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SEVI3NTir HACK 1 Allies yciroI ls niul upward Claiming LOUISE WYNNE b f 3 84 B BTrainer By Golden Maxim Lady Lextngton by Hasting Trainer M Olive Owner T Hi Wilson a V VJW 53751 HdeGe lfn7Uy IMG fast 7 97 3 2 1 1 I1 2 2526ni 21 L Penman 9 Natural LucyKate Toss Up Up526ni 526ni Bowie 1 110 lCfast 5 94 6 8 7 5 G5 G G5U559 G5j Jj renipan Kohinoor Benevolent Spdster Spdster5U559 5U559 Bowie 78 129 fast 0 98 244 1 1i 1 = 1 L Penman 7 Midian Starry Banner Legacy 53513 Bowio 7S l2Slfast 29 102 245 G G2 7 3 II GrogorylJ Moroni Lloyd George Dr Jim 52727 FGnds Im70y l50 hvy 10 106 7 6 5 2 21 2 = Roberts 1 Itustlpr JArhor Will oUipWp oUipWp52T99 52T99 PGnds 5J f lflffast 12 1031 9 9 Gl 5J G Babin 12 CelticLass Oralgo GenAgmte 52449 PGnds Im70y l41fast 8 ilJ14 913 12 1211012 M Schwtz 14 C Kambler Koislerer Big Idea 52271 PGnds 34 l15good 41 1021 2 5 7 21 32 J Ileiipcl 13 Rolo Omcr K Tutt WAR TAX b m 6 99 By McGee Polly Grant by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer C R Smith Owner F Dolbarrio fSIOl Havana ImMy Iill fast 4 10 1443 3J 4i R Lcnstcr 10 Discord IxBalnfrc SccCrtislii 53373 Havana 31 115 fast 10 107 9 97 6l 21 II Pobsonl SevonSias Aigrette Prom Tom 53300 Havana 34 lUlifast iO 10S1 6 G 7 6 731 J Francis 10 FlyFrog MoldieroT EdMcHrlili EdMcHrliliKUiGl KUiGl Havana lmWy l44fast 10 100 222 2 41 5 Or Fields 8 Fireworth OMallcy TJHiiiii 53218 Havana Ini50y l41Afast 12 103 605 3 = 7S3 R Lcaster 8 WHaveu OMalley BiWdim 5J1S3 Havana linEOy l44fast 15 103 7 4 3 2 3i j 11 Robspii 8 Punctual Chimera AigreTt 55150 Havana Im50y 146 fast 710 103 G 4 2 2 lk 1J it Lcaster 8 BolicrNa Brceria Royal Biscuit Biscuit5m 5m Havana 34 l13fast 10 103 4 7 7 2 2nk 3 31 R Lcaster 7 Hush FlyingFrog TwcntySftYpn TwcntySftYpn52S82 TwcntyftYpn52SS2 52S82 Havana 1 l42 ll2Vigood good 21 101 222 2221 1 Ink 3 31 G FJcIdp Chimera AnicrSoldlcr Mayr se se52S23 52S23 Havana 1 l40fast 2 101 744 4 3h 323 N J Brncsjo TLlIpgan ElConmel Kiivsuii 52720 Havana ImSOy 143 fust 2 100 5 2 1 1 31 5 ° 3 R Lcaster 8 Mather Am Soldier El Curouul SAMMY KELLY b h 5 By Sweep Absent Friend by Theophilua Trainer T J Carroll Owner T J Carroll 53S41 HdeGe 1 116 148 lj st 7 112 G 4 2 a 4t 4 A Collins 12 BarOne Fgtown MormonKIdcr 53752 HdeGo 1 116 l48 fast 9 107 3 4 4 3 32 21 A Collins 10 IIODay PGKing Wlnconiie 53676 HdeGe Im70y l47fast 75 116 123 3 2 2 A Collins 12 Speedster Maize Sundiiria 53637 Bowie Im70y 14S fast 12 109 3 3 3 3 31 43 A Collins 7 Manoevre Ballybell Sum Sign 535S4 Bowie Gi f l19fast