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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 20 1916 111 25 3 110 OLLIE WOOD ch c 4 By Doncastcr Seddie King by Leonid Trainer V 0 Millard Owner W D Millard f3529 Tijuana 34 l13fast G 110 fi S 5 3Z 2 D Powell J MEurcttn Har Heir Jnhn Jr 53488 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 10 109 G 55 43 33 D Powell 7 C A Comiskey El Saliio NCR 52454 Tijuana 6i f l07fast 21f 114 8 10 10 SJ 6 3 O Willis 11 Shorcaeres MEuretta Dulancey 53397 Tijuana Im70y l45fast Gf 109 5 2 3 4 91 10 O Willis 10 Trophy WMtgomery Dkhand DkhandE3043 E3043 Tijuana 34 l15 hvy 5f 110 8 77 95 9l ° D Powell 11 Blilkwell JohnJr Sedgegrass 2993 Tijuana 34 115 fast 3 109 2 2 2 2 1J D Powell G EvHargau MParnl Delancey DelanceyTHIRTY THIRTY SEVEN b g 8 112 112Trainer By Abe Frank Kiamesha II by Clifford Trainer F Morris Owner F Morris 53121 Tijuana f 108 fast 135 110 G Htamer 10 Billy Joe Hoover Shoreacres 5C385 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 27f 103 2 66 6l 43 A Gantner 8 CAComiskey Capers TVMack 55363 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 9 109 7 22 I1 1 S B Josiah 33 Hoover GertrudeB HarsHeir E2406 Tijuana 58 l01fast 28 108 3 B Marielll 9 Gertrude 1J RIposta Delancey 62360 Tijuana 5i f l09good 4 115 5i R Dorlty 11 Pty Baby Ermitana CMurphj 52032 Tijuana 58 1 QT fast 145 114 1s L Mills 11 BabyGIrl SwtTooth Naslevatl 61743 Tijuana 34 l15M fast 6 110 110PIERROT 341 Ii Mills 11 MoveOn Sgeorge TBenrldge PIERROT b e 9 116 116Trainer By Galveston Phantasma by Ormonde or Golden Trainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham Garter i Tijuana 1 l42fast 32 113 1 1 1 1 I1 2i T McCulli 8 Cobrita Samllill Frank Waters 53171 Tijuana lm0y l4G5fast 6 113 4 3 3 3 3 = 2i T McCullh S Ncppcrlinii AudreyK LitGink 63540 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast G 112 4 1 1 1 1 12 T McCullh 9 G Mlmch Little Gink Dione 53529 Tijuana 34 l13fast 23 111 7 G 8 S3 65 T McCullh 9 MEuretta OlWood HarHeir 63485 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 8 112 2 1 1 1 11 1J T McCullh 9 Cork GMlilebach Innocence 63469 Tijuana 1 l41fast 41 113 4 4 5 B 4 43 E Haywrd 9 Bardora ChItonian LaBNoire LaBNoire6S4S2 6S4S2 Tijuana Im70y l4GVifast 4 114 2 1 1 1 Ink 324 B Taylor 11 Minnie II Fannifi Nail Dione DioneBIG BIG SMOKE b g 8 109 By Duke of Ormonde Gold Lace by Ormonde OrmondeTrainer Trainer M J Lynch Owner Long Beaoh Stable 53354 Tijuana 34 l14fast 1910 111 11 10 10 7i 531 A Zeigler 13 FraiikSIiannon Sandab HISabio 53488 Tijuana 5 f l07fast ll 109 7 77 G G ° 3 M Buxton 7 CAComiskey BISabio OlWood 62455 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 9 110 1 7 C 5 4s C Buxton 12 JdlmJr Ilars Heir Ike Mills MillsBSS98 BSS98 Tijuana 51 f l07fast ijt 110 11 9 10 SJ 872 W Hinphy 12 Herder Hnrrigans Heir Neg 53027 Tijuana 6S l02 fast 41 108 8 888 S83 W Gargan 8 HAngleton Pizarro WaltMack 62174 Tijuana 61 f I07y5fast 9 114 7 3 C Gross 8 Van Welles RLOwcn BBaker 