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FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming J une 28 1916 1 05 15 3 118 SANDAB ch m G 110 By Starbottl 5 Ocean Dream by Henry of Navarre Trainer NavarreTrainer J J McPherson Owner J J McPherson 53554 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 112 3 1111 2U E Taylor 13 FrkShann ElSabio Osntations Osntations534G5 534G5 Tijuana rS 102 fast 45 107 0 43 3 ut K Taylor III LGcntry Okla Irish Felicitor 3305 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 15 115 411 1 3h 793 Denny 9 IlaliyFst LitOrphan LJplilne 53 92 Tijuana 34 11C slow Mf 115 4 22 2J 442 E Denny 12 Ktiiel V C Dooly Baby Faust E2930 FaustE2930 Tijuana 5S 103 mud 13 IOC 5 9 9 9 913 W Hlnpliy 9 TDiinean ScaHeach WCDooly WCDoolySHOREACRES SHOREACRES br in 7 108 By Martimas Jano Shore by Pershore Trainer A Neal Owner Neal Bartholomew T2529 iTjuana 34 13 iust 8 109 A Zeigler 9 MEuretta OIAVood IlarITeir 53451 Tijuana 61 f l07fast 4310 95 4 1 1 1J I2 B Mariellill MilKuretta Uolancey SMaggie 5S421 SMaggie5S421 Tijuana 61 f 108 fast 7 108 1 4 3 I1 42 W Perry 10 Thirty Seven Hilly Joe Hoover 53335 Tijuana 31 l14fast 4 107 1 1 1 IJ 2 C Gross 13 AiiiitAiinie Tawastha MaiidM 52943 Tijuana 51 f l09slow 12 113 S CO 52 42 C Gross 11 llniiima Velvet W C Dooly OLIVE D gr m 8 By Probe Salina by Maxio Trainer A P Chenowith Owner A P Chenowith 53502 Tijuana 58 l01fast 4 111 3 1 I2 I1 E Taylor 14 KHnoyllellc Viva LStPatiidk 53443 Tijuana 34 l15fast 2 111 4 1 1 2i 421 C Whitfnl3 Ittview Cobalt Little Orphan C3419 OrphanC3419 Tijuana 5S l01fast 10 111 10 9 7 G 4J A Xeigler 14 DdeGnise TomCaro Knuukiln 62401 Tijuana 1 143 fast 8 113 10 A eigler 11 Ilaythlng Mandie Modiste 52300 Tijuana Im70y l45fust 9 108 3s R Carter 8 Gen Ilyng Gila Uaisy UaisyKATHERINE KATHERINE RANKIN ch m 5 110 By Suffragist Katherino Connor by Mirthful Trainer MirthfulTrainer G M Palmquist Owner G M Palmquist 63 151 Tijuana 51 f l08fast S 111 2 521 I2 W Perry 13 Pltlsbiirg ViXail DrCorbett 53419 Tijuana 58 l01fast 52 111 12 80 51 3 k W Perry 14 Due rttGnise TomCaro OliveD 3379 Tijuana 58103 fast 12 11313 13 11 122 12 A Zeigler 15 WO Dooly ViNail ISSqiiirrel 53333 Tijuana 34 l14fast IS 112 4 54 41 G2 AV Perry 13 Striker Wienero Miss Dnnbar 5288b Dnnbar5288b Tijuana 51 f lOSfast G 110 G 322 41 R Carter 12 ColMurphy Volima Mankinll LITTLE PRINCESS ch m 6 By Peter Quince Little Oasis by Belvldere Trainer W E Wood Owner OConnell Wood Wood53i3 53i3 Tijuana 34 l14fast 40 115 10 G 3 4 1 M Woods 13 Capers Ermitana Patsy Mack 3425 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 28f 113 11 12 12 lli 9 B Pinnegrl2 MKuretta Delancey Applejack 53294 Tijuana 51 f l08V slow 14 105 9 9 7 72i 5 B Parke MilddEtireta Welga Delancey 52972 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 18 IOC 7 5 5 o1 5 = 2 E Taylor 7 Ringleader SmMaggie TGoose 52955 PatsyMkLITTLE Tijuana 34115 good C 110 1 75 11 21 E Taylor 12 Zaniloch AuntAiinie PatsyMk LITTLE ONE b c 4 106 By Lord Rock Sand Tho Pet by The Friar Trainer FriarTrainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham GrahamC3591 C3591 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 20f 111 7 9 11 11 11 T McCulh 11 MtgomyJr LItee ISSquirrel 52581 Tijuana 5S l05slow 33f 107 S10 C Taylor 9 MissParnell MasFranklin Mex 52237 Tijuana 58 l01fast 15f 112 12 F Chiavtal2 HtieMcCarty Clirome lantern 4G118 lantern4G118 Havana 34 l13fast 4 1021 3 1 1 2 2 W Brown 9 Uardora Incinerator Drusilla 46352 Havana 51 f lOSgood 8 10G 2 2 2 2 3s W Brown 9 Aunabelle Bardora Spect Girl GirlERMITANA ERMITANA b m 8 110 By Von Tromp Isolation by George Kessler Trainer E M Hollenbeck Owner R M Hollenbeck 53553 Tijuana 34 lllfast 12 112 4 2 221 22 T McCullhlS Capers PatsyMack TJ Princess 53507 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 10 103 4 5 C 6s 73 B Marielli S Stanleyll OLeader SMaggie 3483 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 22f 113 2 5 5 5 G l V Cloud 11 IlarIIeir Delancey Mof Ansel 53335 Tijuana 34 l14 4fast 17 102 3 23 31 G32 E Josiah 13 AuntAnnio Tawtha Shoreacrea 52913 DoolyPEGGY Tijuana 61 f l09slow 4 108 11 9 8 8f 97 B MarielliU Humnia Velvet W C Dooly PEGGY MacBrideTrainer MARTIN br f 4 104 By Martinet Peggy by Dr MacBride Trainer J Curl Owner J Curl 53539 Tijuana 58102 fast 37 10711 7 S Si 722 D Powell 