chap Na 47337 ChurchI 41 f 5G hvy 12 108 Lost rider er D ConnIly 8 rnVclo BenVlet SmkeScreen 47248 ChurchI 41 f 54fast 135 115 8 C 71 7 E Pool 12 NKlkliorn CourtView Reprisal 47173 ChurchI 41 f 55mud 9f 117 10 8 S1 S = J M Garner 13 United Verdn Oriole Ensterside 50818 Latcnia 51 f l07fast l07fast4frC07 14 112 9 9 7 G3 4 1 H LunsfJ12 ScotCliief SocialStar RingRose 4frC07 Latonia 51 f 110 mud mud4f54G G 110 11 11 12 92 9 = ° C Buell 12 WGMcCltk Tstha BBrton 4f54G Lattnia 51 f 1OS fast fast4S399 311C 113 11 S 7 Gl 5 1 H J Burkel2 JBrow SirTKcnn TheVginn 4S399 Latonia 51 1 f l07fast l07fast4S351 29 115 4 G 4 34 3 = 1 L Minlc 11 Grnland McGdwin SergtYork 4S351 Latonia 51 1 f 1OS fast fast4S135 0310 115 G 43i L Mink 12 ScotCliief Doric PepprryPolly 4S135 Latonia 51 f l07fast 9 11012 10 9 81 S12 J Roberts 12 Muskallonge Old Chap Napoo 47337 ChurchI 41 f 5Ghvy 12 10S Lost rider D ConnIly S UnVelo BenVlet SmkeScreen 47248 ChurchI 4X f 54fast 135 115 S 67 7 E Pool 12 NKlkliorn CourtView Reprisal 47173 ChurchI 41 f 55mud 117 10 8 8 S53 M Garner 11 Inited Verde Oriole Rnstesiile RnstesiileBILLY BILLY SavinTrainer BARTON br c 3 122 By Huon Mary Le Bus by St Savin Trainer B Walters Owner C A Stoneham 53430 Havana 1 18 157 mud 1 119 2 2 2 1 I3 in B Kenndy G G Meiiocal AllRightSir Aiken 62997 Havana 34 lllfast 2 121 5 543 1 B Kenndy L One GenJMUomez Friglii 52057 Havana 1139 fast 75 105 2 3 3 2 I2 I4 B Kenndy 5 Willow Tree Fright Cubanita 51037 Latonia 1 l41fast 32 114 1 3 1 1 I4 Il E Pool 10 Mr X Lou Widrig Countess 50707 Latonia 34 I14y5fast 5 114 4 9 10 11 II2 M Garner 12 Red Legs Rama Bungu Buck 50588 Latonia 51 f l08fast 65 113 4 43 2 1 E Pool 7 Alberta S Sure Nurse Jane 50351 Lexton 51 f l07fast 5 10S 5 7 3 3 44J E Pool 10 Bettina Coyne Ben Valet 60298 Lexton 5i f 107 fast 61 112 7 42 1 I2 E Pool 12 Rangoon ColBaker LouWldric 4SG07 Latonia 51 f 110 slow 135 115 7 77 4s 3J F Cltilettil2 WGMCock Tsentha GMrd 34 114 mud 44 112 7 11 13 18 IS S WWa IS StarVoIer BlServant Acellign 18399 Latonia 51 f l07fast 10 115 7 5 uh 5 C Robsonll Greenland McGoodwin ARSir 18155 Latonia 58 l00fast 3310 115 6 61704G 7 Cl G ° W J OBnl2 SirLawnI JPryor SirThosKean 1704G Lexton 12 47fast G 117 1 11G974 2 5 53 M Garner 12 Ceutter UncleVeloSmokeScreen 1G974 Lexton 4J f 55slow 7 10S 6 6BUNGA G UncleVeloSmokeScreenG 34 2 T Murray G Eastersitle Ucn Bolt Th Moor BUNGA BUCK ch c 3 122 By Vulcain Mary Orr by Orimar Trainer J H