C 110 7 42 35J A Collins 8 JockScot FfecUheGrt BaVhell 53495 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 75 110 6 li 1 = L Ensor 14 GenAgte Amksih Clieruhlno 52378 FGnda 1 11G l47fast 4 108 4 1 2 3 72 712 H King Mab Capt Burns Light WJue 52345 FGnds Im70y 145 fast 4 105 3 3 2 2 2 23 H King 8 IIODay LightWine JncksUw E2231 PGnds 31 l19Mhvy 5 114 8 8 6 52 4 J J RodgezlJ Kirah ThdayNighter Trackstar ORENZO br m 5 103 By Lorezno Geoffroi by Sir Geoffrey u Trainer F H Smith Owner F H Smith 5S753 HdeGe 1 11G l49fast 12 9SJ G 447 12 123 M Harson 14 Mor Elder Mather Iron Boy 53631 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 6 10G 144 4 V lnk n Holway C Hackamore Nebraska Spdstcr SpdstcrC3G09 C3G09 Bowie 1 110 l51fast 4310 105 7643 3i T2i A Richcrkll Chatngcr Arbitrafor Hkamore 53530 Bdwle 1 11G r505igood27lO 100 1 1 1 2 Ink 31 A Allen 8 Tan II Yaphank Alma B 53500 Bowie 1 ilG 151 fast 15f 101 111 2 23 23 A Allen lit Bar One Warlike Tan II 62449 PGnds Im70y l41fast 30 110 9 14 14 14 132 13 G Babin 14 C Rambler Roisterer Big Idea 52419 PGnds 1 14 206fast 50 101 8 G 11 12 13s 131S G Babin 1C Nominee Lad Pit 52031 Jefson 1 11G l491 fast 12 110 6 8 10 10 10 10i8 F Lux 10 Aztec Colonel Lit Indolence SHE DEVIL ch m 5 99 By Pbep oDay Meddlesome She by Meddler Trainer P J Mllei Owner S J Mllei 53774 HdeGce 1 14 2135 slop 13 90 5 C GM1 11 II13 H Harbnell Court Fool Railbird Warlike 53711 HdcGce 1 18 l5Gfast 12 99 4 4 7 6 G3 Gl E HarbnelO Atrator Slenc GeorgeDiincan 53652 HdeGce 1 1S l55fast 26 98 1 3 3 3 21 G1 L Penman 9 Antoinette Mather Austral 3279 Mobile Ab 61 f 131 hvy 710110 1 34 I3 1 II Ericksn 0 O James Dahinda Countess 53154 Shport 5 f lOSfast 10 105 2 478 815 S Wida 8 LitMaudie StJust FirstPult 52119 Jcf son 1116148 fast 15 IQi 3 2 2 4 41 5 J J Roberts S Sandy Mac Bengali Mab MAIZE ch f 4 99 By Uncle Malta by Himyar Trainer W H Fizer Owner W H Fizer 53774 HdeGce 1 14 2137 213slop slop G 102 2 4 4 C I 3i G1 G Babin 11 Court Fool Railbird Wrarlike 53676 HdeGe Im70y l47fast 7 100 11 10 G 4 i 33 35 G Babin 12 Speedster SamKelly Sunduria Sunduria53G22 53G22 Bowie 1 116 l5Qfast 7 102 G 5 G 7 8 S13 G Babin 8 OakrnBelle Ettalie AnnaGallup 53602 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 12 102 S 3 6 4 42 4 G Babin 12 Tan II Toss Up Toreador 53522 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 7 102 2 3 3 1 I1 in G Babln 11 AlPieice Crumpsall ThQuecn 50695 Jamaica 34 l13fast 20 100 6 7 6 6s Gl G Babin 7 LbcLeaves GenieW Larghetto LarghettoTHISTLE THISTLE QUEEN b m 7 99 By Knight of