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FIFTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Nov 21 1916 126 25 4 116 TOSS UP ch g 3 100 100Trainer By All Gold Flip Flap by Handspring Trainer G Coburn Owner J E Coburn 3471 Bowie 61 f l23 l23slow slow 7 106 4 3 33 3 6 6 F Cltilettil4 PCnelly Amkassin Cmpsall 62587 FlGnda Im70y 145 fast 13 971 S 8 8 8 8 811 N ISverett 11 TForner MHead CharlotteO CharlotteO624G4 624G4 FGnds 1 141 fast 5 102 5 G 5 G 3 1 2 F Cltilettt S Pimlico Omer K Secretary 62271 FGnds 34 l15good 2 10S 3 3 4 G1 5s F Cltilettil3 Kolo Omer K Louise Wyuue 61945 Jcfson 34 l18hvy SG 107 5 G 3 21 in F CVltlletti S Secrotary Pimlico MJoscpuiue MJoscpuiueGALIOT GALIOT b f 3 100 By Bryn Mawr Elizabeth B by Pirate of Penzanoe PenzanoeTrainer Trainer J H McBonald Owner J H McDonald McDonald52S15 52S15 FGnds 7S l2G5fast 20 101 087 S S1 S13 F Smith Day Lilly Lucy Kale Doric 52394 FGnds 34 l15iifast 25 111 3 4 3 11 1 C Ponce 13 Vulcanize JoeWhipple Wireless 62135 Jefson 34 115 fast 20 111 7 7 5 72 7 J J Roberts 10 The Moor Sea Court SSpriugs 62070 Jefaon 34 l16hvy 12 107 G 46 61 G W Obert 7 Tan Sou Petrarch Undine Undine6130P 6130P Pimlico I l41fttH8t 10 W8 4 10 W 10 9 J S L Morris 1U Thimble TusUaiUen HdGuesB LOUISE HastingsTrainer WYNNE b f 3 IOO By Golden Maxim Lady Lertegton by Hastings Trainer M Olive Owner T H Wilson 52727 FGnds Im70y l506hvy 10 10G 7652 2 J 22 J Roberts 12 Rustler TArbor Will othcWp 52599 FGnds 5J f l06fast 12 1031 9 S 9 61 6T G Babin 12 CclticLass Oralgo GenAgmto GenAgmtoE2449 E2449 FGnds Im70y l41fast 8 91J14 9 13 12 12ilO M SchwtzM C Rambler Roisterer Big Idea 52271 FGndg 34 l15good 41 1021 3 6 7 21 3Z J Heupel 13 Rolo Oraer K Tutt 62095 Jefson 34 116 slow 4 107 3 3 G 81 S11 A Collins 10 SeaCourt Bof Green IlPncess ROISTERER ch g 1 11C By Ethelbert Roxanna by Rock Band BandTrainer Trainer G W Atkinson 0 wrier G W Atk inscin 53170 Shport 1 18 l55faSt 7 107 4 1 1 3 4 4 R Holway 8 P G King Solid Rock Sundnria 53144 Shport Im70y l4Sfast 3 111 5 2 3 4 53 5 ° A Richcrk 8 Cnpt Burns Richard V Horeb HorebE3053 E3053 Shport Im70y 207 livy 25 102 3 1 1 1 1s 1 J Heupel G Parrjsli Tlinndcrbird Boxer 52625 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 95 92 5 4 3 4 GI G11 I McDottlO Grandee Bantry Newel W W5243G 5243G FGnds Im70y 147 fast 3 110 3 1 1 1 11 2 F Wdstckll llopover P Blossom Mandahiy MR X BurgomasterTrainer ch c 3 105 By Frizzle Floral Park by Burgomaster Trainer G Mayberry Owner F T Grefer Grefer51G51 51G51 Jcfson 31 l14fast 10 113 1 3 5 G3 G1 W Hcinch S Parader Lady Stella Rolf Rolf51rOS 51rOS JcfKon GS l00fast 15 IOC 4 4 5 G C5 J Roberts G Rising Rock N Raider Uas 61037 Irfitonia 1 l41fast 9 102 R 3 G 3 2l 21 J Roberts 10 BIllvBnrtbn LWidrig Countess 50678 Latonia 5i f 108 fast 7 103 5 3 2 23 Il C Bucl 0 ByGinger SleepySidy Nonskld 50557 Latonia 5i f 108 fast 3Gf 115 6 G 7 G 712 W Hclnehll Darjeeling Rama Clem Theisen MORONI b c 4 110 By McGoe Mirror by Sir Bixon BixonTrainer Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur 53173 Howie 34 l14Klov 71 102 3 26 G1 G J A Richcrk S Jadda Manoevre K Champion Champion52S33 52S33 FGnds 34 l13fast fi 111 2 23 Ih 3i J Rodgczll Ccnal Philanderer FirstPullet r2415 FGnds 34 l12fast 50 113 3 10 11 H 117J J Rodgen It TgaLg HidJewel MMnxim 52375 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 113 3 9 10 H20 J Rodgezl2 Alelackll Jock Scot IiulseV 51261 