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NINTH SAGE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 24 1916 1 45 3 110 110CAVALCADOTTR CAVALCADOTTR II b g 6 105 By Verdun Amazono III by Ladai Trainer LadaiTrainer C Irby Owner C Irby rr493 Tijuana 1 116 l484fast G5 10S 4421 1 = 113 B Marielli S Roydo Viva Cuba Sweet Apple 3407 Tijuana 34 113 fast 21 107 lo 8 8 9s s 9 E Taylor 10 MMlsbv VWelles WTVgnts j332 Tijuana 31 l13fast 12 M S la B Marielli 8 M Maiilsby G Hawk Cueambo J3MG Tijua a 1 1 1C l50hvy 7 112 4 3 3 1 k 45J K Taylor 7 Midia Greatllawk Commander 32991 Tijua a 1 l40Vfefist 9 IOL 955 C C2SU1 i 3 B Marielli 10 ioiI5aker W Willow OrcliKg 2SU1 Tijua a 1110147 fast 1 110 1 3 3 3 2 E Taylor i IrisliMd Samllill EvHarrigau 52S11 Tijua a 118151 fast 1910 111 23 1J Taylor 7 ItntMonntain BabyCal Yermak 2735 Tijua a 1 116 l4Sfast 2110 112 t3 10 Taylor 7 BabyCal TheGallant AudreyA 32631 Tijua la lm0yl47 slow 5 114 33 C Whitton 7 VCnba BatMount TOallaut 525G5 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud G 104 2 = A B Marielli S Deckhand Midia Marie Connell IKE HARVEY b c 3 98 98Trainer By Ikky Helen Harvey by Star Ruby Trainer A Jones Owner A Jones C3541 Tijuana 1 141 fast 27 MJ 2 1 1 1 I2 I3 J Majestic 0 Yukon Miss Manage Epiphanes 53108 Tijuana 34 l13fast 10 96 u 5 5iS351 S 8 ° S9 D Hurn 9 Grt Hawk RLOwen Pizarro iS351 Tijuana 1 18 l524 fast 29 116 4 3 5 5329S 5 6 G13 P Martinez i CoJiawn MANoonan Calan 329S Tijuana 34 l14slow 23 104 4 2 2 31 41 H Jones 13 MByng OrKing P Blackwell 53047 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 63 101 7 2 25292S 3 31 3 = 2 H Jones 10 VWelles OrchidKing Deckhand 5292S Tijuana 51 f lllmud U10 106 2 2 2 2 12 E Taylor S Headman IIHayes LastChance 52918 Tijuana 34 116 slop 3 107 4 4 5 621 612 E Taylor 7 Chow Tawasentlia Busy Bird 52651 Tijuana 34 llGmud 33 100 100525S3 5i Bird5i G Ycargin 7 Diomed War Cry Phedoden 525S3 Tijuana 34 l18slow 10 US 41 V Varley 7 JIIoshor AudreyA AuntAnnle 52170 Tijuana 34 1 14f ast 11 103 321 W Varley 12 Gwendola B Blackwell Blazer 2103 Tijuana 51 1 107 fast 322 110 1101EEAT BI TV Varley 8 JOoodman BillyLane JHoahor 1EEAT HAV7K b f 4 106 By Great Britain Hawkaora by Hawkswick Trainer G W Crippen Owner G W Crippen 3555 Tijuana 118151 fast 3710 100 312 1 23 22 B Parke C Ilyanpom BMountain Regreso 3491 Tijuana Im70y l43fast 10 SS 4 5 9 S 72 7 ° B Parke Paddy Whack Sailor Caiialan Caiialani34G7 i34G7 Tijuana 34 113 fast 9 105 9 9 9 7i 543 D Powell 10 MMlsby V Welles WThghta 3403 Tijuana 34 l13fast 3710 107 7 6 G 41 1 B Parke 9 KLOwen Pizarro Green Mint i3336 Tijuana 1 116 l46fast 125 95 3 4 4 3 3i 22 B Parke C Nebulous Bob Baker Keydo 3ALGEORGE b g 5 109 109Trainer By Salvation Georgia Girl by Solitaire II Trainer B Suhr Owner B Suhr 5C4S4 