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SIXTH RACK 54 Mile Savoy Hotel Purse yearolds and upwaril Fillies upwarilFillies and Mares Allowances May S 1117 111 15 I 115 MELIORA ch m 7 108 108Trainer By TJlUmoi Altiora by Lamplighter Trainer W Perkins Owner R L Baker 52723 FGnds S4 115 htfy 1 107 1 32 51 E Pool S Flibrtygibbot Herald OnGrasa 52641 FGnds 51 f 106 fast 14 101 2 24 onk T Jarvis G Apple Jack II Ablaze Tenlte 52568 FGnds 34 l12fast 165 110 1 1 11 T Jarvis 12 FredtheGt TNephew JkScot 52415 PGnds 34 l12fast 4 111 1 3 42 T Jarvis 11 TgaLg HidJewel MMaxiin 52292 PGnds 34 l14fast 5 106 7 72 61 J J Mney 12 MarieMaxim HidJewel JkScot 51395 Churchl 34 113 fast 5 103 4 3 3 J J Mney 5 ByGolly ClaudeBrown SpgVale 51326 Churchl 34 l124fast 6 103 2 5 5 F CMtllettl 5 UlghCloud BBeuuty GeoStarr 51175 Latonia 34 l14mud 145 106 2 1 i B Pool 12 Amanda Flnrey SaudBeU COTTON MazaganTrainer BLOSSOM b f 4 108 By Luke McLuke Crownlet by Mazagan Trainer J L Faul Owner J L Paul Paul5I3S6 5I3S6 Cliurchl 1116145 good 0 103 2 3 4 5 5 6s J J Mney 5 HighCloud Dresden FairOrient 51322 Cliurchl 34 l133sfast 115 107 3 22 2 2J E Pool 8 Ruby B of War Miss the Time TimeE12S4 Sterling6115S E12S4 Churchl 1 18 liSetmud S 59 3 3 5 5 6 6 J C Buel 5 Woodtrap Sdsof Pleas Sterling 6115S Latonia 1 116 l4Smud 51 103 2 3 4 3 3 35 H Kins 5 Dr Carmen Matineeldol LuckB 61055 Latonia 34 lllfast 7 106 6 7 7 6i 6 i E Pool 7 Jorlce MarjHynes Cllntonvllle CllntonvllleGLORIA GLORIA FRANCE ch f 4 108 By Fataud Handzaretta by Handsel HandselTrainer Trainer R Goose Owner J S Ward Ward53S20 53S20 Lexton 34 l12fast 55 108 5 2 2 lh 3J 11 J Burke 10 Clintonvillc Herald DrCarmen TlieNephewG126 51406 Churchl 34 l14fast flf 109 2 11 11 11s II11 II J BurkeJ3 IIonMan OipsyQn TlieNephew G126 Churchl 34 l14good 12 104 2 7 4 3i 34 H King 13 Blaise Currency John Jr 61326 Churchl 34 l13 fast 27 107J 8 6 6 61 6 H J Burke 9 ANAkin PLight ApJackll 51294 Churchl 78 l27slow 12 109 4 4 4 4 74 73 H J Burkeli SwgGlaiice Serbian Approval 51214 Latonia 34117 hvy 6 1068 8 8 8 817 H J Burke S Beaverkill Anticipate llocnir llocnirC0978 C0978 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 100 1 6 6 6 714 H J Burke S Rifle Lady Luxury Last Coin CoinLAST LAST ROSE ch f 3 101 By Handsel Janice by Midlothian Trainer B 3 Brannon Owner B J Brannon G3Sr3 Lexton 1 l43imud 1910 121 142 2 2s 2 W W Tlor 5 Pongee LMadcap GoldDreams W7S Latonia 4 l127 fast 25 110 4 4 C 71 Il M Garner lit Runun Miiskullunge MfGdwin MfGdwinf EOG42 Latonia f 107 fast 18 103 C 75 41 44i J H Burke 7 CossipAve Bettina Millersburg Millersburgf