the Thistle Handzarra by Handsel HandselTrainer Trainer J Beamish Owner R Pending 53676 HdcGe Im70y l47fast 23 108 5399 S H20 L McAtcc 12 Speedster SammyKelly Maize Maize53G33 53G33 Bowie Gi f l21fast 17 98 7 57 51 463 1 Schwtz S DbleVan Amackassin Tdstool 53549 Bowie 1 116 152 good 125 105 5 6 7 7 7 727 A Alien 7 Mary Erb Arbitrator Almino 53522 Bowie 1 116 l51f ast 22 100 4 5 5 5 5i 43 A Allen 11 Maize Al Pierce Crumpsall 53471 Bowie Gl f l23slov 9f 115 13 14 14 14 13 J Bell 14 PCnelly Amkassin Cmpsall Cmpsall5IB50 5IB50 Bowie 1 18 l59fast 25 107 5 5 S S 8 S J Mooney 8 Wdthrusb JkRecves Smental 1 12 239fast 16 09 4 1 6 8 8to J Mooney 8 Jack Reeves Great Gull Rouen LENJOLETTR b g 5 By Spearmint Confection by Isinglas Trainer G Peterson Owner G Peterson Peterson53S62 53S62 HdcGce 1 14 2OSfast H lOo 3 12 1 Gi 5 = C Ponce 12 LEmmeline Padua P G King 53807 HdeGe 1 116 l49fast 3710 106 Z 3 2 1 2 21 C Ponce 8 Iron Boy Rhymer W Haven 53728 HdeGce 34 l14fast 33 10611 11 11 91 7s C Ponce 12 Napoli Caubeen Midian 52647 HdeGce 34 l Sfast 69 113 11 7 S 71 622 C Ponce 1C Optimism EnricoCaruso Midian 53510 Bowie 34 l14ysfast 20 111 3 10 9 9 918 C Ponce 10 Carline S Medusa Toadstool 53471 Bowie Gi f l23slow 7 117 12 10 10 101 12 C Ponce 14 PCnelly Amkassin Cmpsall 51560 Jefson 51 f 110 hvy 185107 5 3 3 3J 2 C Ponce S Resist DrCpbell MadamByng 51230 Empire 1 lttfthvy1 35 109 3 3 2 1 1 1 C Ponce 4 Chimera Blodwiri Chcrubiho ChcrubihoATTORNEY ATTORNEY b c 3 87 By Strephon Haversack by Martinet MartinetTrainer Trainer M Hackett Owner W L Saundors Saundors5CG3S 5CG3S Bowie 1 l10l51fast 33 91 1 1 4 G 3l 3 J J Wallace 7 Sunduria Toreador Warlike 53C02 Bowie 1 110 151 fast 29f 95 9 12 12 10 8 = S11 M SchwtzlU Tan II Toss Up Toreador 63513 Bowie 7S l2Sfast Slf 105 4 2 7 8 Si 9 J McTagtl2 Moroni Lloyd George Dr Jim JimE15S6 E15S6 Bowio 1 l47hvy TO 107 10 8 S 8 S 72 L Morris 11 Tingling Ross R Explosive 51441 Bowie 7S l34mud 34 112 5 54 41 I3 J Heupel 7 Nohant Julieanne MollieBarncs 50951 Laurel 34 l15fast 62 110 4 78 91 93 R RomellllO Salesman Bygone Kaffir Girl 50222 HdeGce Gi f l08fast 25f 112 9 8 S 31 71 T Pargtonl2 WildTghts Loushland Galiot AXMA B br m 7 99 By Hessian Court Dance by Bouiieau BouiieauTrainer Trainer G W Atkinson Owner G W Atkinson 53752 HdeGe 1 116 l48 l48ifast ifast 21 96 2 10 S 8 S L Penman 10 IIODay SKelly P G Kingi 5SC23 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 4 102 8 7 7 7 63 5 = 1 J Htamer 8 Aztec Sunduria Paul Connelly 53588 Bowie 1 116 l51 fast 245102 444 2 I3 1 = L Penman 9 Warlike