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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Feb 1 1920 143 15 6 122 SAM HILL b g C 112 112Trainer By Solitairo II Bremorhafen by Sandringham Trainer E F Wright Owner G Kelly 53575 Tijuana 1 l42fast 145 102 02 2 3 3 3 35352G 4 331 J Noble S Cobrita Pierrot Frank Waters 5352G Tijuana 1 18 155 fafit G 104 2 4 G 4 4534GS 32 3 J Noble 8 Nepperhan Sasin Cork 534GS Tijuana 1 110 148 fast i 90 4 7 0 0 C21 G M Josiah 7 Piedra Trophy Reydo 53423 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast S 105 05 3 367 G 7 7 7E3397 G 42i II Rowe 7 Little Gink Cork Dickie W E3397 Tijuana Im70y l45fast Of 105 2 G G 9 9BELLE 71 7ls R Lowe 10 Trophy WMMgomery Dkhaud BELLE FLOWER b f 3 99 By Meelick Apple Bloom by Cayuga Trainer T Proctor Owner T Proctor 3590 590 Tijuana 1 l43fast 3710 2 1 1222 2 2 21 227 A fianlnor 11 MissDunbar GoOu XeoshoDale U552 XeoshoDaleU552 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 24 105 4 777 7 ° D Powell 11 George James Alajah Aryannn 3477 Tijuana 34 llH fast 41 93 1 7 7 102 14 = E Josiah 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 2558 Tijuana 1 150 mud G S7 3 H B BwerlO Canute LJosephine Centervillo 243G Centervillo243G Tijuana Im70y l4Cfust 4 1C 22 B Marielli LeDinre AreyA Bof theKit 2382 Tijuana 34 l15fast 8 109 32 M Slgnter 9 LadyLovitt AudreyA FIMoon FIMoondlSS dlSS WELLS b m 9 105 By Irish Exile Ruth Wells by Nonchalance Trainer L D Hutchinson Owner Alien Wilkorsoti ES507 Tijuaan 1 143 fast 3S 103 10 10 10 9 S3 S D Powell 10 JiiIyFIy LHarrigan El Hoy 52S2S Hoy52S2S Tijuana Im70yl40 fast 4flf 112101212 12 12 I28 U McCrnn 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudie 52751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 22 105 7T O Willis 10 Mayworth Boreas Vou Lady 52G70 Tijuana 1 l481fchvy Sf 105 10552COS S O Willis S Weinland Boreas llernlce K 52COS Tijuana 51 f l10slow 110 110 CJ O Willis 10 E Harrigan M Euretta DotH CZARDOM b h 5 113 113Trainer By Royal Realm Zoara by Matchmaker Trainer C Why to Owner C Whyte 53478 Tijuana 1 l43i fast 91011511 7 G 4 31 2U B Mariellill BVkhornll LPointer Electric EC457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3110 110 022 2 23 2 J B Marielli 8 Zetetic Tours Fairy Prince 3395 Tijuana 1110150 fast 2910 112 G 4 C 7 S2 915 II Jones 12 Sadie 1 M Lever LJoseplilne 52331 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 9 115 S G 5 2 I2 2 i B Marielli 8 IlnsyHird PatMack Itnnecraft 53321 Tijuana 34115 fast SC 10710 5 S S2 751 B MarieIH15 Kof Pythias Rosellis Lantern LanternMIKE MIKE DlxcnTrainer DIXON br g 5 102 By Banrsdale Baby Diion by Sir Dlxcn Trainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham Grahamr3554 r3554 Tijuana 34 lllfust 21f 110 13 12 12 H3 11 II Jones 13 FrankSliannon Sandal BISabio 53524 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 27f 105 12 S S 10110T H Jones 14 Soulleacli Lettyltoc MFniuklln 534C5 MFniuklln534C5 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 13f 110 10 13 1 13 132 E HaywrdlS Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish 53195 Tijuana 1 110 160 fast 13f 101 S 11 It 11 12 1221 D Hum 12 Sadie D MLever LJoscphine 53317 Tijuana Iin70y 147 fast 22f 107 9 4 2 3 7i 91 J Majestic 10 Dickie W Humnia Cobrita BELLE OF THE KITCHENchm8 108 By Hurst Park IsLeU Hermence by Heraieno HeraienoTrainer Trainer C C Emmcrt Owner Clear Lake Stable Stable5S5G7 5S5G7 Tijuana 1 143 fast 23 10S 0 9 17 10 1015 II Rowe 10 JulyFly LIIarrigan El Key 53554 Tijuana 34 l14fast 21f IOC 12 13 13 13 13 II Rowe 13 FrankShannon Sandal BISabio 62GS3 Tijuana 1 l44slow C 110 6 H Rowe 10 Audrey A Tours Rifle Shooter ShooterB2436 B2436 AudreyAB2193 Tijuana Im70y l4Cfast 32 103 410 H Rowe 0 LcDinosre BFlower AudreyA B2193 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast 3910 IDS 5 3 Rowe 7 Mike Daly Baby Sister Illulu IlluluEMELDA EMELDA ch m 9 100 By Salvation Armadora by Gano GanoTrainer Trainer J B Clark Owner Topponish Stable StableD3479 D3479 Tijuana 1 l13fast 41 103 3 5 G G 51 5s E Joslah 10 Rosellis Tours Miss Sedalia SedaliaE3395 E3395 Tijuana 1 11C 150 fast 13f 102 12 10 8 8 74 7 i A GantncrlJ Sadie D MLcver LJosephine 5229S Propliecy6185S Tijuana 1 l42fast 14 109 11 Rowe 12 Tambian AnJackson Propliecy 6185S Tijuana 34 115 fast 158 115 8 J F Baker 9 