62152 Tijuana 68 101 fast 19 111 84 C Gross 8 Joe Blair Corncutter Neg 61841 Tijuana 34 114 fast 11 110 54 C Gross 8 KittyCheathain Sedan Sturdee SturdeeJULY JULY FLY b m 7 109 By Marcbmont II Locust by Gorman GormanTrainer Trainer J 3 Sharkey Owner J J Shark ey ey5S5G7 5S5G7 Tijuana 1 143 fast 195 100 4 3 2 2 25J 13 B Parke 10 LIIiirrigan Elltcy Sweetwatcr 53479 Tijuana 1 l43fast 20 108 5 1 1 1 1 STJ O Willis 10 Rosellis Tours Miss Sedalia 53444 Tijuana 34 l14fast 9 107 1 11 5h 8J O Willis 12 MHmann Mkin II L Hgan HganCS40G CS40G Tijuana 5S l02l l02Mifast fast 14 110 7 87 7s 75i B Parke 12 Maid of Ansel El Sabio Viva 63335 Tijuana 34 l14fast llf 107 7 9 10 10 = 1 743 W Gargan 13 AuntAnnie Tawtha Shorcacres 62988 Tijuana 34 115 fast 15 110 9 7 G 51 44 W Taylor 10 AuntAnnie Dienero MabelRuIe 52885 Tijuana 6J f lOSfast 4110 113 5 69 697 51 W Taylor 12 ColMurphy Volima Manklnll 62729 Tijuana 58 l02fast 9 113 33 W Taylor 11 Joe Tag English Lady Ely OHOIR MASTER ch g 6 109 109Trainer By Tlncle Nothersole by Tournament Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern r rnr rzt Tijuana 34 l14fast lit lit 5 G G Gh 1 P Martinez 13 FrankSliannoii Sandal BISabio 53459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 2fif 112 G 4 5 6 10 10 H Jones 11 TokMarcl licnLevy PatMack PatMackE3400 E3400 Tijuana 1 142 fast 42 117 222 2 31 5IS P MartinezlO Boreas ItrnFnvoritc Argento ArgentoB3307 B3307 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 131 117 6 3 5 6 9 9 W Hinphy 9 Sasiir Von Lady MissSedalia TEMPY DUNCAN b m 10 102 102Trainer By Billy Mayhue Edna Edwards by Deerslayer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B 5357G Tijuana 5i f 108 fast 14 103 1 5 uc2 D Hurn r Xeg WWIiitaker Harrs Heir 53181 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 12f 111 2 21 o4 P MartinezlO Celebmtc GolRose SmMajtgie 634 Tijuana 58 l01fast 63 97 1 2 3 31 4s D Hurn 7 Perch ElSabio Smiling Maggie 63421 Tijuana 61 f 108 fast 47 HI 8 77 71 93 P MartinezlO Thirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover 62930 Tijuana 58 105 mud 2 109 1 1 1 11 1 = 1 P Martinez 9 SeaBcach WCDooly ValLaJy ValLaJyTRTTLANE TRTTLANE b g 9 109 By Atkins Princess Tulane by His Highnesi HighnesiTrainer Trainer R Ripley Owner R Ripley 53413 Tijuana 5i f 108 fast 7 113 10 0 G 4l 4i R Carter 11 Celebrate Stanleyll G James 53425 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 11 110 G 5 G 51 7 5 R Carter 12 MEuretta Delancey AppleJnck KGfiTninana 5 f 1OR fast 112 S 10 9 72 6s M Buxton 13 TliirtvScven Hoover GcrtdeB 63026 Tijuana 61 f lOSfast 15 11012 12 12 12Jil2ls C Thpson 13 Ringlder CtheWay HgansHr 6i9S9 Tijuana 31114 fast 11 11211 11 9 72 53 E Taylor 11 Goldie Rose Striker Quid Nunc 52859 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3910 112 10 9 9 9Z 7 H Rowe 11 OlWood JJMurdock SisPoIly 620S1 Tijuana 58 l01fast 195f 112 in R Carter 12 DlyFashion Yukon DrKendall 51859 Tijuana 61 f l08fast 31 112 2 ° R Carter 10 Bob Baker Yukon Blanchita