Polygamist Indolence 53564 Bowie 1 14 212fast 13 93 1 4 G 4 5l 3 = 1 L Penman 8 Pit Sunduria Aztec 53530 Bowie 1 110 l504igoort 19 99 5 G 5 3 41 44i P Lux 8 Tan II Yaphank Orenzo 53500 Bowio 1 116 151 fast 15f 101 6 3 7 G 92 7 ° P Lux 13 Bar One Orenzo Warlike 53170 Shport 1 18 l55Mfast 30 101 2 7 5 7 712 5 J Shelepets 8 P G King Solid Rock Sunduria GEORGE DUNCAN b g 6 104 By Blues Errant Lady by Knight Errant Trainer W Eizer Owner J Griffin 53811 ILdcGc 1116118 fast 19 10S 7 S 7 S 7 6 ° 1 L McAteo 12 BarOne Fgtown MormonEIder 53753 HdeGe 1 116 l49fast IS 101 13 11 S C 7 5l R LcasterK Mor Elder Mather Iron Boy 53711 HdeGco 1 1S l5Gf ast 4310 109 732 2 3l 32 R LcastcrlO Atrator Sarleno LorenaMosa 5 iJ1 Bowie Im70y 1 48f ast SO 108 3223 31 5s G Babin 7 Wdthrush Manoevre Roisterer 53476 Bowie 1 110 lG23lov 5f 111 12 S 9 G 71 7i G Babin 1C Koh1nuor J Reeves GDawn 52641 PGnds 1 18 t53fast 15 110 4 2 2 3 G2 G5 J J Mney 8 Pit Aztec Lad 52469 FGnds 1 115 l4Gfast 15 107 G 2 3 3 4 7s J J Mney 8 H ODay Tan II Capt Burns NEBRASKA b IT 7 109 By Ballot Star of tho West by Montana iv ivTrainer Trainer J D Heard Owner G H Abbott rS07 HdoGc 1 110 l49fast 3310 101 421 3 3 S3 J Gneisen S IronBoy LEnjolcur Rhymer 53031 Bowie 1 110 l51fast 10 105 422 2 21 3J G Babin J Orenzo JJackamorC Speedster Speedster53GOS 53GOS Bowie 1 110 l51fast 3310 115U1 7 5 G Si 7 J Rodkczll Kesitih Yaphank BcnHanipson 53535 Bowie 1 110 150 good 17 100 7 G 4 7 7l 73 II Gregoryll Xouaye GoldDawn Woodthrtish Woodthrtish6K5U 6K5U Bowie 1 110 JG1 fast 13 10S 1 2 4 4 52 551 J Heupel 7 Berlin Summer Sigh Uendriu Uendriu5270S 5270S PGnds 1 116 IEOhvy 1S5 110 4 4 3 S 7l r K Pollard 12 OldMcKna Yaphk CapBurns 62748 FGnds 1 1S l5ivy 5 107 322 1 22 21 J J MnoylO Goldrrust Boy Newel W Kebo Kebo2in9 2in9 Jefson 1 116 1 48fast 10 112 2 3 4 81 73 J J Mncylt Sentimental HkODay CoIClt 51991 Jefson 1 110 151 hvy 3 103 4 1 1 1 21 in J J Mney 8 N K Bcal Neenah Spearlene BURLINGAME ch g 7 104 By Cunard Sweet Alice by Flying Dutchman Trainer R A Johnson Owner G Luther 58SJ1 irdeGo 1 110 14S fast 48 97 G 10 10 10 102 701 J Htamcr 12 BarOne Fgtown MormotiElder 53732 IIdeGo 1 11G l4Sjffast 67 102 4555 3J 3 J HtamcrlJ Ilkamorc Niilcrker TSndcrg TSndcrg53CX 53CX Bowie Gi f l21fast C910 112 5 7 G 7 G3 A Johnson 8 DhicVaii Amackassin 1dstool 5 58 Bowie 78 l28fast 51 105 1 3 4 4 4l 33j J Shelepets 7 Medusa Kcsist North Shore 51590 Bowie 1 116 I55hvy 215109 7 7 6 G 51 513 V Jcnldria 7 Wilfreda Aigrette Kinglingll 5l 20 Bowie 6i f 122 fast 10 111 8 10 9 101 83 L Morris 14 OldSinner