13 S Beach B and Stars Wroso 53505 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 6f 107 8 88 71 42i E Fator 10 EngLady FMoon Geo James 5345S James5345S Tijuana 1 l42fast 22 10G 4 5 3 5 9 81 II Jones 9 Maud M Helman Pink Tenny 3155 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 21 98 8 G 7 81 98 E Josiah 12 JohnJr Hars Heir Ike Mills 63421 Tijuana 51 t 1OS fast 195 102 9 S S 8Z 64 E Josiah 10 Thirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover HooverENGLISH ENGLISH LADY ch m 7 108 By Dick Welles Miladl Love by Flying Dutchman Trainer DutchmanTrainer A E Sherman Owner W Coon by Wagner 53570 Tijuana 5S l00fast X 110 f 777 7 R Carter 7 HazelDale DFashion THIotsn 53505 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 30 113 G 4 G in T McCuUhlO FMoon GeoJames PegMartin 534S1 PegMartin534S1 Tijuana 51 f l075fast 47 113 5 45 G G6 V Cloud 12 Celebrate GolKose SmMaggie 53458 Tijuana 1 l42fast 40f 115 5 1 1 1 72i 92 V Cloud 9 Maud M Helman Pink Tenny 53421 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 39 IOC 3 CO G 5 = 2 II Rowe 10 Thirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover HooverTRULANE TRULANE b g 9 112 By Atkins Princess Tulane by His Highnegi Trainer R Ripley Owner R Ripley 53145 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 7 115 10 9 G 41 41 R Carter 11 Celebrate Stanleyll G James 53425 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 11 110 C 5 C 5l 7s R Carter 12 MEuretta Delancey Applejack i Applejacki 53363 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 5 112 S 10 9 72 G31 M Buxton 13 TliirtySeven Hoover GertdeH HgansHrE29S9 5S02G GertdeH5S02G Tijuana 61 f lOSfast 15 110 12 12 12 122112 C Thpson 13 Ringlder CtheWay HgansHr E29S9 Tijuana 31 114 fast 11 112 11 11 9 72 51 E Taylor 11 Goldie Kose Striker Quid Nunc CHARMANT ch f 3 97 By The Rascal Linolin by Requital Trainer L H Baxter Owner Granger Stable 5353S Tijuana 58102 fast 12 100 1 4nt C = i B MariellilO Cal Curn LaltXoiro Pittshurg 532G1 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 14 IOC 5 C2 PittshurgC2 G92 D Powell 7 GJames JackLedi Tawasentha 53022 Tijuana 34 116 fast 7f 113 G iu Tawasenthaiu 4 = 3 M Buxton 10 Tawasentha JkLedi Sis Polly 52SS9 Tijuana 34 115 fast 27 100 4 G1 PollyG1 G63 M Slghter 9 Croupier Tawasentlia SisPolly 52848 Tijuana 5S l01fast 14 95 4 33 41 4s B Marielli 11 Dy Fashion LadySmall Chrome DIVLAND b e 6 By Deutschland Divina by Bassethvw Trainer G H Boland Owner J Humbrecht 53551 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4 114 0 3 3 9J 10 T McCullhl3 FrankSliannon Sandab BISabio 5S501 BISabio5S501 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 23C 117 C 1 1 1 I1 S2 A 7eigler 12 Helman BaliyFaust Fan Nail 5S483 Nail5S483 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 24 114 7 10 S 9 S7 B PInngarll HarHeir Delancey MofAnscl E345S MofAnsclE345S Tijuana 1 l42fast 1C 112 324 G C1 7 3 J Noble 9 Maud M Helman Pink Tenuy 53398 Tijuana 61 f l07fast 9 99 4 G G G2 77J B Parke 12 Herder Harrigans Heir Neg MERRY ChildwickTrainer LASS ch m 6 103 By Ben Trovato Royal Child by Childwick Trainer W L Stanfield Owner James Griffith 53553 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3 115 9 S 9 92 S ° E Taylor 13 Capers Ermitana Patsy Mack 5S4S1 Mack5S4S1 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 121 110 11 10 10 12 122 O Willis 12 Celebrate GolKose SmMaggie 53421 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 17 110 5 1 1 21 S2 O Willis 10 Thirty Seven Hilly Joe Hoover HooverE2955 E2955 Tijuana 34 115 good4710 110 9 11 9 S2 82 H Rowe 12 Zamloch LltPncess AuntAnnic 52875 Tijuana 1 l41fast 8f 107 2 V2 2 4 4OLD 4 6s C l II Jones 7 PtoPoint PerLady LPriucess OLD HOMESTEAD b g 6 112 112Trainer By King Cobalt Beckon by Plaudit Trainer Z Barnett Owner M Murray 53554 Tijuana 34 l14fast 21f lit 10 7 7 S2 S3 R Dority 13 FrankSliannon Sandab BISabio BISabioi3155 i3155 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 21f 97 9 S S 92 12 = A Gantner 12 JohnJr Hars Heir Ike Mills 2912 Tijuana 51 f l09slov 13 11511 11 11 It I0t2 C Thpson 11 HarsIIeir GoldItose PrIlaby 12827 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 3 112 S 73 31 1 C Thpson 12 Kl Sabio Lantern Mondaine 12GS1 Mondaine12GS1 Tijuana 1 145 slow 14 112 GS C Thpson 11 Horynut Itroyvn llee 15 Slllng