Pimlico 34 114 fast 32 117 7 4 4 I1 6 K Hande 11 Klmont Lotighland Fluff OAKLAWN BELLE cli m 8 By Box Binah Shad by King Erio Trainer C S Wilson Owner W F Strauss i2PO Mobile 1 l51livy 5 115 5 4 3 3 3s J Sclilcssr JlicJroore Ticer Rose Grandee SaT Mobile 1 152 111111 7 107i 433 3 23 J Kchlcscr G Tnisty Sunduria Kliilling E315S Shport 78129 fast 12 114 3 1 2 2 4l 33 J Coniey G Assume Hdrob Kincliug II 5310S Shport 78 10 good 15 102 1 1 1 1 2J 31 G Babin Handy II Shilling Terry 627GS FGnds 1 1161 50 fchvy 7 101 2 2 7 11 lllHJ1 II ThurbcrlU OldMcKna Yaphk CapBurns CapBurnsSIR SIR JACK ch c 4 113 By Sea King Auvergne by Sir Bixon Trainer J Kelly Oxvncr J B Killen KillenC1514 C1514 Howie Ini70y 140 fast 101 7 fi G G S F Lux 10 Favour Kingling II May W W514S1 514S1 Bowie 1 1t 2IG low 1H8 39 2 1 1 9 9 9 M Schwtx Joan of Are Ruuccraft J Keeves Keeves614K815owio 614K815owio 1 1lfi l54good IS 39 G 2 2 2 G 7 T Jarvis J JackHeeves MayW Spearlcnc 51153 Bowie 1 116 l54hvy 39 93 2 2 3 5 G5 5 T Jarvis 8 Siesta Deckmate Waukeng 51438 Bowio 1 I49sl6p 5f 99 5 G 3 9 11 11 T Jarvis 11 AVhoCares Pocatcllo Ldllerbt ATTORNEY b c 3 By Strephon Haversack by Martinet Trainer M Hackett Owner W L Saunders 51586 Bowio 1 l47hvy TO 107 10 S S S S 711 L Morris 11 Tingling Ross R Explosive 51141 Bowie 7S l31mud 34 112 5 5 4 4i I3 J Ileupel 7 Nohant Julicannc MollleHarnca 50951 Laurel 31 l15fast G2 110 4 7 S 9J 3ts H RomcllilO Salesman Bygone Kaffir Girl 50222 HdeGce 51 f lOSfast 25f 112 9 S 8 71 77i T ParBtonl2 WildTghts Ixiuglilanil Galiot 17308 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 17 115 5 5LLOYB G 5 51 G i J Rodgcz S Vic Polly Ann Queen Isabel LLOYB GEORGE b g 5 116 By Llangwm Maud Primrose by Mackintosh Trainer C N Freeman Owner C N Freeman 51530 Jefson 51 f lOSffist S5 113 1 1 11 1s 1s C Ponce 7 Aincr Rose Horeb Spartan Boy 51203 Laurel 34 l14fast 17 102 7 7 7 71 G F Cltilettl 13 Assumption Kirah FickieFnncy 51042 Laurel 1 11G l50V5fast 175 112 3 2 2 2 2i 55i J Butwell 9 Sir Jack Bar Coy Dlnfy Moore 50991 Laurel 34 l14fast 17 110 5 3 32 2 2 22 231 J Butwc11 10 Kirah Ina Kay General 50953 Laurel 34 l14fast 21 11511 5 5 33 3 = 1 J Butwell 13 Montalvo Titter Patter Gnllot GnllotSEA SEA MIMIC OgdenTrainer br f 3 M 111 By Seahorse II Mimesis by Ogden Trainer C N Darke Owner C N Barko 52727 FGnds Im70y l50hvy 30 101 12 11 11 11 10 10 J Ileupel 12 Rustler Lou Wynne TohnArbor TohnArbor52G39 52G39 FGnds 51 f l07fast CO 105 3 S S 7 = 771 J Ileupel 13 Jim Fog Repent Damoris 52599 FGnds 51 f l06ifast GO 101 10 10 10 10 = 1013 M ilarfsonl2 CilI iss Oleggo GAgramonte 52461 FGnds 1141 fast 100 98 3 6 8 S 8 Sz M Harson S Pimlico Toss Up Omir K 52374 FGnds 34 l15 fast 100 97 8 12 11 lll 10 M HarrisnlS SeaCourt SilSprings JWhlpple JWhlppleBOCTOR BOCTOR JIM b c 4 M io7 By Ogden Rock Merry by Rock Sand Trainer S M Henderson Owner Ogden Stable 52762 FGnds Im70y l4phvy b5 110 2 7 4 3 3 3i J Roberts 10 Secretary liRendrred Itomper f2G24 FGnds 1 11G l47 = sfast S 37 3 4 5 G 32 2 F And Andsonl2 Jleiievolent SLightllL Assumo 51421 Churchl 1116143 fast 35 105 1 2 2 3 22 2X C Buel 7 Darnlcy Lady Britain Ava R 51303 Churchl 1 l33fast 5 105 5 3 4 450G38 21 2l J J Mney 13 Tulii Lady Britain Frank F 50G38 Latonia 34 l14fast 7 112 1 2 2BOURBON 2 21 W Crump 12 DonnaRoma Simonite JakcFcld BOURBON GOLB ch c 4 M 112 112Trainer By Bourbon Beau Gold Lady by Goldcrcst Trainer W Rosen Owner W Rosen First start