Delancey Ocadourll JJMock 47963 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 24 111 B J McBrlde 9 McrLass AJackson MurlelsPet MurlelsPetPETELUS PETELUS br g 12 107 By Peep oDay Myrtelui by Mirthful MirthfulTrainer Trainer J B Clark Owner Toppenish Stable Stable534SO 534SO Tijuana 1 1S 2035fast 0 ISC 5 C C C 6 6 G J Ison 0 Coronado CertainPnt Appletto 53120 Tijuana 1 11C l49fast 32f 109 S 12 11 11 101 10 J H tamer 13 FannicNail MissSedalia Zetetic 53265 LJphlneE26S3 Tijuana 1 l4Ghvy 62 112 4 5 C 7 74 752 H Rowo 12 CliMaster Dandy Van LJphlne E26S3 Tijuana 1 l44 slow 71 117 S Ss = s B Haywd 10 Audrey A Tours Rifle Shooter ShooterC2558 ShooterC2558 C2558 Tijuana 1 150 mud S 110 7TJ A Zeigler 10 Canute LJosephine BleFlower BleFlowerAFTEK BleFlowerAFTER AFTER NIGHT b g 8 107 By Peep oDay Sena Goodrich by Goodrich GoodrichTrainer Trainer F S Cooper Owner F Cooper 53437 Tijuana 34 l14fast 40 115 6 6 C 6 f 19 II Farrow G GrnMint MStathein KIndian 51961 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 30 10 9 9l = l C Whitton 9 OMbach TRridgi BofthuK BofthuK51S37 51S37 Tijuana 34 l15 fast 54 115 5 i P MarinezlO Clias Canncll Striker Modiste 61766 Tijuana 1 l41fast 10 110 G2 C Duggan 7 Cobrita RillDeitchmauMeelicka RillDeitchmauMeelicka4S913 4S913 Reno 1 l43fast 95 111 2 2J = 1 C Tmpson G Zamloch Mont Belle Ben Levy LevySKY SKY PILOT ch h 8 110 By Star Shoot Francei Hindoo by Hindoo HindooTrainer Trainer J E OShea Owner J Anderson 53305 Tijuana ImOy 148 fast 49 120 C S 8 8 S S1S B Pinngar 9 BabyFst LitOrphan LJphine 53293 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 16f 112 10 11 11 11 11s 9 B Pinnegrl2 King Agrlppa El Roy SadieD 53245 Tijuana 1 l45slop 30 1131010 D 8 S 7 P Martinez 10 Maud M Sasin Patsy Mack 53023 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast GOf 110 11 11 11 11 11 10 P Martinezll Ostentatious MSedalia MaudM 52862 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 114 112 G 6 6 6 6 G15 J Murray 6 Gen Byng Saner Little Gink LADY BloomsburyTrainer ENFIELD blk f 4 M 98 By Enfield Comette by Bloomsbury Trainer B Enos Owner F B Doyle 53592 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 14f 99 G G G 7J fi5 D Prible 12 El Sabio Mannikin II Alajali 53566 Tijuana 24 115 fast 6f 109 1 1 S 7i GH T McCullhlS Robert Lee Careen Viva 53537 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 38 107 11 11 11 11 11 11 = 2 J Majestic 11 Prophecy M Dunbar RHgan 53477 Tijuana 34 l14fast IGf 104 12 11 It II1 9 D Powell 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 53443 Tijuana 34 I15fast2710f 109 0 12 13 13 13 L Gaugel 13 Review Cobalt Little Orphan MISS ANANIAS ch f 4 M 101 By Eyebrow Lottie Darr by Ethelbert EthelbertTrainer Trainer W C Weant Owner W C Weant 53557 Tijuana 4i f 53 fast 26 104 7 788 S13 H Jones 8 LGentry BSquirrel LadyMck 52192 Tijuana 1 l42fast 19f 104 772 B Taylor 11 Boreas Zetetic Centervilie 51817 Tijuana 1 l41fast 112 105 11 O Willis 11 Salgeorge Modiste BDtchman 51669 Tijuana 58 104 fast 57 111 912 F Chiavta 9 Crispie Cancion Lady Small 51578 Tijuana 34 l17fast 13 104 9 F ChiavtalO Chantress C Junia RedWilliam RedWilliamDOCTOR DOCTOR DOOBLEY b g 5 M 107 By Luck and Charity Winifred D by Knight ot otTrainer Trainer S F Varian Owner S F Varian the Thistle 53590 Tijuana 1 l43fast SO 113 534 G 11 II18 T McCulhll MissDimbar BelleFlower GoOn 53566 Tijuana 34115 fast 43 113 S S 12 12 = 12 A Zeigler 13 Robert Lee Careen Viva 53405 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 105 108 1 2 7 10 13 = 13s0 A Zeigler 14 Runecft LOrphan ChatCourt 53361 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 46 115 7 1 1 1 4J 7T A Zeigler 12 Ilelman LitOrphan YkLassie 53305 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 9S 117 7 4 4 6 5 433 A Zeigler 9 BabyFst LitOrphan LJphine ELECTRIC b m 12 110 By Martinet Perdition by Sandringham SandringhamTrainer Trainer W L Stanfield Owner Mrs W L Stanfield 53569 Tijuana 1 116 l48fast 5f 103 1 S 8 S 7 671 B Josiah 12 Ilelman FanNail Shenndoah 53178 Tijuana 1 l43Vfcfast 21 107 10 G 6 G 5s 4 J B Josiah 11 Bkltornll Czardom LPointer 53459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 26f 106 11 10 10 10 9J 9 D Priblo 11 TokMarch BenLevy PatMack 53306 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 103 105 9 8 9 9 9 9 D Prible 9 Bardora Humma Cork