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 7 114 5 3 11 121 W Hinphy 7 Nepperhan BabyPatist Zetetic 5297 Tijuana 1 110 l4Sslow 17 106 7 6 4 4 Ll 2 t w Taylor 7 Yermak Short Stop Deckhand 3041 Tijuana 1 116 151 hvy 5f 112 11 7 G 2 C Hollers Audrey K 2944 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 17 112 G 6 9 10 10 10 M SlghterlO WMBaker Dione Pink Tenny 52SGO Tijuana 34 l14fast 52 112 4 8 11 II2 12 B Marellilti llaganslleir ApJack LewisB 25S2 Tijuana Im70y l50slow 41 111 45 B Marielli S GBuehlebach Plunger Cobrita 52507 Tijuana Im70y lDOhvy 16 114 321 E Graves 10 BatMntu GenByng TGallnt 52487 Tijuana Im70y l50 mud G 114 114SHORT G42 E Graves 7 LLovitt PriiiDirect TGallant SHORT STOP b g G 109 By Garry Herrmacn Little Nell by Cederstrome Trainer E F Wright Owner G Kelly 3193 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 8 109 2 2 1 3 65 7T1 J Noble S Cavalcadourll Reydo ViCuua 2423 Tijuana 1 1S l5ufast 10 118 2 2 4 2 3l 674 P Martinez 7 Little Gink Cork Dickie W 3352 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 9 117 6 3 3 5 62 8 ° P Martinezll Baby Cal Viva Cuba Trophy 3297 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sslow 95 112 6 1 1 3 52 3 = 2 D Hurn 7 Yermak Salgeorge Deckhand 1324S Tijuana ImiOy 147 slop 32 113 2 3 3 3 3t 3 ° P Martinez G Nebulous IIorLerch BobBaker J3045 Tijuana 1 116 l50hvy 21 119 3 1 1 2 21 G9i P Martinez 7 Midia Greatllawk Commander 2810 Tijuana 34 l12fast 2J 103 S P Martinez 9 Polythia Edwina Lady inBlack inBlackiORACE iORACE CatarionTrainer LERCH b e 4 107 By MoGee Sadie l ay by Catarion Davison3S527 Trainer C E Davison Owner C E Davison 3S527 Tijuana 34 113 fast 72 104 G 5 5 5 562 J Noble G Coffield VanWelles MMaulsby 33S4 Tijuana 1 11G l48fast 135 112 1 6 3 1 121 2 B Marielli 7 Reydo Water Willow Piedra 3336 Tijuana 1 116 IMG fast 32 107 6 6 5 5 62 C ° J W Gargan C Nebulous GreatHawk BobBaker S3296 Tijuana 1116147 slow 17 106 6 3 3 2 31 D10 C Whittn C Cahalan Nebulous Hyanpom S248 Tijuana Im70y 147 slop 5 106 3 2 2 2 2s 2s B Marielli 0 Nebulous Shortstop Bob Baker 53025 Tijuana 1 14 209fast 185 99 1 1 1 1 I2 la B MarltJlli 8 Water Willow Reydo Piedra PiedraS3007 S3007 Tijuana 1 l40fast 9 105 1 5 3 4 32 221 C Thpson S Ilyanpom Bhcville WMgomy = 2932 Tijuana 1 1S l57mud 41 98 3 1 1 1 22J 2s G Yeargin 5 WSmoke Coffield Wat Willow JUDGE PepperTrainer DAVID b h 5 107 By McGee Benedetta by The Pepper ORourXe3S447 Trainer J G Stadler Owner F J ORourXe 3S447 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 15 106 2 3 3 3 2 11 D Powell 7 WMoinery PeerOne VCuba 3397 Tijuana Im70y l457ofast 98 107 10 10 9 7 52 G82 D Powell 10 Trophy WMtgomery Dkhand 53352 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast lOf 108 9 S 9 S 82 65i D Powell 11 Baby Cal Viva Cuba Trophy 53024 