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BOWIE FORM CHART BOWIE MD SATURDAY APRIL 9 1921 Prince George Park Seventh day Southern Maryland Agri ¬ cultural Association Spring Meeting of 12 days Weather cloudy temperature GO Representatives of Maryland Racing Commission ieorse Brown Jr Steward Carlos M tic Garmen ria JudgeatIarge Stewards George Brown Jr 0 0 Hall and II P Conkling Placing Judges J H Anderson J A Murpliy and Edward Tribe Starter1 George Miller Racing Secretary Joseph McLennan Kacing starts at 1130 p m Chicago tune 230 p in Indicates apprentice allowance 5355 FIRST RACE 78 Mile Nov 21 191G 12G 4 116 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Torkeys Equiv Odds Strt 53510 = MEDUSA B 109 1 5 4 3 1 J I1 13 I Ensor II J Harris tMO100 tMO10053511SRESIST 53511SRESIST v G 113X 3 4 2J 21 21 23 2 = A Johnson II B Holmes 105100 51590 BURLINGAME i B 7 105 7 1 3 4 = 4 41 3 J Shelepets G Luther 5145100 51451005351GNORTII 5351GNORTII SHORE v 3 92 G S G G t G3 4 1 Rowan J H Phillips t 53495 LADY GRANITE v 3 101 G 7 7 7 G1 G3 f II Gregory C J Quinn 4205100 53495 EARLYMORN ws 10 110 4 2 11 I1 Si PA G7 G Babin H T Palmer 37GO100 49702 MS MAGNETO B 5 105 2 G 5 r 7 7 7 A Allen W II Denham 1GG5100 fCoupled in betting as H J Harris and J II Phillips entry entryTime Time 24 48 114 128 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Medusa 480 straight 230 place 220 show Resist 230 place 230 show Burlingame 510 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Medusa 140 to 100 straight 15 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Resist 15 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Burlingame 155 to 100 show Winner B m by Astronomer Her Majesty by His Highness trained by J Phillips bred by Mr D Gideon GideonWent Went to post at 229 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving MEDUSA had a clear course for the entire race and racing into the lead while rounding the last turn held RESIST safe in the stretch drive RESIST was in tight quarters on the backstretch but made a fast and game finish BURLINGAME raced forwardly from start to finish NORTH SHORE tired in the last eighth EARLYMORN set a fast early pace but quit badly after going threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched 53511 Charlie Leydecker 110 110Overweights Overweights Medusa 1 pound Resist 3 North Shore 1 Lady Granite 5 erQKKd SECOND RACE 7 8 Mile Nov 21 191G 12C 4 116 Purso 1000 3yearolds O O P tP y and upward Claiming 2Iet value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt A 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 53513LOUISE WYNNE w 3 93 4 2 4l 4J 1J I1 1 = J L Penman T H Wilson C40100 53511 MIDIAN w 4 115 3 3 25 11 2 23 2s A Johnson R Scherrer 135100 135100510153STARRY 510153STARRY BANNER w G 110 2 1 1 21 3U 3i 33 R Pauley J T Abrams 755100 51591 LEGACY WB 5 113 5 G 5H 5l 4 43 44 L Morris C E Walker GfwlOO GfwlOOn554G n554G MARY HEAD w 3 91 7 7 7 7 7 G3 G7 T Brooke Pelican Stable 455100 4551005351G 5351G AMERICAN MAID w 3 9G 1 4 3l 3U 5 G5 C1 M Schwtz C E Knight 4085100 51884 NANCY ANN ws 4 105 G fi Gs G C 7 7 H Gregory J W Knight 20C5100 20C5100Time Time 24 49 114 129 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Louise Wynne 1480 straight 510 place 330 show Midian 330 place 200 show Starry Banner 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Louise Wynne G40 to 100 straight 155 to 100 place Go to 100 show Midian 05 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Starry Banner 115 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f bv Golden Maxim Lady Lexington by Hastings trained by M Olive bred by Mr T M Murphy MurphyWent Went to post at 302 At post 4 minutes Start poor and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing LOUISE WYNNE gradually improved her position and easily passing MIDIAN in the stretch won rasing up MIDIAN raced into a brief lead but tired in the last eighth and had no mishaps STARRY BANNER set a good pace and tired but finished well LEGACY quit after moving up fast on the stretch turn MARY HEAD had no chance after the start startScratched Scratched 53535 Siesta 113 113Overweights Overweights Louise Wynne 2 pounds THIRD RACE 7S Mile Nov 21 19107220 4 116 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 535313BENEVOLENT WB i 115 2 25J5153SPEARLENE 7 j 5l 3U 2 Il 1 Morris Sunnylaml Stable 125100 5J5153SPEARLENE WB j 115 8 2 25 2 2 15 25 A Richcrk M J Kramer 475100 534 70 DOUBLE VAN WB 4 10S 3 35347G 5 4 = 4 42 3 = 3 H Gregory G H Abbott 4913100 5347G DAVID CRAIG y 10 113 G 3 fi5 G G3 G = 43 A Allen J Masterson 340100 53118 SELMA G w 5 105 5 553500VERITY 4 31 3l G = G1 55 F Cltiletti G P Appleate 