DIENERO b g 8 109 109Trainer By Albula Broomhall by Highlander Trainer T R TVhite Owner C Busker 53507 Tijuana 5i f l07fast 12 114 6 S S S 63J A XeiRlcr 8 Stanleyll OLeader SMaggic 53394 Tijuana 34 115 fast 1110 113 3 11 I2 1s H Rettlg 14 Review LastChance SmilAnna 53333 Tijuana 34 l14fast 46 114 3 H Rettig 13 Striker MissDunbar BrownBce 63244 Tijuana 51 f l10slop 7 112 11 14 12 II3 92 P Martinezl4 Annabelle SeaBeach Celebrate 62988 Tijuana 34 115 fast 33 107 5 5LITTLE 2 3 31 23 J Murray 10 AuntAnnie MabelRuIe JulyFly LITTLE POINTER ch f 3 92 92Trainer By Heno Stiletto by Star Shoot Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Polk5S574 5S574 Tijuana 1 l42fast S 91 3 2 2 3 42 53 B Parke 7 Aunt Annie BabyFaust Ilumma 63303 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 5 93 4 1 2 2 21 5si B Parke 11 Shennndonli PinkTenny Zetetic 63478 Tijuana 1 l43J fast 6 92 7 1 1E3466 1 2 2l 34 B Parke 11 Buckliornll Czardom Electric E3466 Tijuana 34 115 fast 101 100 10 2 1 32 5T E Josiah 10 Tawasentha Aryanna GJames 53434 Tijuana 58 l01fast 24 89 7 3 3 3 5J J Noble 9 Col Murphy Neg Delancey 63380 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 31 94 1 2 2 21 4i G Yeargin C Betsinda GrnMint MStathem OLD HOMESTEAD b g 6 109 109Trainer By King Cobalt Beckon by Plaudit Trainer Z Barrett Owner M Murray 53554 Tijuana 34 l14fast 21f 114 10 7 7 S = i S5 R Dority 13 FrunkSuuiinon Sandab HlSabio 53453 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 21f 97 U 8 S fi 1215 A Gantner 12 JohnJr Ilars Heir Ike Mills 52942 Tijuana 51 f l09slow 13 11311 11 11 11 1012 C Thpson 11 HarsHeir Gold Rose PrBaby 62827 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 3 112 S 7 3 3l lh C Thpson 12 El Sabio Lantern Momlaine Momlaine52GS1 52GS1 Tijuana 1 143 slow 14 112 6fcJ C Thpson 11 lloryniit Brown Bee It Sllinc Sllinc52GOS 52GOS Tijuana 61 f l10slow 24 107 7si B Taylor 10 E Harrigan M Euretta DotH 62560 Tijuana 1 l50 mud 7 105 55i B Taylor 9 Argento Ethel Anna Star 52483 Tijuana 1 l45mud 21 110 619 H Jones 11 Baby Girl Audrey A Von Lady 62335 Tijuana 68 l03hvy 2 110 6 i P Martinez 9 ETranter Nasledovatl ValliV ValliVEVALYN EVALYN HARRIGAN ch m 5 110 By Harrigan Vancena by Batten BattenTrainer Trainer E F Wright Owaer G Kelly 53334 Tijuana 34 l14fast 24 110 9 S S 12 1212 J Noble 13 FrankSliannoii Sandab HlSabio HlSabio534S6 534S6 Tijuana 1 116 l48fast 5 103 4 3 4 G 8 8IC B Parke 8 Deckhand Sasin Prince Direct 53469 Tijuana 1 l41fast 53 100 G S 4 4 S5 817 E Josiah 9 Bardora ChItonian LaBNoire 53154 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 21f n 5 8 9 11 11 E Josiah 11 Shorcacrcs MEuretta Delancey 53421 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 22f 100 2 22 9U10 B Parke 10 Thirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover 53363 Tijuana 5i f 108 fast 5f 112 13 11 11 13 13 W Hinphy 13 ThirtySevcn Hoover GertdeB 63311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 25 103 2 13 42 Sl II Jones 11 GoIdRose LBNre HansUr