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EIGHTH EACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 20 1916 111 25 3 110 110MISS MISS IngoldsbyTrainer MANAGE b m 5 105 By The Manager Oriental Pearl by Ingoldsby Trainer S Ballinger Owner Ballinger Coffman CoffmanCS3GG CS3GG Tijuana 34 l14ysfast 21 107 1 21 I1 2 i C Gross 10 Orchid King Franklin Sea Way 52900 Tijuana 1 l40faat 85 115 1 1 1 1 331 C Gross 8 Bardora Maud M Chat Court 52792 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4310 114 I3 C Gross 10 ApJack Delancey Lit Princess 52462 Tijuana 34 l15slop 14 112 691 A Zeigler 7 Deckhand Yukon Bees AVing AVingCHARLESTONIAN CHARLESTONIAN br g 10 109 By Woolsthorpe Espionage by Inspector B BTrainer Trainer H Unna Owner Bronx Stable Stable534C9 534C9 Tijuana 1 l41fast 4310 109 1 1 1 1 1 2 = W Mclnre 9 liardora LaHeteNoire Pierrot 53410 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 41 110 3 1 1 1 2 7 i W Mclnre S W Willow CHolters PeerOno 5410 Tijuana lm0y l45fast 5 101 1 1 1 1 31 3 W Mclnre S SweetApple Darnay GenByng 16910 Tijuana ImTOy l44fast 2 116 23 J Roberta 7 Short Stop Don Dodge Concha ConchaPIZARRO ConchaPIZARRO PIZARRO b h 5 109 By Bonarosa Becky by John o Gaunt GauntTrainer Trainer L Hart Owner Ransom Frances 53141 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 7 111 4 C 3 41 4i M Buxton 7 OrchidKing Corncutter Pizarro Pizarro5340S 5340S Tijuana 31 l13fcfaHt 12 110 4 23 21 31 R Carter 9 Greatllawk ULOwen GMint 53353 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 15 108 G 64 5 4Ji O Willis 7 Corncutter Annallegina Shifty Shifty5o027 5o027 Tijuana 58 l02fast 42 111 5 5 4 41 2l M Euxton 8 HAngleton WaltMack Riposta RipostaDANCING DANCING GIRL ch m 6 109 109Trainer By Olambala Dancing Wave by Top Gallant Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert 53482 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 83 107 2 4 3 31 2 W Hinphy 7 Herder IkeMills MadamByng 53460 Tijuana 34 l13fast 145 110 1 11 22 321 W Hinphy 7 Lonely WMontgomery OKing 53441 Tijuana 51 f l071 fast 10 106 5 4 G G2 3 1 O Willis 7 OrKiug Corncutter DancGirl 53366 Tijuana 34 l14V3fast 9 110 4 65 51 75i M Buxton 10 OrchKing MManage Franklin LONELY b f 4 110 110Trainer By Von Tromp Isolation by Georgo Kosslet Trainer J J Murphy Owner F Dahnken 534GO Tijuana 34 l13fast 3310 103 3 2 2 I1 121 B Marielli 7 WMontgomery DGirl OKing OKing5C453 5C453 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 6 102 G 3 3 31 21 B Marielli C RobtLOwen Trophy Clrl ike 53441 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 165 104 1 223 52i J Htamer 7 OrKing Corncutter DancGirl 53383 Tijuana 34 l13fast G 93 3 8 4 41 551 G Yeargin 12 Cacambo Vanessa Welles Pyx PyxWOODIE WOODIE MONTGOMERY ch g 8 112 By First Chip Duchess of Montebello by Banastar BanastarTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin 53160 Tijuana 34 l13fast 11 118 4 3 3 S 221 P Martinez 7 Lonely DancGirl Orchid King 5417 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 3910 118 4 1 1 1 32 21 P Martinez 7 JudgeDavid PeerOne VivCuba VivCubaC3422 C3422 Tijuana 1 l40Vifast S 98 4 3 5 5 4l 3 D Hum 7 Nebulous liyanpom John Jr 53397 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 16 113 3111 2 = 1 221 D Hurn 10 Trophy Deckhand Little Gink GREEN MINT b g 5 By Spearmint Greenvale by Hamburg Trainer G W Dodge Owner Los Angeles Stable Tijuana 34 l14fast 95 115 5 54 2l li C Gross 0 MissSta thorn Eastlnilliin Parol 53408 Tijuana 34 l13itfast 15 111 9 9 7 6s 41 H Rettlg 9 Grt Hawk KLOwen Pizarro Pizarro533SO 533SO Tijuana 5 f l07fast 51 112 5 5 5 3l 2s C Gross 6 Betsinda MStathem LPointer LPointerG3310 G3310 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3 119 6 6 6 62 4s II Rettig 8 DancGl Epiphanes MStathem ROBERT L OWEN ch g 6 119 By Blues Lemon Girl by Madstone MadstoneTrainer Trainer W Gargan Owner W Gargan Gargan5S453 5S453 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 95 114 2 4 4 421 11 B Pinngar G Lonely Trophy Clear Lake 53408 Tijuana 34 l11fast SS 114 1 11 13 2 ° B Pinnegr 9 Greatllawk Pizarro GrcenMint 53349 Tijuana 58 l00fast 3310 114 5 55 6s 6 i W Gargan S Lonely basil Ethel Brown 53007 Tijuana 1 l40fast 3 111 6 3 4 3 42 712 W Gargan 8 Hyanpom HorLerch Boonevillo IKE MILLS b g 6 113 By Stem Winder Ida D by His Highness Trainer J E Rainboth Owner J E Rainboth Rainboth534S2 534S2 Tijuana 5 f 107 fast 4 103 5 G 4 41 31 O Willis 7 Herder DancgGirl MadJiyng MadJiyng5S455 5S455 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 5 113 6 5 5 41 31 O Willis 12 TohnJr HarsHeir Big Smoke 53397 Tijuana Im70y l45fast Of 112 7 6 6 8 821 S15 A Zeigler 10 Trophy WMtgomery Dkhand 53366 Tijuana 34 l14fast 17 111 6 56 62 GJ A Zeigler 10 OrchKing MManage Franklin FranklinIRISH IRISH MAID ch m 7 108 By Irish Exile Raveal by Ravelston RavelstonTrainer Trainer H Higgins Owner B XewtO XewtO52S91 52S91 Tijuana 1 116 147 fast 31 107 3 2 2 1 li 1 ° B Marielli G Cavdourll Samllill EvHgan 52829 Tijuana 1141 fast 29 102 S SS 7 72 34i H Jones 9 Louis Water Willow Hyunipom 2752 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 21 112 5l H Jones G Iteydo Louis Marie Council 52707 Tijuana 34 l14Mfast llf 106 3J C Thpson 10 OrchidKg BBlackwell MyrtleA MyrtleAEPIPHANES EPIPHANES br o 4 110 By Honeywood Purse Rose by Orsini OrsiniTrainer Trainer E F Wright Owner G Kelly 53467 Tijuana 34 113 fast 45f 102 7 10 10 10 10 Li Gaugel 10 MMlsby VWelles WThghts 53422 Tijuana 1 l40Mifast 37 100 577 7 7 715 L Gaugel 7 Nebulous Ilyaiipoiii WMontgy 53383 Tijuana 34 l13fast fi2f 112 11 12 12 11s 911 A Zeigler 12 Cacambo Vanessa Welles Pyx