2435100 53500VERITY w 5 105 4 G 7 7 73 7 G GT L Penman A L Day 7SO100 48031 ENRICO CARUSO w 4 111 7 1 I1 15 I1 4J 71 A Collins T Francis 2390100 53521 PINDAR ws 4 112 1 8 8 S S 8 S J Conley A Bordeaux 17SS5100 17SS5100Time Time 24 48 114 128 Track fast 2 mtuels paid Benevolent 450 straight 350 place 2GO show Spearlene 420 place 340 show Double Van 11 GO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Benevolent 125 to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Spearleue 110 to 100 plate 70 to 100 show Double Van 480 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Benvenuto Linton Lily by Macheath trained by R A Smith bred In England by Mr M I Peacock PeacockWent Went to post at 339 At post 1 minute Start fair and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BENEVOLENT was interfered with at the start but recovered quickly and steadily improved his position then was forced extremely wide on the stretch turn and responding gamely when called on passed the leader in the last eighth and won going away SPEARLENE away forwardly raced ENRICO CARUSO into defeat in the first half mile but tired when challenged DOUBLE VAN saved ground on the turns and outstayed DAVID CRAIG in the final drive The latter lacked early speed but finished with a belated rush SELMA G had no mishaps VERITY began slowly and ran a bad race raceOverweights Overweights Enrico Caruso 1 pound Pindar 2 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Nov 21 1010 126 4 116 Turse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 534J5ANNA GALLUP w 4 103 S 2 253473HACKAMORE iu 1 1 = is 1U M Schwtz B E Chapman Chapmanw 53473HACKAMORE w 4 105 7 3 3 35 43 25 M Harson E a Jones Jonessn 535 1G GEORGE BOVEEwsB sn 3 105 4 1 2i 3U 2 = 2 = = C Ponce G Peterson Petersonw 53471 IRON BOY w 5 10S 2 7 G = G3 G G3 4 = I Fletcher J F Burdetto Burdettows 53531 RAFFERTY ws G 110 G 4 453510STOADSTOOL 4l 4 43 3 5 C Jackjon M F Mount Mountw 53510STOADSTOOL W 5 103 1 G G ° G7 G3 G5 C A Allen J Troy TroyWB 53531 KEXIAII WB S 109 G S 8 8 73 78 712 L Ensor C W Gasser 19127 EDITH BAUMNNWB S 105 3 C 1 72 8 S S A Richcrk J L Donahay f fICoupUd ICoupUd in betting as J Troy and J L Donahay entry entryTime Time 24 48 114 128 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Anna Gallup 1150 straight 590 place 400 show Hackamore 570 place 440 show George Bovee 550 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Anna Gallup 475 to 100 straight 195 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Hacka more 185 to 100 place 120 to 100 show George Bovee 175 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Ogden Oriental Queen by Greenan trained by R E Chapman bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 411 At post 5 minutes Start poor and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ANNA GALLUP away well raced into an easy lead quickly and easily held sway throughout HACKAMORE raced in close pursuit of the leaders from the start and coining fast in the stretch passed GEORGE BOVEE in the last sixteentn The latter ran well saved ground on all the turns and had 110 mishaps IRON POY closed a big gap KEKIAII practically left at the post was not persevered with EDITH BAUMANN was eased up in the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights George Bovee 4 pounds Keziah 1 EOCrCJO FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Nov 24 1917 112 4 122 Capitol Handicap Purse JO JvF JvFi4 i4 1200 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 850 second 300 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 51403 = DR CLARK w 4 130 G 1 1 1 J 1 l k F Cltilotti II P Whitney GOIOO GOIOO5J47JCAPT 5J47JCAPT HERSHLERw 4 10J 5 5 4 3i 31 2i L Morris W R Tolmie C30100 C3010052838T1IE 52838T1IE ARCHER WB 4 103 2 2 2i 2J 2 = U1 M Harspn F H Smith 74CO100 522n SUNDIAL1 II w 5 107 3 G 55 4 45 4 = J G Babin L T Bauer 1630100 16301005347S3KINGS 5347S3KINGS CHAMPN w 4 110 1 3 B 6 5 5 = J L Ensor T MacMarius 810100 810100535192MOCK 535192MOCK ORANGE w 4 101 4 4 3 CJ 6 G A Allen J J Farrell Jr 720100 720100Time Time 23 475J 113 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Dr Clark 320 straight 270 placet 240 show Captain Hersliler 3CO place 300 show The Archer 1010 show Equivalent booking odds Dr Clark GO to 100 straight 35 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Captain Hersliler SO to 100 place 50 to 100 show The Archer 405 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Broomstick Panasine by Peter Pan trained by S A Clop ton bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney Went to post at 450 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DR CLARK took a quick lead and