Amackassin Ightcr 50180 BBonts 1 l45hvy 75 102 2 3 4 5 6 7 ° 1 E Pitor 7 Pierrot NMiieybright Dragoon Dragoon5001S 50018 BBonts 1 l41fast G 111 3 1 1 2 Ink t A Plckens S Duke Ruff Medusa Swccplct SwccplctJ9917 J9917 Conght 1 110 l52slow 21 101 2 2 2 1 I1 31 E HarbnelO SemStalwart Statim Honolulu 19846 Con Kht 1 18 l54fast 22 101 1 1 1 5 G1 G i E Harbne 7 Bogart Pit Solid Rock RockLEOTI LEOTI FAY ch m 5 94 By Seth Lady Hildroth by Golden Garter GarterTrainer Trainer J G Bussoy Owner C F Brant Brant537G9 537G9 HdcGco 4 l10slqp 58 lOli 9 S G 43 33i I Fletcher 12 PConnlv FicFancy GcoBovee GcoBovee53ul 53ul Bowie 34 l14ffast 124 97 6 2 2 3 41 J Wallace 10 Uarlinu S Medusa Toadstool 51590 Bowie 1 116 l55hvy 26 99 G 5 G 4 41 412 J Shelepets 7 Wilfrcda Aigrette Kingling II 51520 Bowio 61 f 122 fust 17f 10610 12 11 11 1 M Schwtz 14 OldSinner Amackassin Lghter 51470 Bowie 61 f 124 fast 47 101 G 2 10 91 S R L caster 15 Joeloe Sunrosc TheBelgiapII 51443 Bowie 34118 mud 23 103 7 76 81 Gla M Schwtz IB Turf Burgoyne Huron II HUSH b f 4 111 By Bryn Mawr Murietta by Oddfellow OddfellowTrainer Trainer D Hammond Owner G Holmes 53403 Havana 1 116 117 fast 5 101 1 S 4 3 2nt 3 P Porretto DukcRiiff BuckNail WIIavcn WIIavcnC3304 C3304 Havana 1 116 l4Gf l4Gfast ast 3 104 G 3 1 1 1i 1 ° L Penman 9 Rhymer Emma Discord 53202 Havana 1 110 l4Gf l4Gfust ast 3 101 2 3 2 1 Int 43 L Penman 10 Incinerator BrLine Misicordo 53218 Havana ImCOy l44fast 710 105 2 4l C l L Penman 8 WIIaven OMalley BreadLiuo 53196 Havana ImDOy l43fast G5 98 1 1 1 1 I1 13 L Penman S Jake Fold Roundel Clip 53099 Havana 34 l13fast 45 110 1 43 3 in W Kelsay 7 FlyFrog War Tax TwtySeven 52883 Havana 1 139 good 31 105 6 G G G S2 55 E Barries G Ilarlock Mess Kit Runnyven 52855 Havana 34 l12fast 41 105 1 G 3 G3 4 = 1 E Barnes 0 Osgood Stepson Currency 52739 Havana 34 113 fast 5 105 5 5 7 7 7 = 1 E Barnes 9 TBelgianlL Darnley Rnyvtn 52636 Havana 51 f lOCfast 4 100 2 6 4 31 4 E Barns 7 DifEyus Runnyven Discussion 62512 Havana 34 l13fast G 105 3 4 4 3l 2 E Barnes C Koran Pomerene Polar Cub 51853 Havana 51 f l0fast 20 104 2 555 4i E Barnes G BrcadMan AttaBoyll Penelope 50894 Kwrth Im70y l44fast 11 104 5 4 6 4 51 51 E Barnes 7 Ten Can Anzac Murray 30823 Kwrth Im70y l45fast 49W 10G 245 6 2 2 = 1 E Barnes C Lazy Lou Biddledce Orlorfi OrlorfiAL AL PIERCE KingstonTrainer br g 8 109 By Dick Welles Skyte by Kingston Trainer E Utterback Owner M H Orrison GC81I HdeGc 1 120 I47fast 23 300 7 1 14 5J G3 R Holway 8 Heiidric Mather Joe Joe JoeESG97 ESG97 HdcGe 1 116 l4Sfast 5 1031 522 5 