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EIGHTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 20 1916 111 25 3 110 110JOHN JOHN JR b g 8 109 By ICarta Santa Maude Fealy by Bex Btroma BtromaTrainer Trainer J Mannale Owner Mannalo Chapron Chapron5S529 5S529 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 1110 114 8 77 fi2 4 i B Parke 9 MKuretta OIWixxl HiirHeir 53455 Tijuana 5i f l07fast 2J 112 4 44 21 13 B Parke 12 HarsIIeir IkeMills KlgSmokc 53422 Tijuana 1 l40fast 51 96 6 2 3 3 32 41 B Josiah 7 Nebulous Hyanpom WMontgy 53385 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 1710 111 7 777 52 II Saladin 8 CAComiskcy Capers WMack 53324 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 7 110 G 5 G 31 I2 B Parke 8 Neg Walter Mack Ike Mills ORCHID KING cb g 6 114 By Cunard Arline by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer C W Officer Owner Trowbrldge Officer 53528 Tijuana 1 l41fast 1 111 6 2 1 1 1 J 2i B Marielli 8 Trophy JakeSchas PcorlcssOni PcorlcssOnif f 3460 Tijuana 34 l13fast 75 120 2 44 4 = 1 4 i B Pinngar 7 Lonely WMontgomery DGirl 53441 Tijuana 51 f l07Hfast C 113 7 77 GJ Il B Pinnegr 7 Corncutter DnncingGirl Piznrro 533GG Tijuana 34 l14fast 3J 113 3 33 2i It B PinnegrlO MissManage Franklin Sea Way Way2l 53298 Tijuana 34 l14slow 1910 116 2 33 2l 21 B PinnegrlS MByng BBIackwell IHarvey IHarveyBy WOODIE MONTGOMERY ch g 8 117 117Trainer By First Chip Duchess of Montebello by Banastat Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Irwin5S579 5S579 Tijuana 34 112 fast 22 95 3 4 45 455S50S 5 G2 6 = 1 D Hurn S TothMning DiLand Cahalan Cahalan5S50S 5S50S Tijuana 34 l12 l12fast fast 8 117 7 5 56 56534GO G G2 G 3 P Martinez S lonely MissManage Ike Mills 534GO Tijuana 34 l13fast 11 118 4 3 33 3 22J P Martinez 7 Lonely DancGirl Orchid King 53447 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 3910 118 4 1 1 1 32 21 P Martinez 7 JudgeDavid PeerOne VivCuba VivCubaE3422 E3422 Tijuana 1 l40Vfast S 98 4 5 5 6 4l 3T D Hurn 7 Nebulous Hyanpom John Jr BEES WING blk f 4 101 By Buckhorn Natalie D by Ben Strome StromeTrainer Trainer A E Smith Owner G T Covault Covault5S297 5S297 Stopr1960 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sgslow Tl 106 5 4 G 6 7 78J B Parke 7 Ycrinak Salgeorge Short Stop r1960 Tijuana 1 1S l5fpood 235 103 1 1 2 2 42J 52 B Marielli 7 WMgomy LeDaurc GcnBng GcnBng52SCG 52SCG Tijuana 1 11G l48fast 10 102 1 1 1 1 11 11 B Parke 7 Bob Baker SwApple ClMartin 52SOS Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 11 100 Il V Parko S LittleGink AndroyK BySister 52708 Tijuana 34 115 fast 195 106 3l E Fator 8 LitBch Camflagell CHolters SEDGEGRASS b f 4 105 By Olambala Genesta by Broomstick Trainer H W Barnes Owner H W Barnes 3542 Tijuana 51 f l06fast 1S5 90 5 4 3 43 45 J Noble 7 P Ward DC Land J Ellsworth Ellsworth3IS2 3IS2 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 8 104 7 7 7 Gs G J B Marielli 7 Herder Dancing Girl Ike Mills 3439 Tijuana 61 f lOGVfcfast 7 95 3 7 7 7 7 B Parke 7 An Wood BsAIly TothMorn 3251 Tijuana 51 f lOSslop 1710 108 2 21 I2 lji G Ycargln 11 Lonely BBIackwell Nichtstick 3043 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 32 103 1 11 1 S3 G Yeargin 11 BBIackwell John Jr EIndian MISS IngoldsbyTrainer MANAGE b m 5 106 By The Manager Oriental Pearl by Ingoldsby Trainer S Ballinger Owner Ballinger C off man 3541 Tijuana 1 141 fast 3 107 4 4 3 3 3 = 1 38 D Powell 9 Ike Harvey Yukon Kpiphancs 5350S 350S Tijuana 34 l12fast 9 105 G 4 2 2 = 23 IJ Parko 8 Lonely IkeMills RohtLOwen RohtLOwenCS36G