displaying excellent speed under steady restraint in the early running drew clear in the stretch but tired in the last sixteenth as if short and only won by a close margin CAPTAIN HERSHLER on the outside for the entire race finished gamely and would have wcm in a few more strides THE ARCHER raced in nearest pursuit to the last eighth and finished resolutely under a weak ride SUNDIAL II began slowly but was gaining rapidly on the leaders in the closing strides KINGS CHAMPION could never get up MOCK ORANGE was eased up when beaten E QCrOQ SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Nov 23 191C 141 6 114 Prince George Handicap Purse O L ttPO 1500 3ycarolds and upward Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 53474 TIP Y WITCHETWB G12G 4 2 2ti in 25 li Ink T Pargton L T Bauer 75100 751005347i3BOLSTER 5347i3BOLSTER WB G 100 2 G 5 = 5 32 21 2 A Allen G W Forman 1245100 5351 9 SANDY BEAL w 4 115 3 1 4l 4J 4 41 3 G Corey W S Murray 8GO100 8GO100535193SHOALi 535193SHOALi WB 4 95 G 3 33 2l Ii Z 45 M Schwtz G W Forman v v53534UNCS vt t 53534UNCS LASSIE WB 5 104 7 4 I1 33 5 ° 53 51 C Ponce L Williams 2675100 267510053533SPIMLICO 53533SPIMLICO WB 3 101 G 5 G G G7 G3 G5 H Gregory E L Loubat 2115100 52324 SEA SINNER WB 4 100 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 W Andsn T H Cross 4200100 4200100fCoupled fCoupled in betting as G W Forman entry entryTime Time 25 49 115 142 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Tippity Witchet 350 straight 240 place 210 show G W Forman entry 250 place 220 show Sandy Real 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tippity Witchet 7 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 5 to 100 show G W Forman entry 23 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Sandy Real 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Lady Frivoles by St Simon trained by J P Smith bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 525 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same TIPITY WITCHET saved ground on the turns and taking tiie lead with a rush after entering the stretch held on resolutely when challenged BOLSTER after being saved in the early running moved up rapidly on the outside on the last turn where he lost ground then came again in the last eighth but could not overhaul the winner SANDY REAL was well ridden had no mishaps and run a good race at the weights SHOAL ran well but was much used in forcing the pace and tired UNCLES LASSIE dis ¬ played speed but ran wide on all the turns PIMLICO finished gamely SEA SINN SINNOverweights Overweights Uncles Lassie 2 pounds Pimlico 4 erOK SEVENTH RACE 1 14 Miles Nov 30 1915 210 4 102 Purse 1200 4year tj 4yeartj O O9xJ 9xJ Tt olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 100fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 53515 PIT WB 8 103 2 G 7 7 7 2J I2 F Cltiletti J Phillips 2S5100 53515SUNDURIA 2S510053515SUNDURIA 30S510053530ALMA w 5 102 7 4 2l 2 2i 1 21 G Babin J H Murray 30S5100 53530ALMA B WB 7 93 4 1 41 G3 4 5l S L Penman G W Atkinson 1305100 53500 AZTEC WB G 104 8 7 G3 5 57 43 H Gregory II Field 53515 CNTERBALNCE WB 5 112 5 5 51 4i Cl 31 f A Collins W O Stoner 5505100 53515 = SOLID ROCK w S 109 1 2 31 3i 31 61 Gi L Morris W Smith 510100 5101005347GKOHINOOR 7501005347G 5347GKOHINOOR w 7 107 G 3 I1 11 lh 4 7 H Ericksn H J King 750100 5347G = JACK REEVES w S 10G 3 Left at the post H Myers A Swenke 180100 Time 180100Time 25 51 117 144 212 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Pit 770 straight 470 place 370 show Sunduria 2040 place 990 show Alma B 020 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Pit 285 to 100 straight 135 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Sunduria 920 to 100 place 395 to 100 show Alma B 210 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Leonid Belle Rankin by Handball trained by J Phillips bred by Mr Wade E McLemore McLemoreWent Went to post at 003 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but JACK REEVES Won easily second and third driving PIT recovered his speed suddenly and after racing far back for the lirst mile moved up rapidly when called on and easily passing the leaders won easing up SUNDURIA raced forwardly all the way and held on gamely in the final drive ALMA B under restraint in the early running closed up steadily in the stretch and outstayed AZTEC at the end AZTEC saved ground on the stretch turn but could not overhaul the leaders KOHINOOR set a good pace to the stretch and quit badly JACK REEVES refused to go goScratched Scratched 535212Indolence 102 53522 Alhena 101 53522 Lorena Moss 99 53470 Goldcrest Boy 109 Overweights 109Overweights Alma B 1 pound