9i 9si T Rice 13 Roisterer AmerBoy PGKing 53522 ThlstlcQucon5IG12 Bowie 1 116 l51f ast 4 116 3 2 1 3 21 2 F Kcogh 11 Maize Crumpsall ThlstlcQucon 5IG12 Bowie Im70y l51hvy 21 115 4 4 3 6 10l 9 C Jackson 14 TForeigner Titanium Malvollo 51444 Bowio Im70y 149 fast G 113 3 2 2 3 41 41 J Pierce 10 Favour Kingling H May W 51488 Bowio 1 116 153 Higood 37 10S 1 2 3 2 2l 3 J Pierco 0 PConncliy Piisen WHBkncr 51470 Bowie 61 f 124 fast 9f 112 1 13 61 71 J Pierce 15 JoeJqe Sunrose TheBelginnll 45848 FGnds 1 1S 200 hvy 15 113 135 S 8 8 = T Pargton 8 Waterproof Lor Moss Bombast 15706 FGnds 1 1S l55good 12 110 065 G G2 8 ° T Pargtonll S Stalwart Christie Le Balafre 45658 FGnds 1 11G l5Ghvy 5 IOC 1 G 5 3 6 ° 5l ° P Bryson fi Iwiniwin Contestant Arbitrator iaEDLAND ArbitratoriaEDLAND RubyTrainer b g 9 116 By Plaudit Ruby Right by Star Ruby Trainer D Hammond Owner G Holmes Holmes53S93 53S93 HdcGce 34 114 fast 41 11413 11 14 13l 10i E Barnes 15 LitMaudie BlackTop Rafferty 53836 HdcGcc 34114 fast lOf 113 15 14 11 II1 9 E Barnes 15 Kirah Trusty Jean Bullant 53769 ItdeGce 34 l16V4slop 5 117 12 11 8 Snk 5 B Barnes 12 PConnly FicFancy LeotiFay 53344 Havana ImSOy l45V4fast il 103 261 i 1 = 1 I1 R McDott 9 Chimera SemStalwart Homam 53517 JnkeFeJd5S300 Havana ImSOy l43fast G 105 6744 64 7si R McDott 7 AraerEaglc Bigldca JnkeFeJd 5S300 Havana 34 Il4 fast 3 11510 7 6 7 105 R McDottlO Flyrrog Molinero EdMcBride 63233 Havana 34 114 fast 21 112 5 33 21 I2 R McDott S Double Eye Sunny Days jUliib 63179 Havana 34 34115 115 fast 2 115 6 4 44 4 4n 5 = J J Brhinlck S Flying Frog Jlajor Domo Sybil GEORGE WASHINGTON ch g 6 6101 101 101Trainer By Celt Sallie Washington by Eon Trainer A G Blakely Owner B Williams 53812 HdeGe 1 110 l16fast 72 101 2 7 7 C M Schwts 7 Beavcrkili HPardnor PGKing 63GOS Bowio 1 116 l51f ast S 101 S S 9 9 93 6J F Cltiletti 10 Keziah Yaphank BenUampson 53521 Bowie 1116 151 f ast Gl 103 4454 41 531 P Cltiletti 11 HloPdner Indolence Warlike 53176 Bowfe 1 116 l52slow 5f 10311 G G 5 61 9 P CltilettllO Kohinoor J Reeves GDawn 62232 FGnds 34 llShvy 30 110 10 987 5 2 H King 13 Burgoyne Keziah Mickey Mopfe 51844 Jefson 34 l18hvy 30 107 9 78 8 ° S11 J McTagtlO DoubleVan Optunity DrQpbell SolldRpckJC411 50921 Kwrth 1 1S l54tffast 52 10S 3 3 4 5 41 4 P Chlavta J DukeRuff J Reeves SolldRpck JC411 Thcliffo 1 310 200fast 30 105 651 P Chiavta 7 DottasBest Buucrana J of Arc Arc600S9 600S9 Dufrln 1116157 fast 2710 105 421 F Chlavta 0 Concha Ramona II Margery 50035 Dufrin 1 116 153 good 1Q 154 v vl l E CWaita 7 Lady Wardt Margery Coatefitaat