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FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 107HERDER HERDER br g 6 108 By Colin Belgravia by Ben Brush BrushTrainer Trainer Z McGregor Owner Z McGregor fM Tijuana 58 1 ttfast 2710 108 5 4 2 21 22 B Taylor 7 DeLand PhroWard CarMoore t 543 Tijuana 58 101 fast G 110 G 1 1 11 1 E Taylor 10 Shiftv Lonely Corncutter CorncutterII 53482 Tijuana 51 II f 1 107 07 fast 6 108 4 2 2 lu in K Taylor 7 DnncgCIrl IkeAIills MadByng 5344G Tijuana 58 l00fast 1C 103 0 2 22 21 C G Yeargin 7 DeLand JGdman WTlioughts WTlioughtsii 63398 Tijuana 51 ii f l07fast 10 111 5 1 11 12 in D Hurn 12 Hiirrlgnslleir Neg SmilMag E3295 Tijuana 51 i SmilMagi f lOSVislow 61 107 C 2 21 2 In D Hurn 9 HillyJoe EnglisliLudy MliiJim RING blk m 5 115 115Trainer By Leonid Hands Around by Serpent Trainer A Goodin 0wner C De Millo T3GG7 Tijuana 5J f l03fast C5 IDS 2 11 534S9 Tijuana 51 f lOGfast S5 115 1 2 2 31 34 D Powell 7 Top othMoru Pyx Ill Ward Ward52S77 52S77 Tijuana 5S 59 fast 25 107 4 1 1 1s li E Taylor 7 TothMning Shifty Cncutter Cncutter52S30 52S30 Tijuana 58 59fast 35 IOT 3 3 1 I4 I8 B Taylor S Corncutter Pyx ClauileWeavcr ClauileWeavcrG273 G273 Tijuana 58 l00fast i35 10 4 = 1 E Taylor 9 PhroneWd ShermA Coructr CoructrG20S5 MyrtleA617C7 G20S5 Tijuana 58 100 fast 2710 113 24 E IlaywM 7 PlironeWard Harry IX MyrtleA 617C7 Tijuana 5S l01fast 145 111 I3 B Haywrd 7 KCham ItLOwen JFrdrkk 47231 Tijuana 58100 fast 31 105 44i C Gross 0 Orncutter Ph Ward CODoren 47020 Tijuana Gi f lOGfast 6 107 3 = 1 C Duggan 8 IlamtouA Prom Me NorMtelle NorMtelleWILD WILD THOUGHTS b f 3 88 By Ivan the Terrible Dream Girl by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer G J Miller Owner G J Miller Miller534G7 534G7 Tijuana 34113 fast 1310 DC 3 22 1 3 J B Maridino MMlsby VWelles JGoodinnn JGoodinnnKJ446 KJ446 Tijuana 5S l00fast 1 98 5 44 41 35 B Josiah 7 Do Laud J Goodman Ph Ward Ward5333S 5333 5333S Tijuana 5S l00fast 4310 97 5 2 1 1 = J I4 B Mariellllo MaivKcifel Harry Tnibecila C2904 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 31 94 4 43 7 7i B MariellilL DeLand KobtLOwen MyrtleA 62733 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 32 103 2 = 1 B Marielli 7 Jlloslior ItoyDewey Ilyampom 51434 Bowie Bi IlyampomBi f Ii25slop 21 102 2 22 Ink 713 T Jarvis 11 Sobfisatle Fluff Tingling 512S7 Pimlico 51 f l09 fist 175 109 5 42 3 t 441 A Schugr 9 Fcrnwood Mantilla Silence 51219 Laurel 51 f Ill7 slop 1 107 3 11 I2 2l A Schugr 9 BlackTop Kinetic Chin Walsh SEDGEGRASS b f 4 By Olambala Genesta by Broomstick Trainer II W Barnes Owner H W Barnes 53C31 Tijuana 34 l13fast 47 105 4 a 2J 77i B Parke S OKing M Manage K Indian 5t512 Tijuana Gi f lOGMfast 185 90 5 3 43 4 = J Noble 7 P Ward De Land J Ellsworth 534S2 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast S 104 7 7 G GJ B Marielli 7 Herder Dancing Girl Ike Mills 53439 Tijuana 51 f lOGfast 7 95 3 7 7 7 7 B Parke 7 AnAVood ItsAlly TothMorn 53251 Tijuana 51 f l08slop 1710 108 2 21 I2 1U G Yeargin 11 Lonely Bltlackwcll Nightstick 53043 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 32 109 1 11 13 S3 G Yeargin 11 BItlackweli John Jr EIndiau WAR GOD b g C 109 109Trainer By Uncle Tehera by Nasturtium Trainer H Unna Owner Bronx Stable uo 53CG7 Tijuana 51 f l0fast 15 115 G C 6 7 71 W Mclnro 7 Cahalan JudgeEIlswortli RiiiJ 49731 Sartoga 34 lllgood 8 112 G 33 FellC Kobsn 7 Lion dOr War Marvel Salstra 49215 Sartoga 34 112 fast 7 115 9 S S 71 77 C Robsonll Krewcr Blazes Crank Crank4S94G 4S94G Empire Ab 34 111 hvy 12 125 10 12 11 11 8 = 3 C Robsonl2 Ticklish Carmandale St Allan Allan4CC99 4CC99 Tijuana 1 11G 147 fast fi5 132 715 P Fuller 7 GHberta JakeSchas Mist tark tark4CG14 4CG14 Tijuana 1 1S 201Hvy 35 13G G10 D Connlly C Jack Reeves Take Schas Breeze 46524 Tijuana 1 l4Dfast 35 133 I1 D Connlly 0 Mter Mark Freedom JakeSchas JakeSchas4G208 4G208 Tijuana 1 144 slow 15 129 I2 D Connlly 7 Ilreeze Jack Reeves Yermak Yermak4G1SG 4G1SG Tijuana 4i f 6Gslow 910 126 I3 D Connlly 7 Itillie B Myrtle A JEllsworth JEllsworthSEDAN SEDAN b g 7 113 By Jim Gaffney Kitty Belle BrookB by Clifford 53579 Tijuana 34 112 fast 22 97 7 7 7 S S J B Josiah S TothMniiiK DeLand Cahalan 53527 Tijuana 31 113 fast 20 113 2 1 1 4 = 1 4CJ P Martinez Coffield Van Welles MMaulsby 634S9 Tijuana 51 f lOGfast Sf 100 3 G MMaulsbyG C C G 3 I Hurn 7 Top otliMorning Pyx Riiis RiiisG TC439 Tijuana 51 f lOG fast 7 100 C G 5 G1 652 D Hum 7 An Wood KsAlly TothMorn 633S3 Tijuana 34 l13fast S2 114 8 7 8 S4 7 A P Martinez 12 Cacanibo Vanessa Welles Pyx 53322 Tijuana 34 l13fast S 109 7 43 5 G J U Hurn S CcadourlL MMIsby Cncnmbo B32CG Tijuana 5S l02hvy 12 114 G G C 5 G1 P Martinez 7 Muiiiivhen Joe Tag Cacambo 53044 Tijuana 34 l14hvy 15 108 1 C 7 815 P Martinez S IndgeHllsxvorth KiilahF Liola 52006 Tijuana G f lOCfast 21f 112 5 33 41 4 1 E Haywd S TothMing Wynnewd PWrd G2GSG Tijuana 34 l14slow Gf 117 GJ P Martinez 9 L in BVk A Wood MANan C25G1 Tijuana GJ f 110 mud 8 103 2 = i P Martinez 8 IkeyT IlamiltonA J Uoodman