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KINGS PLATE WORK AT WOODBINE TORONTO Ont April 28 At Woodbine Park today on a fast track Chief Sponsor beat Royal Visitor a head in a threequarters dash from the barrier running the distance in 118 Royal Visi ¬ tor was away in front but Chief Sponsor finished fast fastAmong Among other Kings Platers to work out were the following Greybourne threequarters in 119 Blarney Boy fiveeighths in 108 Bloor three eighths in 39 and Francis Britain threeeighths in 41 41St St Paul last years Kings Plate winner went fiveeighths in l03i and Irish Jig worked three quarters in 122 122W W Wilson has arrived at Woodbine Park from Oakville witli two horses of his own Great Scott and Lieutenant Seas and seven others as follows W B Ellicotts Bencher and Superba Alfred Rogers Keltic and Goblet H C Cox Glen Mayne W Northgraves Sweet Colleen and S Montgom ¬ erys Kings Plater Alice Ann by Anmer Alice K Jockey MeAtee has been engaged to ride the Wilson jumpers Keltic has been schooled over the jumps and gives great promise as a steeplechaser steeplechaserMrs Mrs L A Livingstons horses arrived from Cobourg in charge of Matt Freattes Jr The string includes Flea Moll Cutpurse Spearhalf Ragged Robin Mouse Ear Swift Career Tipsey Dance and three others The first five are entered in the Kings Plate