Davenport Owner M Dattner 52835 FGnds 1 l39fast b 99 5 32 2 1 1 S McGriw 9 Fantoclie Botheration MasTack 52783 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 lOSi 2 3 3 41 32 L Morris Muskngo Bothation Mythogy 52G02 FGnds 34 113 fast 3 107 7 8 7 S 7J3 T Jarvis 9 MasterJack Uunzaf WliitcStar 52339 FGnds 34 i 13fast 20 106 4 4 4 3 2 T Jarvis 8 Un Verde Kancocas TstOffici 5211G Jefson 34 l14V5fast S 111 4 a 5 5 5 1 H Lunsfd 5 Parader Polytliia Mid Lillian r2042 Jefson 34 114 fast 3i 110 3 2 2 2k 24 W Heinch 7 Polytliio Mndolintt Lillian Aie 51949 Jefson 1 1 43shvy 1G5 10S 1 1 1 1 11 2l H King Fjintochf Wliito Star Day Lilly C1SS7 Jefson 34 114 fast 12 93 3 5 G 53 57 S Mitchell i KKbnchrr Sterling SmartGuy 51825 Jefson 3S 118 mud 10 110 10 5 C 3 3 2 R Mitchell 8 Wliitu Stir Parades M Iililari 5170G Jefvon 51 f l10mud 15 ICO CO IililariCO 5 44 49 11 S Mitchell i Madeline Lillian 1arader Ras 51425 ChurchI 78 l2Gfast 9SJ Ras9SJ 2 2 4 3 C1 G3 C Euel 8 Rangoon White Star SirTKean 5139G Ciiuichl 34 l13fast 99 7 3 3 41 43 C Buel 10 Coyne RisRock BlowBubbles 51355 ChurchI 78 l2G fast G7f 103 9 10 12 9 SI 78i J Roberts 12 Coyne Red Legs S Tlios Kean 51197 Latonia 34 l15hvy 39 103 G G f 5nk c14 S McGraw C BroBatcli BlowBbles Guvnor 51115 Latonia 34 l12fast 61 9C1 4 44 3 3 C But1 5 SirLawnfal Napoo NortliKlklii PongeeriS8 W707 NortliKlkliiW707 Latonia 34 l14Vsfast lOf 9D 7 C G 51 3 J McCoy 12 Red Legs Rama Pongee riS8 Sure4SOW Latonia 5 f lOSfast 40 110 7 22 C ° G5 II Lunsfd 7 Billy Barton Alberta S Sure 4SOW Firebrand47S4S Latonia 58 l02hvy 23 115 4 G 5 4 5 G Stone G Runzaf West Side Firebrand 47S4S Latonia 5S lM fast 31 110 9 9 8s 7 S Wida 11 Uncle Velo Brunswick Runzaf 47CY7 Runzaf47CY7 Churcl 1 41 f 54 tfast 25 110 r 4 3 3i S Wida 7 Helium MammyoMine Rcdlegs 47550 Churcl 1 41 f 55 fast 78 11510 10 10 105J G Stack 11 Ace High Kusteside Uiulc Vtlo 5717 Churcl M 4 f 55mud 70 122 13 13 13 1313 W W Tlorl United Verde Oriole Knstoside 4711U Knstoside4711U Churcl I 12 4Sslow 18 llf 7 3 4J 37i C RohsonKS Kasteside Ilcliuin Baliui ViUcl 4GStl ViUcl4GStl L xto i 12 49fmu l 20 112 3 3 3J 413 M Garner S BVllt TSReardon Kasteside 45721 FGnds 8 3rfast 710 113 ° I1 I3 J Butwell Tutt Frank Moody loe Ksli Ksli4rr53 4rr53 FGnds S 37 hvy llfi 1 4i 4s J BulWHll S Whippet Buddy Kcan Alcatraz 45459 KGnds 3S 17 11 vy 7 lie I 4J 3 J J Butwell S Springs Whippet Rnngeorge 45425 FGnds 3S ZGmud 135 11G fi 5 5 J Butwell S