C03S4 Lexton f l07fast 3710 112 3 22 3 3 = N Barrett 7 AphleDear Millersg MJ Baker E0335 Lexton 51 f l07fast 910110 4 3 3 3 3 N Barrett 5 Millersbiirg AuntleMay KFray 49448 Sartoga 34 113 fast 50 108 7 61 65i J H Burkell S SLreen GJMGouiez Kbble GOLDEN AUTUMN ch f 3 M 86 By Meelick Modena by Armeath II Trainer W B Finnejan Owner G F Knebelkamp 499C2 Devre 5 f lOS goo l S 103 f G 5 C3 6 P Hunt 8 Pongee CeltieLass MarjMcKay 49713 Windsor 34 l13fast 4 107 1 222 3 = 1 W Helnchll MyRose RuthMaxim liiWave 49639 Windsor 51 f l09good t5 111 1 33 23 2 W Heinch 10 Alvin T Hcrt Komper Undine 49432 Ft FtErie Erie 34 l13fast 145 112 1 55 4l 45 W Heinch 7 McGoodwin JWhipple Polytbia 49359 Ft Erie 58 101 fast 10 112 1 44 4 = 2 = 1 S McGraW 11 TheBaggage HeatbBell Sudor 909G Kwrth 51 f l09fast 3910 104 8 9 9 7 5 3 W Heinchl2 Loch Leven NurseJane SCourt SCourtS969 S969 Kwrth 58 102 fast 145 106J 3 5 5 6b 881 W Heinchl2 Doric CbarlotteC LocbLeven 3RIG OF WAR b m 6 108 By Bridge of Allan War Lass by War Dance DanceTrainer Trainer J Haggerty Owner Rosedale Stable 3217 Havana 34 l12fast 3 101 7 7 7 7 71 G Fields 7 Sirocco TBelgianll B Prince 3194 Havana 34 l12fast 85 102 3 11 1s I1 G Fields 7 TBelgianll PolCub Am Bugle 3161 Havana 51 f lOGfast 3 ini 5 5 5 2 G Fields 5 Ossood BlkPrince EdGarrison 3037 Havana 51 f l07fast 85 101 3 22 24 2 R L caster G BlkPrincc Discussion MFeast 12965 Havana 34 113 fast 75 98 3 1111 3 = 3 G Fields 0 Salvo Runnyven Kings Belle Bellei2894 i2894 Havana 51 f lCCfast S 100 5 3 2 23 2 I Gordon G MerryFeast DifEyes PolnrCub PolnrCubMARY MARY GAFFNEY b f 3 96 By Jim Gaffney Grand Mary by Florist FloristTrainer Trainer J H Baker Owner J H Baker 51176 Latonia 34 l16rsmud 27 110 7 10 5 4 = 4 ° T Murray 11 Romance Frivol Mam o Mine 51097 Latonia 34 l13fast 18 114 4 56 9 9 W W Tloi 10 Social Star Artisan Acclaim 51037 Latonia 1 l41fast 35 101 2 2 4 4 5 51 533 W Jarrell 10 Hilly IWlyBarton Barton MrX LouWidrig 50982 Latonia 34 l13 4fast 8 104 S 10 10 10l H15 F Wilson 12 Diniples Cozette Acclaim C0707 Latonia 34 l14fast lOf 104 9 88 61 62 F Wilson 12 Red Legs Rama Bunga Buck 503S4 Lexton 51 f l07fast 9 112 Lost rider B Kenndy 7 ApliieDear Millersrg LastRose LastRoseBRITISH BRITISH MAID b f 3 M 96 By Great Britain Crystal Maid by Pirate of Penz PenzTrainer Trainer W L Lewis Owner W L Lewis arice arice5S93 5S93 Lextdh 34 113 good 37 10516 6 7 61 6 F Smith 8 DarjeeVg AceHigh SirTKean MARY McMAHON ch f 3 M 96 By Magneto Mary Doyle by Transvaal Trainer J H Bibbs Owner A Perry 53873 Lexton 34 l15hvy 34f 11012 11 9 10411 E Graves 12 Bgalese Advocate MPsperity