CS36G 3366 Tijuana 34 l14fast 21 107 1 21 1 2 C Gross 10 Orchid King Franklin SeaWay 2900 Tijuana 1 l40fast 85 115 1 1 1 1 1 31 C Gross S Bardora Maud M Chat Court 2792 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4310 114 I3 C Gross 10 ApJack Delancey LitPriucesa LitPriucesaGREEN GREEN MINT b g 5 111 By Spearmint Greenvale by Hamburg HamburgTrainer Trainer G W Dodge Owner Los Angeles Stable 53577 Tijuana 5 f l07fast 16 113 S S S S 7 = C Whittn 8 Mannchen Shifty Lonely 53541 Tijuana 1 141 fast 2310 112 3 G 5 5 5h 5 H Rettig 9 Ike Harvey Yukon M Manage 53437 Tijuana 34 l14fast 95 115 5 54 21 in C Gross G MissStathem Eastlndlan Parol 53408 Tijuana 34 l13fast 15 111 9 97 fij 4l II Rettig 9 Grt Hawk RLOwen Pizan Pizan533SO Pizarro Pizarro533SO 533SO Tijuana 61 f l07fast 51 112 5 5 55 G 3 2s C Gross G Betsinda MStathem LIoinl LIoinlDANCING LPointer LPointerDANCING DANCING GIRL ch m 6 107 By Olambala Dancing Wave by Top Gallant GallantTrainer Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert 53482 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 85 107 2 43 31 2 W Hinphy 7 Herder IkeMills MadaraByng 53460 Tijuana 34 l13fast 145 110 1 1 1 22 321 W Hinphy 7 Lonely WMontgomery OKi OKing 3441 Tijuana 5S f l07fast 10 10G 6 4 G G2 31 O Willis 7 OrKing Corncutter DancG DancGirl 53366 Tijuana 34 l14Mifast 9 110 4 G G 5l 75J M Buxton 10 OrchKing MManage Franklin FranklinEAST EAST INDIAN br g 4 107 By Delhi Killiecrankie by Kilmarnock KilmarnockTrainer Trainer G J Milter Owner G J Miller Miller5S577 5S577 Tijuana 5S f l07fast G 110 7 7 7 71 42 M Buxton S Mannchen Shifty Lonely Lonely5S137 5S137 Tijuana 34 l14fast G5 113 4 4 3 32 31 M Buxton G GrecnMint MissStathem Pnrol Pnrol5S043 5S043 Tijuana 34 l15 hvy 5f 103 10310 10 10 8 6 441 B Marielli 11 BBlkwell ToImJr Se Ipegr Ha 52990 Tijuana B8 101 fast 26 102 7 7 777 G M Slghter 7 Shifty Roy Dewcy Myrtle A 51167 Empire 1 l40Miast 20 11G 6 6 G 6 6s 6 C Robson 7 SwpCln T Wagoner LaRablco LaRablcoDON DON JOSE ch g 6 109 109Trainer By Ballot Micaela by Watercress Trainer A Noyes Owner A Noyes NoyesE3005 E3005 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4110 115 7 3 B2 55i H Rettig 8 ClaudeWeaver BPaync JohnJr 52973 Tijuana 1 141 fast 83 112 3 1 1 221 2 E Taylor 9 BShilling JJMdock Canaria 52878 Tijuana 34 l13fast 3310 112 3 44 4s 22 H Rowe 8 WMgomery MPnell Pizarro 52755 Tijuana 34 l13fast 3 114 45i H Rettig 9 RLOwen Neg WMontgomery 52G32 Tijuana 34 l15slow 145 114 43 D Powell 11 Mannchen John Jr Neg ftegOUR OUR MAID b f 4 107 By Uncle Busy Edith by Yanke Trainer J L Crawford Owner R Parton 53556 Tijuana Im70y l46Vsfast 185 111 321 1 31 58i C Whittn 7 Runecraft AudreyK ByFaust 53461 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 115 112 3 1 1 1 12 1 ° E Haywrd S AudyK GMhlebach PDirect 53410 Tijuana ImOy l45fast 8 107 3 4 G G G2 811 J Htamer S Swt Apple Darnay Charlestn Charlestn533S4 533S4 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast G 107 5 2 4 3 41 55i W Hinphy 7 Reydo HorLerch Wat Willow Willow5S025 5S025 Tijuana 1 14 209fast 12 102 2 3 4 4 1 7s M Slghter 8 HorLerch WaterWillow Reydo ReydoBOONEVILLE BOONEVILLE br g 4 107 By Buckhorn Cutpurio by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson 53422 Tijuana 1 l40M fast 10 97 7 6 G 6 G2 G12 B Parke 7 Nebulous Hyanpom WMontgy 53322 Tijuana 34 l13f ast 4710 104 4 8 8 8 8 G Yeargin S Ccadourll MMlsby Cacambo 53045 Tijuana 1 116 147 hvy 3S 98 2 1 1 1 32 410 B MarlellilS Edwina PPennant TSNPass 007 Tijuana 1 l40fast 4 104 222 2 l k 331 E Taylor 8 Hyanpom HLerch WMontgy