MDixon TCiiodniiiii JMancini JManciniAIKEN AIKEN oGauntTrainer b c 3 122 By Peter Pan Easy Street by John oGaunt Trainer W A Carter Owner Armonla Stable 53130 Havana 1 18 157 mud C5 110 1 1 1 2 3 = 4s R Lcastcr G RBarton GMenocal AlIRSir 532J2 AlIRSir532J2 Havana 118151 fast 2 103 12 G 7 S 12 12IS R McDottl2 AttalioylL BrdMan WalHall 53127 Havana 1 l39V fast 35 101 4 1 1 1 I3 Il A Pickens G Pastoturau Pally GTM Gomez 5 4l Havana 34 l147sfast 35 104 3 11 I5 1s A Pickens 7 Kama Iliinnw Blnck Top TopALVIN ALVIN T HERT b c 3 122 By Brummel Mexilow by Mexican MexicanTrainer Trainer W F Cisco Owner W F Cisco 51313 ChurchI 78126 381 51 106 2 5 G G G Clr F Wilson 7 Red Legs White Star Ilupn 5123G Ilupn5123G Latonia 51 f l07slow 9 109 4 44 45 4 T Murray 5 MissMuffiiis BDudley Pongee 60G13 Latonia 51 f lOGfast 10 111 G G 5 Gl 5 J B Kenndy 12 BchaveYself Muskge CBuker 49SG4 Devre 51 f l07good Cl 107 5 3 2 IJ 21 B KenndylO IrisliJig MyRose JudgeBudrow 4P817 Devro 51 f 107 fast 9 107 2 3 2 Il 1 E Fator 11 LochLeven Celticlass MReigei 49GT9 Windsor 51 f l09good 10 111 5 1 1 1 In H J BurkelO GoldenAutumn Romper Undiut 495C9 Windsor 51 f lOGfast lit 104 8 6 4 9 83 R RomelH12 BOrand Polytliia JSReardon 49020 1C wrth 51 f l07fast G9f 9910 12 12 124 9 i R Romelll 13 AWood Centimeter JSRrdoti 4SS41 Windsor K8 l05Hlovv 81 103 R 7 7 8 O Willis S JSRrdon MANnau SCourt 4S54G Latonia il f 108 fast 59 1 10 3 5 71 8 = J Hanovorl2 JBdrow STKcan TVginian 4S453 Latonia f 109 good 115 112 7 7TCH 8 8 = 712 J Carmodyjl Adonis JudgeBudrow Old Chap ChapBy BROTHER BATCH TCH b c 3 122 By Vulcain Barbie by Orlando Trainer C C Van Meter Owner E C Arnold 51340 ChurchI 1 l3Sfast 15 122 4 4 G G 42 41 II Lunsfd G Trystcr GreyLag BehavcYself 61283 ChurchI 78 l27mud 2710 108 5 2 2 2 Il 1s 11 LunsCd S Rangoon SpVgBloou Scrgt York 51197 Latonia 34 l15hvy 4310 108 3 22 2 21 11 H Lunsfd G BlowBubbles Guvnor B Valet 51002 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 10 106 9 8 8 5 4 3 II Lunsfd 10 B Yourself McGdwin Rangoon 50912 Latonia 1 l414fast 7 110 G C 6 6 6C07S9 72 21 H Lunsfd 12 Hettina Bal Wheel SirLawnfal C07S9 Latonia 34 l12fast 18 10712 7 5 8 9 H Lunsfd 13 Ralign Musballongo McGdwiu 1R31 Latonia 51f10fifast 10 106 7 7 r 5 O Bufll 11 Muskiillnnec Uruiiiwlpk Unnirn 47848 Latonia 58 LOOtfast 7 117 C S tj 43i L Mink 11 I iiMcViio Bru ick Runzaf 47215 ChurchI 4J 54tood 19 111 4 3 J 1 D ConnllylO StMkiiael BenBolt J ISudrow