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 2310 112 5 4 2 2 24 22 D Powell 7 GMuehlebach Cork BabySister j2970 BabySisterj2970 Tijuana 1 110 l49fast 115 112 1 G 5 5 41 3 B Marielli 7 BrFavite Shannon CHlters S2933 Tijuana Im70y 1 49mud 11 112 644 4 31 321 D Powell C OurMaid GenByng BDtchmau 52S07 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 4 112 22J B Marielli 7 GByng LeDinosuure Frivolous 32704 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 165 114 Gi B Marielli 0 Little Gink Gen Byng Saner 52489 Tijuana 1 18 158 mud 13 113 G 3 II Rowe 9 Viva Cuba Baby Sister Cork 2442 Tijuana 1 18 154 fast 5 113 74 E Taylor 7 Cavalcadourll GeuByng Cork 2316 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 1310 115 1i B Marielli 7 LeisB Nashotali LInnoceence J2196 Tijuana 1 116 l4Gfast 14 115 E6i J Glass G Darnay Viva Cuba Minnie H REGRESO chg 7 115 115Trainer By Hastings Arline by Tho Commoner Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin rSWS 3T 55 Tijuana 118154 fast 175112 244 3 3l 4 P Martinez 5 Ilyanpcm Grtllawk BMntain 5SGOC Tijuana Im50y 143 fast 15 107 6 5 5 5 42 44i O Willis TDesirt Edwina Wynnewood 33491 Tijuana Im70y l43fast 51 104 S S 8 9 81 S O Willis Paddy Whack Sailor Cahalan 52905 Tijuana 1116146 fast 41f 106 5 3 3 2 6 6 1 O Willis 8 TSNPass P Whack Wnewd 52SC3 Tijuana 1 116 l46fast 910109 6 642 4 I 2 2 = 3i P Marlines Sailor Lady inUIauk Vulcanite 52753 Tijuana 1 116 l4Gfast 710 106 3J B Marlelli G Acteran Sailor Pidrn PIEDRA PidrnPIEDRA b g 6 114 114Trainer By Magellan Premiere March by Chilawlok Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert SS4GS Tijuana 1 11G 148 fast 10 115 7 3 I 3 3 31 H W Hinphy 7 Trophy Reydo Water Willow 3440 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 12 110 S S 7 7 710 6i II Rowe 8 W Willow CHolters PeerOne 3S1 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfnst 15 111 7 1 1 2 3i 45 H Rowe 7 Reydo HorLercli Wat Willow 13352 Tijuana 1 116 1 47fast G 114 2 6 6 6 G2 7SJ M Mthewsll Baby Cal Viva Cuba Trophy 3025 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 165 105 6 2 2 2 31 42 13 Taylor 8 HorLercli WaterWillow Reydo 51J91 Tijuana 1 l40iifast S5 105 1 7 7 7 71 6 E Taylor 10 BBaker W Willow Cavdourll 32876 Tijuana 1 1S 158 fast 2i 2J Et Taylor C Coffield WarSmoke W Willow 52794 Tijuana 1 141 fast 16 106 3 W Taylor S WarSmoke Coffield OlymKing 52753 Tijuana 1 116 l4Gfast 3 OlymKing44J 97 44J G Yeargin G Veteran Sailor Regreso 2383 Tijuana InVTOy l41fast 21 107 52i Regreso52i M Mthews i TSNPass Darnay Verdi Loon 2202 Tljuna 1 116 146 fast 107 4s Loon4s M Mthews G M A Noonan Liola Sailor 52130 Tijuana 1 116 l46Vifast 14 106 1 M Mthews 7 PeerlessOne IIorLerch S Way 2006 Tijuana 1 116 147 fast 31 108 In WayIn M Mthews 8 MissOrb MialerMurk SauiHlU